She did not go to the University, from the bottom of the society step by step to now, accumulated in her human warmth, enough to write a textbook, let Huang haozeng these students to study all their lives.

After walking for a while, several people planned to go back to their own homes and find their own mothers.

About the relationship between Qin fan and Zhou lulu.

Although Qin fan introduced his friends, Huang haozeng and Huang haozeng were not stupid. They could see that Zhou Lulu was always around Qin fan. They knew each other well, but they were envious.

Back to the villa, Qin fan washed and went to bed, because the next morning he had to go to the hospital to see Xia Meng.

Xia Meng's recovery is more optimistic than Qin fan and Dr. Martin expected.

On the second day of consciousness recovery, the oxygen machine can be removed and independent breathing can be completed.

When Qin fan arrives at the ward, Martin is asking her to pay attention to the following convalescence and recovery. Seeing Qin fan coming, he takes the initiative to leave the ward to make room for Qin fan and Xia Meng to be alone.

"You wake up."

In order to meet Xia Meng, Qin fan took a bath in the morning to make himself look fresh.

Then, he went to the hospital bed, gently grasped Xia Meng's hand, and said in a soft voice, "I've been sleeping for a long time. I'm a patient myself. I don't even care about the patient."

"Thank you..."

The two words trembled in summer.

Qin fan was stunned.

Eyes surprised at summer dream, and then turned his head, saw at the moment is standing outside the glass window, made a face at him.

See summer dream can speak, Qin fan has been hanging a heart, finally fell to the ground.

"Although you have a good rest, no matter it's work or at home, don't think about it, and don't worry about it. I'm here, OK?"

Qin fan knew what Xia Meng was most concerned about, so he gave her a reassuring pill for the first time.

Don't you still believe in your ability?

"I'll pay back the money I owe the hospital..." Xia Meng dodges Qin fan's eyes.

Owe money?


Qin fan stopped to eat the flower seeds.

All the time, summer dream is still thinking about this.

However, he was soon relieved.

The world's best machinery and equipment, Dr. Martin's expert team from Germany, the top surgical operation for several days in a row

I'm afraid the total cost will be a sky high price.

Xia Meng is also a nurse in Shengde hospital. Naturally, she knows how much medical resources she has spent on her in the past few days after jumping off the building. She can't afford to use any of these resources in her life.

"Well..." Qin fan thought for a while and said, "OK, you've been working in the hospital since then. Your salary will be deducted every month. When will it be fully deducted and when will you be able to leave?"

In an instant, the tears of summer dream fell.

The eye circles are also red.

This makes Qin fan suddenly unprepared, in a hurry, to find a paper towel to Xia Meng wipe tears.

"Why are you crying? If you can't, we'll cut down a little and save you money for food and drink."

He said helplessly.

But who knows such a say, summer dream cry more fierce.

The tears originally flowed out one by one, but now they become a line, which can't stop.

Qin fan can't understand the mood of Xia Meng at this moment.

Can let a young girl, resolutely choose to give up their own life, this has to be the despair of life into what kind of decision to make out ah.

But now, all the despair turned into hope.

She looked at Qin fan, inexplicably just want to cry.

Want to squeeze so many years in the heart of the grievance and unwilling, with tears to vent together.

So summer dream more cry more aggrieved, more aggrieved more cry.

Crying, Qin fan helpless sigh, looking at summer dream pear with rain, can't help, stand up, with his hand gently around her shoulder.

"Well, don't be sad. I will protect you in the future. No one will dare to bully you any more."

"Who asked you to protect me, you little boy..."

Summer dream words haven't finished, wow a cry more miserable.

At this time, Dr. Martin, who was outside the door, finally pushed the door and came in.

"For Ms. Xia Meng, although some tears can alleviate the negative emotions accumulated in her brain before, after all, she has just finished the operation, so it's not suitable for her mood to fluctuate too much. Mr. Qin would like to avoid it for a while?"

Dr. Martin said helplessly.

Qin fan nodded, released his hand and stood up from Xia Meng.

And summer dream clenched lips, slowly calm mood.

"I'll help you settle down in the family. Don't think about anything else. Take good care of your injury and wait for me to take you out of the hospital."After Qin fan left the ward, he asked Wu Xiongfei to drive himself to Xia Meng's home.

It's a dilapidated two-story building.

Although the land has been taken down, but without Qin fan's command, Shen Liangxin does not dare to make a claim and tear down the house.

On the way, Wu Xiongfei went to buy some supplements.

Qin fan plans to temporarily hand over a set of feicuixigu townhouse to Xia Meng's parents in the name of the hospital's subsidy for the placement of employees. It can be regarded as a place to settle down when the house is built.

Two men went upstairs and knocked on the old door.

"Who, is the dream coming back?"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, summer mother opened the door and appeared in their sight.

"You are It's you again

Xia's mother saw Qin fan in her eyes, and her face was full of boredom. She turned around and was about to close the door.

"Just a moment, please!"

Wu Xiongfei was quick eyed, reached out to cover the door frame, and said in a hurry: "please don't get me wrong. I'm the leader of Xia Meng's current work and the president of the hospital where she works. I'm here to visit you."

"Hospital president?"

Summer mother eyes suspicious swept the fat Wu Xiongfei, "condole what?"

"Well, it's said that Ms. Xia Meng said that the house on your side has been demolished, and you haven't found a new residence yet, have you?"

As the president of Shengde hospital, Wu Xiongfei is flattered by countless powerful people in Nandu. Today is the first time he visited the family members of the staff, but he was stopped outside. If Qin fan hadn't spoken, he would have left.

"Yes, does it have anything to do with you?" Summer mother tone is still not polite.

Wu Xiongfei glanced at Qin fan and said, "well, our hospital has always been caring for the family life of the staff, so that every staff in the hospital can not be bothered by the family troubles, and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the medical cause. So I heard that you have not found a new house in the demolition, so the hospital specially launched the Fuxin hospital Li Fang, I'd like to invite your family to move in. "

"What welfare? Where is it? "

Summer mother this just seemed to slightly came to point interest, squint eyes to say.

"It's near here." If Wu Xiongfei is not far away from your home, he will explain

"Around here?"

Xia's mother's face suddenly showed a trace of disdain, "your hospital is too stingy, what the hell is this place? When people buy a house, they all go to the new district to buy it. Who still stays in this crappy position? How does your hospital work? Can't you even see the truth?"

Wu Xiongfei, with a gift in his hand, almost threw it directly into Xia's mother's face.

Originally, the hospital had no welfare at all. It didn't matter what kind of employees you were. It's none of our business to move. Now it's Qin Shaonian who bought a villa for you out of his own pocket. Even if you don't appreciate it, he has the face to accuse the hospital. When did Wu Xiongfei suffer from this kind of anger, suddenly, his anger flashed through his eyes.

"But if you live in the New District, it's not close to the hospital where Xia Meng works. I'm afraid it's not very convenient." Qin fan took Wu Xiongfei's hand and gently comforted him.

"Far? What's the distance? She usually lives in a hospital dormitory. Even if she lives at home, she can't get up early in the morning. If she buys a battery car, she will arrive in more than an hour. What's so far? I think your hospital doesn't want to pay for it, and then it will give us a place where we don't shit. Anyway, we don't live here. If you have to let us live here, just give us the money and we'll go to a new place by ourselves You don't have to take care of the rest. "

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