Qin Fanzi said with a smile, "isn't it the first time you've done this?"

Liuzi nodded and said in fear: "today is the seventh time..."

"So long..." Qin fan sighed, "then why don't the Chens ask about what they have done to you? On the contrary, they are a little Afraid of you? "

Judging from the paint scene of each careless treatment, Chen Sixuan, or the manager of this sanatorium, does not seem to want to investigate this matter. Instead, she is a bit ready to cover it up for fear of being known by others.

"Well, Chen Jiabi owes our boss so much money, and I heard the boss say that the Chen family has a serious financial problem now, and they dare not let the outside world know, so they have been hiding and dare not really trouble us." Liuzi said truthfully.

That's true.

Qin fan nodded, "where are the others now?"

"Splashing paint..." Liuzi said awkwardly, after all, every move has been discovered. Now they do these things, but they feel like they are hiding their ears and stealing their bells.

"But if you let me go, I can take you to them and let them go." Liuzi thought about it and said.

"No, you haven't finished your work yet. Come on and do it. After all, you can't explain to your boss if you don't do your work well, can you?" Qin fan grinned.


"Well, remember to write the words well. After all, it's a scenic spot. If you don't read the words carefully, you really don't know what you're writing."

Qin Fan said and waved away.

Liu Zi stood alone and looked up at the four words he had just written on the wall. For a moment, it was a little vague. He went to the street to find the master who wrote with a mop. How could it be ugly?

Qin fan back to the house, took out the phone to call with the number out.

After several busy calls, the phone was connected.

"Qin fan?"

In the receiver, there came a sound of Lori who was a little confused and had not woken up.

"Can I have a check?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Ah, now? Of course

Although she just fell asleep and was called up by the phone to work, Huang Qianqian, who had not seen Qin fan for a long time, was still very excited.

"Well, you turn on the computer first, and then I'll tell you what to look up." Qin Fan said.

"Well, you wait for me for a minute. I'll drive it now."

Huang Qianqian excitedly gets up from the bed, sits in front of the desk, turns on the computer, puts on the Bluetooth headset, and says to Qin fan, "OK, what do you need to check?"

"First of all, help me check the external financial statements and current situation of Chen's group in the past two months." Qin Fan said.


There was a click of the keyboard in the receiver for a moment, and then Huang Qianqian said, "yes, from early August to the middle of this month, Chen's group's statements are in a positive profit state, with the new energy industry as the main pillar. In this month and a half alone, its revenue is 13 billion yuan, plus other real estate, hotels, retail, catering and cultural industries Travel Chen's fiscal revenue in the past two months is 24 billion yuan, which is in a stable profit state compared with 17 billion yuan of expenditure. "

"Well, what about taxes?" Qin fan asked.

"Pay taxes?" Huang Qianqian Leng Leng, then reaction, said "wait a moment", ten fingers scallion, then quickly began to tap the keyboard.


This time, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Huang Qianqian said in a hurry: "in the past two months, the tax payment of Chen's group is 26 million That's not right. With an output value of 24 billion yuan, Chen's group can't pay less than 200 million yuan in taxes. They are not evading taxes, are they? "

"However, since he evades taxes, how can he disclose such a large amount of financial statements to the public, and then only pay more than 20 million yuan in tax? Unless... "

"Unless this financial statement is false." Qin fan sighed and said.

Listed companies regularly publish their internal financial statements to the public in order to ensure that the company's financial accounts are fair and transparent, without the money of black shareholders and shareholders.

The value-added tax and business tax paid to the tax department must be paid according to the actual income of the current month.

In other words, a company's real income can be reflected in the tax situation.

As for the so-called financial statements, it's just to coax those outside to avoid excessive financial crisis, causing panic in the stock market, plummeting market value, and affecting the favor of the capital market

"It seems that Chen's financial situation is more difficult than I expected." Qin fan sighs. It's no wonder that Chen Sixuan has been depressed all this time. She even doesn't hesitate to believe master Huang's nonsense and wants to change Feng Shui

"Yes, more than 20 million tax payments, that is to say, Chen's income in the past two months is no more than 400 million yuan, but they have 17 billion yuan of expenditure. Just by comparison, they have lost more than 10 billion yuan, not counting a series of chain reactions that may occur later. Chen, what's the big problem?"Huang Qianqian's attention to Chen group is no less than Qin fan's.

After all, it is the first enterprise in Nandu.

Now we have cooperation with Shen in many aspects.

As the chief financial supervisor, she will naturally inadvertently focus on Chen.

However, there is another reason, Huang Qianqian will not say.

"Then you can help me check the recent investment situation of Chen group in the past two months. It mainly depends on where the main industry is and what field it is concentrated in. Please let me know if you have any news. Thank you." Qin Fan said.


Huang Qianqian should a, feel Qin fan want to hang up.

"Wait a minute!" She said hastily.

"What's the matter?" Qin fan asked.

"You, you went back to Nandu?" Huang Qianqian asked, biting her lips.

"Yes." Qin fan has only been back for two days, so he has no time to inform the people here.


"Oh?" Qin fan suddenly laughed, "after these days, I will go to the project department to see you. Let's have a rest early. I still have some things to do."

"Well, you should have more rest. Good night."

Hang up the phone, Huang Qianqian bite full of silver teeth, looking at the front of the notebook computer, ferociously said: "you are a dead donkey! I'm happy to be served by the imperial sister, right? Wait for me, and I'll make you look good! "

Qin fan, who is in bed after taking a bath, has no idea what kind of greetings and curses little Lori is sending out to herself in another room.

He was very sleepy. He lay down for less than five minutes and fell asleep.

It's in the second floor building next door.

Chen Sixuan had just finished taking a bath. She came out of the bathroom barefoot. She tilted her head to wipe her long wet hair and said to her sister sitting by the bed, "go to bed early. Master Huang will see her father tomorrow morning. We all have to go to bed."

Li Peizi looked at her, "are you sure you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"What else?" Chen Sixuan went to the bed and sat down. She began to wipe her long hair carefully.

"But I'm worried that if someone sleeps at night and thinks of me as Qin fan, in case of dishonesty, your image of iceberg's imperial sister for decades will be completely destroyed." Li Peizi said strangely.

Chen Sixuan's holding on to her long hair was so stiff that she didn't answer her sister's words.

But unexpectedly, Li Peizi continued: "I don't know if Qin fan can hold it. If he can't hold it and touches the room in the middle of the night, don't wake me up again. As long as I keep my voice down, I'll pretend I can't hear..."

"Shut up Chen Sixuan's face was cold. "Are you my sister or not? How can you discuss this topic in front of your sister?"

"What else do you dare to do? If you don't communicate with me, it's good... "

Li Peizi turned her lips, but suddenly something happened, her face returned to normal, and her hand said, "haven't you blocked up the money gap at home? Autumn is coming soon. If the Group continues to lose money like this, I'm afraid that in three months at most, those parties will force us to declare bankruptcy. I can't do it. I'll use my overseas account, which still has more than 10 billion yuan on it, to help us Chenjia through this difficulty. "

After all, she is a biological sister. When she is in a difficult situation at home, Li Peizi still puts all her hopes at home.

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