Wu Xiongfei couldn't help it.

He had never seen such a shameless woman.

Just about to attack, Qin Fan said faintly, "how much rent do you need to rent in the new district?"

"Seven thousand."

Without thinking about it, Xia's mother said, "we've all looked forward to the house. The environment of a three bedroom apartment in a high-end apartment community is OK. It's far away from Fortune commercial building. It's only 10 minutes' walk, but it's OK to live in."

"In that case, why haven't you moved in so far?"

Wu Xiongfei couldn't help but take a deep breath and asked.

"Oh, it's not that the developer gives too little rent. It's only 2100 yuan a month. It's enough to do anything in the south. You can only rent the cheapest house in the old community. That's where people live. Besides, my daughter works in your hospital. How about her salary and working environment? Now that she has offered to help us solve the problem of rehousing, you have to bear the burden To the end, or I'll let my daughter resign. On her condition, which hospital is not rushing to... "

As Xia's mother talks, Wu Xiongfei's eyes fall on Qin fan.

He knew that sooner or later Xia Meng would become Qin fan's girlfriend, or even the young grandmother of the Shen family.

With Qin fan's financial resources, he can use money to knock Xia Meng dizzy every minute. There's no need to worry about what the shrew thinks.

Even Qin fan can directly announce his identity. He knows this kind of market woman very well. Once he knows Qin fan is the master of the Shen family, with trillions of assets, let alone living in the old community, even if she is allowed to sleep on the street, she will feel fragrant and grateful.

Qin fan nodded and asked, "do you not intend to continue to live with Xia Meng?"

Summer mother immediately complacent said: "of course, the hospital has dormitory why not live, still have to rob room with us, besides, don't look at your what welfare is high, to tell you the truth, our family summer dream won't be in you that how long, she ah, will soon join the Lin family, become Lin Group's little grandmother, which also need to rent a house, not enough shame."

I was still thinking about selling summer dream to a rich family and living a rich wife's dream.

Qin fan silently shakes his head and his eyes fall on Wu Xiongfei. Wu Xiongfei immediately leads the meeting and delivers the gift to Xia Mu: "that's OK. Our hospital will consider your suggestion. It's not too early. We won't disturb you to have a rest. When we have the result, we'll inform you again. Goodbye."

Two people go downstairs, until they get back to the car, Wu Xiongfei can't help complaining: "I didn't expect that Xia Meng's family would be like this, what woman, return to Lin's group, Lin's group sold all the buildings, can it be worth a little thumb of the young master? I really don't know that heaven is high and earth is thick. If the young master hadn't stopped me just now, I would have humiliated her and let her know what regret is

Qin fan sat in the back row, shook his head and said, "keep your voice down. She must be watching it."


Wu Xiongfei put his head close to the window and looked up.

Sure enough, Xia's mother is on the railing of the second floor at the moment. When he sees Wu Xiongfei, a dean driving a broken Audi, his disdain is even stronger.

"Lin Hao is driving a range rover. When he comes, he still has to find a way to force Xia Meng to get married. It's a broken hospital. Who wants to go there?"

If Wu Xiongfei heard this, he would have to cry.

This is a 12 cylinder Audi A8 with a starting price of 2.1 million, which is almost enough to buy two low configuration Range Rovers of Lin Hao.

However, as the president of the hospital, he usually kept a low profile, otherwise he would not have bought such a humble car.

"Forget it, I'll think about it. Send me to school. I have classes today. If Xia Meng asks, he says I can come back in the evening."

He went back to his dormitory and was pulled up by Wang.

Looking at the three people in front of him and hesitating about the posture of the third hall joint trial, Wang Chao calmly asked Huang haozeng for a cigarette and lit it up.

"Last night, Nanshan was quiet and deserted. Wang Chao fought alone against two female chivalrous men. They fought 500 rounds on the hood by using different moves, such as a dragon coming out of the water, sweeping a thousand troops, fishing for the moon in the water, and taking off two immortals. In the end, the two female chivalrous men were not as good as us, and they were defeated."

Wang Chao finished, is very Sao Bao spit out a smoke ring, the eyes of self-evident pride and pride.

"Tut Tut, boss can..."

Huang haozeng wiped saliva, eyes staring at Wang Chao, "used a few."

"Two boxes." Wang Chao complacently said.

"These two are the best, the legs, the figure Tut tut... "

In Chen Yu's mind, the scene that happened in Nanshan last night has already emerged.

"But thanks to old four."

Wang Chao is very knowledgeable.

These two women are all running for big G.People are not important.

The main thing is that the car is good.

If it wasn't for this luxury car worth nearly two million yuan, I'm afraid he would never have had a chance to have intimate contact with the two goddesses of the school of financial management in his life.

Qin fan waved his hand and said, "when you were there, they didn't say anything?"

Qin fan originally wanted to ask about what dragon Fei will do tomorrow in the song Le KTV transaction, but did not expect Wang Chao to be a face red, some shy said: "these details you also need to ask?"

"Damn, I asked if they had told you something about Longfei. Who cares about you? But if you want to say it, we don't mind listening, ha ha!"

A wolf howled in the bedroom.

Wang Chao seriously thought about it and said, "it's true. After the event, they seem to have said something in the back row. If they didn't meet me, they seem to have to go to KTV to be a princess tomorrow afternoon. Anyway, they're not happy with Longfei. They're just acting on occasion. They'll follow me well in the future."

Qin fan nodded and said nothing more. After a short rest, several people went to the classroom.

Today's class is scheduled until the afternoon.

After school, Qin fan asked Wang Chao to drive him to the gate of an "Ping'an community" in Nandu New District, and let him go back first.

According to the address, Qin fan found 503, building 2, unit 11, and then knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

Hearing the voice coming from the room, Qin fan sighed slightly.

"Er Gu, it's Qin fan."

It took five minutes to hear the sound of footsteps rustling inside, and then the door was opened.

"Fanfan, why are you here now? We've all had dinner."

Standing at the door was a middle-aged woman in her forties. She wore household clothes and had short hair. She looked smart.

"Oh, it's OK. I'm just having a good time." Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Then come in and sit down. If you don't eat the leftovers I'll give you, you can eat them."

Qin fan followed the women into the house. The decoration of the house was more luxurious than that of ordinary people. It was European style. There were bright tiles everywhere. There was a middle-aged man sitting on the wide leather sofa, watching the news broadcast on TV.

"Good uncle." Qin fan yelled at the middle-aged man watching TV.

"Well, why are you free to come to us today? Don't you have any classes in the evening?" The middle-aged man's eyes were fixed on the TV, and he replied faintly.

"Do it. I have to do the dishes. I won't serve you any more." The middle-aged woman said and went into the kitchen.

Qin fan sat on the sofa and had to watch the news broadcast with him.

"Xiaofan, you are about to graduate. How are you preparing for the civil service examination?"

Until the end of the news broadcast, the middle-aged man began to speak.

"Well I'm not ready to take the civil service examination yet, so I'm not ready to review. " Qin Fan said truthfully.

On hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned and said, "no? What are you going to do after graduation? How about begging in the street? "

Qin fan heard a burst of ridicule, but still with a smile said: "uncle said right."

At the same time, I heard a woman's voice in the kitchen: "Xiaofan, I don't mean you. What do you do when you go to university and don't take the civil service examination? Your parents are farming in the countryside, and they expect you to have a bit of promise."

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