The middle-aged couple are all Qin fan's relatives.

Qin fan's second aunt is Qin Hui, and his uncle is Wu Jun. they are junior high school teachers and civil servants in Nandu new district. They are the best sons of the old Qin family.

So I always look down on Qin fan's family in the countryside. Because I am a civil servant and all my family have iron rice bowls, I feel that they are superior everywhere. I never pay attention to Qin fan's relatives.

However, Qin fan's coming today is entirely requested by his parents.

Their plane is going to Nandu tomorrow night.

Qin fan's father, Qin Yong, has not seen his sister for a long time. Naturally, he wants to take this opportunity to get together with his sister and brother-in-law. He must also ask Qin fan to invite him in person, so as not to make their family angry.

After washing the dishes, Qin Hui came over, sat down beside Qin fan and asked, "are you really not going to take the civil servant examination?"

Qin fan nodded, "nine to five life may not be suitable for me, I still want to break through, after all, still young, there is time."

Qin Hui and Wu Jun look at each other, and they both see contempt in each other's eyes.

"What's so easy? Even if you earn five million in business, can you compare with a civil servant?" Wu Jun said with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaofan, we are all relatives. Can aunts cheat you? What can I do now to be a civil servant and a teacher? Well, my family Chenchen, who has been with you for a year, still wants to graduate and look for a job. But Chenchen listened to me and your uncle's words, and prepared for the civil service examination early. Just after graduation, she is close to the town government of Nanxiang. In two years, your uncle's activities will be transferred to the District, or even to the city. What about you, At that time, they were still working in private enterprises and working as coolies. What's their future? "

Qin Hui smiles triumphantly. On the surface, she persuades Qin fan, but in fact, she is putting gold on her daughter's face to show off.

"Yes, er Gu is right." Qin fan embarrassed said.

"What's the use of talking to him about this? You think civil servants are so easy to take the exam, and you can pass the exam. That requires both education and ability. It's very good for Lao Wu's family to have a morning job. After two years, Chenchen will get a foothold in the District. If Xiaofan hasn't found a good job, let Chenchen find someone to arrange a job for him, It's better than going back to the countryside and farming. There's no future for a lifetime. "

Wu Jun drinks tea and looks at Qin fan in disgust.

He has always looked down on the Qin family. They all come from rural areas. At the critical moment, they can't do anything except to borrow money. It's like his family, who all come from government departments, his uncle or section chief. These poor relatives can't match him.

"Also, when Qin fan just went to university, I advised my sister-in-law to go to university in such a family situation. The tuition is so expensive. I'd like to borrow it everywhere. I wish all the people in a village had borrowed it. As a result, you see, now, I can't find a job. If I didn't go to university, I'd go to work in a factory. At least now I can save some money and go back to work I'll renovate the house in my hometown and marry a daughter-in-law from the countryside. I'll do nothing about it. " Qin Hui's face didn't listen to me at the beginning, but now she suffered a loss.

In fact, Qin fan knows very well that as soon as they meet on New Year's day, their second aunt and uncle will take their own school affairs and make fun of their parents. This time, if their parents don't come, they will have to make an operation on themselves.

Qin fan is also speechless about this so-called kinship.

But there is no way, his father to this feeling is very heavy, he can only follow orders.

"Where are you going to graduate now? Where can I rent a house? " Wu Jun asked suddenly.

"Well, I live in Emerald Valley now, by myself." Qin fan replied truthfully. Anyway, when my parents come to Nandu, my uncle will meet them in the villa in feicui Valley, so there's nothing to hide.

"Emerald Valley?" Useless Leng Leng, "where is this? It seems that Qin Hui has never heard of it, do you know? "

Qin Hui was stunned for a while, then patted her thigh and said, "I know, it's a very high-end villa community just over the south side of the city. Director Liu's wife of our school lives there. The house price is not cheap. The cheapest villa will cost two or three million yuan. Fanfan, how can you live in that kind of place?"

Wu Jun also straightened up, sat up, looked at Qin fan seriously, and said: "Qin fan, you can be a man without money or power, but you should be down-to-earth and say something. With your current economic foundation, it's good to live in a low rent house. How can you afford such an expensive community? To tell the truth, where do you live now?"

"I really live in feicui valley. You will know when my parents come tomorrow." Qin Fan said speechless.

"Oh ~ ~ I see. Are you a salesman in that community now?" Qin Hui suddenly realized, "when sales is sales, what's the shame to say? Besides, now the real estate market is so hot, those who engage in housing sales can make a lot of money. Maybe in ten or eight years, you can pay a down payment in the suburbs of Nandu. At least you can be from Nandu. You don't have to go back to your hometown."Wu Jun was also relieved, nodded slightly and said: "yes, work regardless of high or low, although you can't buy a community like the one I live in with your second aunt, but people need to see their own strength. In terms of your family's conditions, it's good for you to save some money and sell your hometown's house, and pay a small property right down in the suburbs."

The family of two, one person a sentence, Qin fan's face is also increasingly impatient.

At this time, the sound of the key turning came from the door. The door was pushed open and a girl in a loose black uniform came in.

The girl looks about the same age as Qin fan, but her face is full of maturity and rationality that Qin fan did not have. The most striking thing is her black suit pants and shirt, which are obviously not in line with her figure. She is very old-fashioned originally. When she is dressed like this, she looks like she is in her early twenties, but she looks like she is in her thirties.

"Oh, Chenchen is back. Why are you working so late today? Have you eaten yet? I'll fry you what you want. "

Seeing the girl enter the door, Qin Hui immediately warmly welcomes her, takes her bag and cares about her.

"Yes, today I have dinner with section chief Wang of the District Education Bureau. By the way, I'll talk about the reconstruction of rural primary schools."

The girl walked into the room without expression, but when she saw that there was one more person in the room, she frowned and said, "Qin fan, how did you come?"

The girl's name is Wu Chenchen. She is Qin Hui's daughter. She should be Qin fan's cousin.

"Oh, your cousin will come to have a rest if he's free today. But you just said that you had dinner with section chief Wang of the education and Sports Bureau. Is that the one who was just in his thirties and was in charge of the rural school infrastructure?"

Qin Hui was originally a teacher in the school and remembered the names of many leaders of the education bureau very clearly.

"Well, it's him." Wu Chenchen nodded.

"Have a look!" Qin Hui was full of praise, but she glanced at Qin fan from time to time and said, "this is the difference between civil servants and ordinary people. Who is section chief Wang? How many people can't wait in line to invite him to a meal? Look at our family Chenchen. After a few days at work, we will have dinner with section chief Wang to discuss the construction of rural school buildings, or is our family promising in Chenchen? I'll talk to your father later I'm going to enjoy your happiness

Wu Chenchen also complacently said: "that is, the township recruitment examination, a total of 100 people to participate in the examination, I entered one, the township leaders can attach importance to me, said the township primary school construction project, later let me docking with section chief Wang."

Then Wu Chenchen looked down at Qin fan and said, "Qin fan, I heard that you are going to graduate right now, civil servants don't take the exam, and even an internship company can't be found. Otherwise, as soon as our school project starts, I'll talk to section chief Wang, but you go to hang up the title of foreman or supervisor. You usually have nothing to do. You just watch the gate of the construction site, and you're the one Two thousand yuan a month, will you do it? "

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