That day, Qin fan stayed in the sanatorium.

There are beautiful mountains and rivers, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and the general scenery of Paradise makes Qin fan linger.

Even if he didn't bet with master Huang, he also wanted to live here for a long time to relieve his nervous mood for such a long time.

The only regret is that.

Li Peizi to discuss with her sister in the next time, how division of labor to take care of Chen Tianyang excuse to pull away, did not let Ao jiaonv president and himself a room to sleep.

Qin fan would have believed this excuse if Li Peizi hadn't glared at her before she took Chen Sixuan away.

As she said, eating marrow and knowing taste

Qin fan has been completely immersed in, with a variety of moves to climb the top of aojiaonv president, unable to extricate himself.

So he didn't sleep in the middle of the night.

A person sitting on the edge of the window, relying on text messages with Chen Sixuan to masturbate.

At the same time, confirm with Wu Xiongfei the information from the medical expert team, and Xia Meng's discharge and work situation.

After chatting for more than two hours, Qin fan rubbed his eyes wearily, moved the realization away from the hand screen and looked out of the window.

The night view of the Emerald Valley is beautiful.

Dark mountain scenery at night, pleasant and refreshing night wind, fireflies flying in the jungle, and cuckoo birds with hypnotic melody from time to time Let Qin fan for a time feel back to the most carefree time when he was a child, and full of fantasy age.

Of course, all the facilities in feicui valley are excellent.

The standard two-story green brick and tile building has all kinds of modern facilities in the room, as well as a brand-new mountain road paved with asphalt, street lamps along the road, and security and medical staff everywhere

This is the Holy Land in Qin fan's mind!

It's a pity that this place has been taken over and developed by the Chen family. Qin fan wants to buy it, but he doesn't have the heart to win people's love.

At the moment of bewilderment, Qin fan watched a group of security guards passing downstairs in front of him. He yawned and was about to close the window to sleep when he saw a person in the shadow of the opposite mountain, slowly approaching the bottom of the building.

Qin fan was stunned. At first, he thought it was the staff of the sanatorium, cleaning or security

However, when he saw the figure missing the patrol gap of the security guard and walking from the mountain shadow to the roadside, he frowned and focused on the black bucket he was carrying.

This man seems to be very familiar with the situation in the valley. Now he stands behind the street lamp and evades the surveillance of the cameras on both sides. However, the black bucket is always shaking, full of liquid and looks very thick.

Moreover, Qin fan also noticed that immediately after the man stood here, three more young people rushed out from the same direction of the mountain shadow, each with a black bucket in his hand, then looked at him and scattered around with the bucket.

"Red paint..."

Qin fan saw the disappearance of the four people and vaguely understood what they were doing. However, he felt that with the strength of the Chen family, they should not fall to such a situation, and Chen Sixuan did not mention it

"This silly girl."

Qin fan locked a figure running towards his downstairs. He laughed, got up, left the room and went downstairs.

At the same time.

Liuzi is carrying a bucket full of red paint. After going through the path behind the mountain and winding into the Emerald Valley, he hides himself in the shadow of No. 13 sanatorium building. He begins his weekly work of painting!

"Yes, I don't know how to change people and let our four brothers do this every day. If they are found by the people here one day, they can't be broken?"

Liuzi skillfully picked up the brush in the oil bucket, threw the brush bristles covered with red paint on the wall in front of him, turned his arm hard, and wrote the first word of the task tonight: owe!

"I don't know if it's any use to brush like this. I've been working for nearly half a month, but I haven't got any money. The Chen family used to be the richest man in Nandu, just tens of millions. Even they don't have the money?"

Liuzi muttered and waved his brush. He wrote down the second word of tonight's task on the wall: debt!

"It's a pity that the sisters of the Chen family have never heard of getting married. In the past, the family was rich, pretended to be noble, and had high eyes and low hands. No one could look up to it. Now that the Chen family is in such a bad situation, I don't know who dares to accept it. They can only take advantage of the honest people, but they still don't have the share of us poor people..."

Tonight, the third word gradually appeared: still!

The fourth one: borrow money!

Pay off the debt!

If you let Nandu people see the four big characters that have just been written on the wall and the paint is not dry, they will be surprised to drop their chin.

Pay off debts?

How dare someone write on the wall of Chen's enterprise to pay off debts?

This man must be crazy!

Chen family, the richest man in southern province!Monopoly of the whole person's most profitable all industries!

Almost all the children in southern province know how Chen group exists.

Many people, from birth, study, work, marriage

They were all conducted in Chen's hospitals, schools, enterprises and hotels.

Nansheng wants to be Chen!

Can someone dare to write in Chen's enterprise, especially in private sanatorium, about paying off debts?

This special brain must be sick, because normal will never do such self humiliating things!

And the person who started this, Liuzi.

He used to be a security guard at feicui Valley sanatorium.

After finishing my work on this wall, I stepped back two steps, took a serious look at my masterpiece, bent down to carry the bucket, and began to walk to the next convalescent building.

Today, he has to use this bucket of paint to paint nine small buildings and avoid the detection of security and monitoring. He has a long way to go. I'm afraid he can't do it until early in the morning.

Liuzi sighed. As he was carrying the oil bucket in his hand, he suddenly felt the weight of the oil bucket lighten suddenly. Then a steady voice sounded in his ear: "let me help you."

"Crouching trough, you are so fast?"

When Liuzi heard the voice, he thought it was the other accomplices, but he didn't care.

However, when he realized that he had just finished painting the first wall, and it was the nearest wall, he suddenly raised his head and saw a harmless smiling face facing himself, cracking his mouth and laughing, "hard work, do you have to do a lot of work today?"

"Who are you?"

Liuzi had never seen the man who came out of the room suddenly. Suddenly, his heart was cold. One hand was still holding the handle of the oil barrel, and the other hand had already quietly touched his back to take out the electric stick hidden in his waist.


Where's my electric stick?

Liuzi's hand touched his waist and buttocks. When he found that the electric stick that had been checked on his body had disappeared, he suddenly heard a "zilala" electric current noise, and Yuan Qian's blue light.

"Tell me, what's your name, what's your purpose, and who instructed you to come. There are several people in all. I'll let you go if you make it clear." Qin fan is holding the electric stick, while sparking, while swinging in front of Liuzi's eyes.

After he went downstairs and went out, he followed Liuzi all the way here.

Although after he saw the four characters on the wall, he almost confirmed his previous conjecture.

But to be on the safe side, he decided to ask in person to avoid any misunderstanding.

Liuzi looked up at the young man, who was younger than himself. He avoided the electric stick that was almost on his face and said, "we are here to collect debts!"

"What kind of debt?" Qin fan is curious.

"Of course it's the debt of the owner of this sanatorium!" As soon as Liuzi thought that he was here to ask for money, he began to be more reasonable.

"Chen family?" Qin fan glared.

"What else? When the Chen family bought the mountain, they offered a total of 300 million yuan. At the beginning, they only paid half of the price. Later, they continued to pay some. Up to now, it's still 70 million yuan short. You'd better loosen it for me, or I'll be rude to you! "

After listening to Liuzi's words, Qin fan felt a little puzzled. Even if the Chen family had a series of accidents, they would not be able to take out tens of millions of yuan. What's more, he helped them to deal with the crisis of Jiangliu holding more than 50%. Now, Chen's family should be in the headlines. How could they be splashed with paint?

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