The two bodies were separated.

Qin fan also knows that this is not the time to talk nonsense. No matter how much it goes on, it can only delay the precious opportunity. Now he is running desperately towards the entrance of the cabin. The circle of the cruise ship is divided into two layers. Qin fan needs to go down to the bottom deck to pass through the cabin and enter the position of the cargo ship.


With the first gunshot on the cruise ship, Qin fan looks back. The gunshot comes from the position of the garden ball. The music stops. It is obvious that the group who transferred the security guards has controlled the villa and manor and is about to start the formal negotiation.

Qin fan is not worried about the local tyrants present.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes. It's better to use it on them.

The purpose of hijacking a cruise ship is to make a fortune.

And these people are the people who are not short of money.

Although in the auction, a lot of people did not come to the fore, showing too bright move.

However, let these people take out a billion and 800 million to buy a life, Qin fan believes that their action of taking out the card must be clean and quick, without any procrastination.

Qin fan didn't care to see much. He had already followed the iron hand on the upper deck to the bottom.

This layer is the deck, which is actually a bridge around the whole hull to facilitate the staff to walk and get off the ship. It is less than two meters wide, and the iron railings about one meter high are around the outside. Under it is the sea water turning into thick ink in the night. Qin fan is more or less frightened when he runs.

Qin fan ran on the bridge three steps at the same time. In front of him, he could see an open iron door of the cabin, but he could see half a figure standing behind the door.

Where did the people who hijacked the cruise board the ship from?

If it's from the cabin, it's a problem.

Without too much hesitation, the figure behind the iron gate heard footsteps approaching. When he turned to check, he was directly shot by Qin fan. The gun was found by the dead security guard on the deck. In order to ensure that Qin fan could arrive at the cabin safely, Guo Tian left by boat and handed the gun to his hand. He had a short knife himself. In this kind of environment, he carried out the task Sometimes it's better than a gun.

After getting rid of the guard at the door, Qin fan slowed down, put his back on the iron door, slowed down his breathing, and listened to the silence inside the door. Then he suddenly turned around and bumped into another strong man who had been waiting in the door for a long time.

"Lying trough..."

Qin fan's eyesight played a role at this time. Seeing that his companion was shot down, he wanted to be a gangster behind the door. He didn't expect that Qin fan would take his body as a shell to rush into the door after a short pause.

The submachine gun he was holding in his arms was directly hit on the ground. He was about to bend down to pick it up, but Qin fan, who was quick eyed and quick in hand, directly raised his foot and kicked it out. At the same time, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the strong man's just bent head and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Yes, such a big man, if he doesn't go out to work well, he will come here to scare me..."

Qin fan was really scared. At that time, he rushed in and bumped his head into the strong man's face. He thought he was going to hang up, but fortunately, the strong man was not prepared. Otherwise, if this type of submachine gun went down, he would be beaten into a sieve?

Thinking and feeling puzzled and resentful, Qin fan raised his hand and shot the strong man again. Then he ran into the iron gate, closed the iron gate and locked it. Leaning against it, he felt a sense of weakness.


A dull explosion, suddenly through the door, into the open cabin.

Qin fan's ears were buzzing with the explosion. When he came back, he was confused. It was obvious that a grenade had just been used on it.

"Wocao, these people don't want to die for money, do they? Isn't it too bad? "

Qin fan sighed with emotion, but he didn't care about the lives of the people above. He only hoped that Hong Xin didn't get involved in the explosion. Then he looked left and right and ran down the stairs in front of him.


Qin fan yelled as he ran.

The stairs were straight. Qin fan didn't have much difficulty in running. There was a lot of room in the cabin. There was no big echo when he cried. However, before Qin fan was sure that there were no more robbers in the cabin, he only dared to shout, stopped his mouth, and groped to go deeper.

The cabin of a giant cruise ship is very big.

It is beyond Qin fan's expectation.

Up and down there are more than one floor high cargo racks, which are packed with all kinds of goods needed by the ship. The continuous placement of cargo racks makes the cabin have many blind spots that can't be illuminated by light, and also makes Qin fan's rapid pace slow down.

"Really thirsty..."

As soon as he saw the wine on both sides of the shelf, Qin fan's heart slowed down, and his eyes were not looking at it.Bang!

At this time, Qin fan also looked at so many things. He held the red wine bag directly, broke the bottle mouth on the iron shelf, raised the broken bottle, raised his head, opened his mouth, and poured it into his throat.


After drinking the wine in the bottle in one breath, Qin fan was about to throw the wine bottle aside when he saw that on the shelf beside him, he was just taking out the empty position of the red wine, and he was staring at himself with a pair of eyes!

"Damn it

Under the tense environment, such a pair of eyes suddenly appeared. Qin fan's hair burst, jumped from the ground, raised his hand and raised his gun to his eyes.

"Are you Mr. Xia?"

Suddenly, eyes speak.

Qin fan is about to pull the trigger finger meal, staring at the eyes in the dark, asked: "who are you?"

"I'm the mouse you're looking for." With the blink of his eyes, he gradually disappeared into the dark. Behind the cargo rack, he came out a middle-aged man in black shorts and white vest with a face full of vicissitudes.

Qin fan continued to point a gun at him and did not move.

"The middle-aged mouse said:" I'm the first one to go with you

Qin fan looked at him suspiciously. Although the middle-aged man's face was old, he didn't look so old. His eyes were sincere, with some fear and fear.

"Well, let's go."

Qin fan nodded, followed the middle-aged man through layers of cargo racks, left here at the iron gate at the end of the cabin, and stood on the bridge. Behind him was a single deck cargo boat with iron chains to help the bridge and undulating on the dark sea.

The mouse climbed up to the cargo ship first, then stretched out his hand and said to Qin fan, "Mr. Xia, give me the things first. You don't have much experience at sea. It's not easy to come here with such a big thing..."

Qin fan nodded and ran all the way with such a heavy password box. He was really tired. His arms were like lead. It would be difficult for him to climb up the chain like a mouse.

Thinking about it, Qin fan raised his hand and threw the code box on the freighter. However, he hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm not sure I can make it through like this. If I fall into the sea, it's over."

The mouse was stunned for a moment, nodded and thought that what Qin Fan said was right. After thinking about it, he said, "I'll go there. I'm strong. Usually, I can come here with a hand anti fish box. This small box doesn't have much problem."

Qin fan looked at his tendons, nodded and agreed to his suggestion.

The mouse took a deep breath, put his two hands on the chain, climbed to the bridge again, and then stood in front of Qin fan on the boat, stretched out his hand and said, "give it to me quickly. If you delay, you will be found by the people above."

"Good." Qin fan weighed the password box in his arms and raised it to the mouse.

The mouse smiles. At the same time, when he reaches out his hand and sticks his two palms to the password box, he suddenly sees a strange smile on the corner of Qin fan's mouth. Then, a violent impact comes from his abdomen. He sees the people and things in front of him getting farther and farther away from him. His body is weightless and falls into the dark sea.

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