"How much can you pay?"

Summer mother loosened to grasp Wu Xiong to fly the hand of the collar, the vision is suspicious of ask a way.

Wu Xiongfei said with a smile, "how much do you think is appropriate?"

"Ha ha, if it's less than 2 million, your hospital will be closed."

Summer mother put forward a number.

When she came, she carefully observed the hospital.

It's much better than the district hospital she's been to before.

At least in terms of decoration.

And the hospital is making so much money, just two million, she thinks it's a little less.

"Two million is not much." Wu Xiongfei said with a smile, "do you want cash or transfer?"

Summer mother a little confused.

She suddenly realized that the number she proposed was too small?

After all, such a large hospital, two million is really not much.

Immediately, she changed her tone and said coldly, "the two million I'm talking about is just spiritual compensation for my daughter. Do you know who my daughter is? That's the future daughter-in-law of the Lin family. Two million is nothing. You have to take another two million as spiritual compensation for me and Xia Meng's father. That's it."

"Good." Wu Xiongfei didn't hesitate at all. He waved behind him, "go to my office safe to get money and compensate them!"

Seeing that Wu Xiongfei's assistant really went back to pick up a bag of cash and put it directly in front of him, Xia's mother turned back and looked at Xia Hai. The surprise in each other's eyes was not concealed.

It's four million yuan in cash, enough for them to go to their favorite neighborhood to buy a commercial house without renting after the house is demolished. They even have a lot more money to buy a car.

However, Xia Meng stares at the money in the bag, and her tone changes again.

"Well, it's OK, but our family is not millions of people. Our family Xia Meng is going to marry the Lin family to be a little grandmother. Does the Lin family know? Lin's group, Lin Tian's daughter-in-law, tells you that if it comes to their ears, it's not just a matter of losing money. Your hospital will close down, and you people will have to go to jail. Do you understand? "

In the face of Xia's mother's command, Wu Xiongfei still smiles: "or, I'll give you another two million?"

"Three million!"

Xia's mother sneered: "if you don't count the cash here, you can give us another three million yuan. Otherwise, I'll call Lin Tian now, buy your hospital and fire you all!"


Acquisition of Shengde hospital?

Wu Xiongfei sneered in his heart. Even if he counted all the property of Lin's group together, he could not buy half a hospital. However, even if Lin Tian had the financial resources, would he dare?

"OK, I'll give you another three million yuan, but I don't have so much cash in my office. The rest can be taken out tomorrow and sent to your house. What do you think?" Wu Xiongfei's face was still calm and could not see any expression.

"Good, good!"

Summer dream already excited incoherent.

She heard from a neighbor who passed by here that she saw Xia Meng appear in this hospital. It is estimated that her daughter works here.

But Xia Meng hasn't contacted her family for several days. She and Xia Hai don't have a job, and they don't have any financial resources. Xia Hai owes a lot of gambling debts on the card table. She thinks that Xia Meng is deliberately hiding from them and doesn't want to give money, so she follows the address of the neighbor and finds it here.

Originally, when they saw Xia Meng lying in the ICU ward, they were still a little worried and angry.

But as soon as I saw the luxury of the hospital, the doctors, nurses and patients coming and going, and the clothes and temperament were not ordinary people, I thought of the way to make money with my daughter.

What's more, they didn't expect that Wu Xiongfei would give so much money.

I knew that it would cost 10 million yuan to speak directly. It doesn't matter what Xia Meng did. Anyway, with 10 million yuan, the couple can live a good life in the remaining years.

"Well, why don't you come out with me and go to my office, and I'll transfer the remaining three million to you now."

Wu Xiongfei said, directly turned to leave the ward.

Summer mother and summer sea also can't wait, even say hello don't have time to say with summer dream, in a hurry with behind, together went to the dean's office.

When only Xia Meng and Qin fan were left in the ward, the tears in Xia Meng's eyes finally burst out of his eyes.

Seeing what happened here just now, Qin fan felt a little pain in his heart.

My daughter just jumped from a building to commit suicide. Instead of saying a word of concern, my parents came here to bargain with the doctor in front of my daughter, as if they were not here to see the patient, but to sell vegetables.

"Don't cry. Dean Wu will agree to all the demands of your parents. Don't worry."

Qin fan doesn't know how to comfort Xia Meng.In the face of the indifference of their parents, perhaps all the languages are very weak at this time of year.

"But, all this has nothing to do with the hospital. It's my own choice..."

Seven million.

For the Xia Meng family, they have never seen such money in their life.

And summer dream heart most clear, why she would choose to jump to commit suicide.

This has nothing to do with the hospital, because her parents forced her to marry Lin Hao, and then to meet their rich dream.

This is now.

The hospital did not hesitate to use a large number of the world's top medical resources to save itself, not to say, but also exempted all the expenses. Instead of saying thank you, her biological parents found the place and began to seek money from the hospital.

This is the news she used to only see in newspapers and TV.

But did not expect that one day, will really happen in their own body.

Unwilling, humiliating tears, can not help but burst into my eyes, wantonly flowing in summer dream's cheek.

Qin fan sighed, gently wiped off the tears on her cheek with his hand, and said, "don't worry, Dean Wu has a sense of propriety. He won't make it difficult for your parents to do it."

"But we really shouldn't want the money!"

Summer dream suddenly anxious.

As a child, she was self reliant and self loving. How could she bear that her parents were not the responsibility of the hospital at all, just like the rogue medical trouble in the TV news. However, she insisted on asking the hospital for such a large sum of money.

Summer dream in the heart is also very clear, the background of Shengde hospital, is not they this kind of ordinary people can afford.

The reason why Wu Xiongfei is so kind to her parents is that he is in Qin fan's face.

In this way, she felt that what she owed Qin fan was even more unclear.

Qin fan also gently comforted and said: "if you are too much money, I'll let president Wu give less. However, with your current state and the attitude of your parents, what I'm most worried about is that they will always come to the hospital to make trouble. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to do."

"Don't worry, young master. I can't leave the hospital now. I won't let them come to the hospital again to give you any trouble!"

Summer dream suddenly anxious, she anxiously raised her head, want to come down from the bed, but Qin fan timely pressed the shoulder, and lay back on the bed.

"Damn, I didn't say to let you go. I mean, if they keep making trouble like today, it will affect your recovery. And to tell you the truth, if they take money, they can really leave here and don't disturb you any more. It doesn't matter if they have millions of dollars. But they are afraid that they will never be able to feed you because they don't have enough people." Qin Fan said with a slight sigh.

"They won't be satisfied." Xia Meng said with deep eyes, "my parents are addicted to gambling. No matter how much money they have, they just decide how big cards they play. Although there are a lot of seven million, I believe it won't be long before they will do the same thing again and continue to trouble you..."

Then Xia Meng looked up at Qin fan and begged, "young master, let me go. As long as I'm not here, they can't coerce you..."

"Well, don't say it."

Qin fan suddenly stood up, some anxiety said: "you first ease up, I now go to the dean's office, talk to your parents, this matter, you don't care."

Leaving the ward, Qin fan went up to the door of the dean's office. Before he knocked on the door, he heard president Wu's low voice: "there are two million left. You should think about it clearly."

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