"Just give it to the police."

Qin fan sighed softly.

Although he had thought about it in his mind, he used countless ways to torture Long Fei to death.

But I saw a big living man with my own eyes, kneeling in front of me, his legs were broken, and he kowtowed desperately for mercy.

For a college student who has not entered the society, it really needs a strong psychological endurance to a certain extent, in order to face this scene calmly.

"Too much kindness will only hurt you." Liu Yingying gently vomited smoke and said, "before I caught him, he was still planning to catch you and the last girl again after today's transaction. He asked for your eyes and the girl's body. In this way, do you plan to let him go?"

Qin fan looks at Long Fei, his eyes suddenly become cold.

And Long Fei also noticed Qin fan's change, desperately turned around and kowtowed to Qin fan.

He didn't know the origin of Qin fan.

But now he knows that if Liu Yingying can come out in person, and even his eldest son, sun Jiuli, and Jin pen have been washing their hands for many years, the former king of Nandu underground river, and the people who appear in this private room at the same time, his 100 lives are not enough to provoke.

But just before last night, he was still thinking foolishly about how he would deal with the boy and get the girl from the Conservatory of music after today's deal.

Now I really have no place to regret it. I can ask Qin fan to hold high his hand and spare his life.

Soon, in Qin fan's sight, on the floor in front of Long Fei, a pool of dazzling blood was knocked out.

"Forget it." Qin fan sighed, "give him to the police, anyway, no accident, he will never come out in his life."

Liu Yingying looked at him with a smile, nodded and said, "knock a few more. It's like thanking you, Qin Shao, for saving your life."

After hearing this, Long Fei didn't care so much. He kowtowed to Qin fan.

He doesn't care what kind of trial he will face after being arrested by the police. As long as he doesn't stay under Liu Yingying's hands, even if he is shot directly, it is better than death.

At the same time, Long Fei is still unwilling. Qin fan is just a loser student. Why can he have so much energy to let the present and former Nandu write that the kings gather here at the same time? No one can do it.

And why does Liu Yingying call him Qin Shao.

Long Fei thinks he has a thorough understanding of the upper class society in Nandu, but he has never heard of any big family named Qin. Can Qin fan come from the capital?

As if, is to see the Longfei eyes of despair and unwilling.

Liu Yingying chuckled. She bent down, put her red lips to Longfei's ear and said two words.


Long Fei's pupils suddenly contracted violently. He looked up at Qin fan, and then he was silent for a moment. Suddenly, he raised his head and laughed.

"It's the Shen family. Hahaha, it's the Shen family. Qin fan is the young master of the Shen family. Hahaha, those two stupid women told me that this is just a country boy without money and power. But he, he is the young master of the Shen family. Hahaha!"

"Young master, director Shen's people have arrived downstairs. Let's go now."

When Long Fei roars, Jiang Yanzi whispers in Qin fan's ear.

Qin fan nodded and asked, "what about them?"

Jiang Yanzi took a complicated look at Liu YingYing and sighed, "it's OK. With this woman, director Shen won't do anything about them."

"Yes, manager Jiang, I'm here. Don't talk nonsense when you go back."

Liu Yingying, holding a cigarette between her fingertips, looks at Qin fan and Jiang Yanzi in a meaningful tone.

Jiang Yanzi didn't speak, nodded, followed Qin fan and left Gele KTV.


In the car.

Qin fan looked at Jiang Yanzi, who focused on driving, and asked, "do you know Liu Yingying?"

"Yes." Jiang Yanzi is noncommittal.

"And Liuying seems to know me, too?" Qin fan then asked.


"Who is she?"

Jiang Yanzi pursed her red lips and said with a bitter smile, "do you think I can say it?"

"But aren't you my secretary?" Qin fan asked curiously.

I thought that the first meeting with Liu Yingying was just an encounter with amorous colors.

But from the two actions of Liu Yingying, it seems that there are some deliberate factors behind the matter.

Jiang Yanzi was silent for a moment, and said gently, "if you can, young master, if you have a chance, you can go to ask Mr. Shen in person."


Qin fan raised his head in amazement. In the rearview mirror, he saw Jiang Yanzi's complicated eyes and embarrassed face.

The car drove to the gate of Shengde hospital. Qin fan planned not to consider this matter for the time being.Besides Shen Jianping and his wife, his relationship with the Shen family is more delicate.

It is impossible for such a large family to have only Shen Jianping.

Although his own father, Shen Jianping, is at the helm of the Shen family, he can vaguely guess that in such a big family, there are bound to be some gratitude and resentment that outsiders can't understand.

Take Shen Jianguo, his third uncle.

Who can imagine that the director of the provincial public security department did not even dare to enter his elder brother's house because of his loss in those years. Uncle and sister-in-law have not been here for more than ten years.

"It's really troublesome..."

Qin fan sighed, and then straightened out a good mood, into the ICU ward.

But as soon as he entered the ward, Qin fan couldn't help changing his face.

It was supposed to be a sterile convalescent ward for patients. At this moment, there are two middle-aged people in sloppy clothes.

One of them, Qin fan, met a middle-aged woman with big waves in her hair and a big loose T-shirt on her body. She was staring at Xia Meng angrily and said, "do you want to order your face? We don't even tell us what kind of black heart hospital it is, forcing my daughter to this position, and pretending to send us welfare room. If I hadn't been smart enough to come to the hospital to see it myself, I don't know when I would have been concealed! "

At the moment, standing beside Xia's mother, is Xia Meng's father, Xia Hai.

Xia Hai looks less than 50 years old, but he is not as mature and calm as a middle-aged person. He has a shaggy hair, a blue shirt that is going to be washed white, and a black shorts and yellow leather sandals on his lower body. He is a typical slovenly middle-aged person.

He stood aside, although he didn't say much, but he couldn't help saying two words: "Mengmeng, to tell you the truth, is the leadership of the hospital forcing you to do something? With your parents to help you decide, you can rest assured and say boldly, it's really no good. I can also call Lin Hao. Although the hospital looks luxurious, it can't compare with the Lin family. Besides, you will be the Lin family in the future Now that you have a daughter-in-law, Lin Tian will definitely make the decision for you. You can rest assured. "

Two people stare at summer dream, chatter endlessly say, regardless of summer dream at the moment already red eyes, and trembling lips.

"This is a sterile ward. Who let you in?"

Qin fan opened his mouth, and there was a voice of rebuke behind him.

All the people in the ward turned their heads and saw Wu Xiongfei come in in his white coat and angry face.

"Well, I'm looking for you!"

Seeing Wu Xiongfei, Xia's mother stepped forward, grabbed him by the neck, and cursed: "you are Xia Meng's leader, right? I tell you, if you don't give us an account today, believe it or not, I'll ask someone to dismantle your broken hospital!"

"Mom, don't..."

Xia Meng moved his lips several times, and finally squeezed his voice out of his throat.

"What, no!" Summer dream fiercely pulled Wu Xiongfei, said: "come on, my daughter fell like this, what do you plan to do in the hospital? Public or private

Seeing this, Qin fan frowned. It seemed that they had just entered the ward. They didn't care about Xia Meng's condition. Instead, they were so anxious that they offered compensation.

When Wu Xiong flies in, he follows the security guard of the hospital behind him. Seeing that Xia's mother starts directly, the security guard is about to stop him, but he is stopped by Wu Xiong Fei.

He looked at Xia Mu's angry face and said with a smile: "you let go first. It's easy to say how much money you want. Just make a price. I'll give it to you now."


Maybe even Xia's mother didn't expect that Wu Xiongfei offered to lose money to herself. Today, she got the news that the purpose of coming here is for this.

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