Looking at Chen zikun staring at Jiang Yanzi in a daze, she lost her soul. Lin Xue was in a hurry. She rubbed his arm with her chest and said, "husband, what are you looking at? Don't you help your wife to come out in a hurry!"

"Well, ooh."

Chen zikun was stunned for a long time before waking up from the surprise. Then he looked suspiciously at the two people in front of him: "what's your relationship?"

Jiang Yanzi smiles, and her beautiful eyes fall on Chen zikun. She says calmly, "children, go home and ask Chen Jinsong who I am, and then ask about my business, OK?"

"Let's go." Qin Fan said.

"You, what are you doing! Watching that woman humiliate me, are you so indifferent? You are not my man

Lin Xue was so angry that she wanted to go after her, but Chen zikun grabbed her arm and said in a low voice, "do you know who Chen Jinsong is? "

" I don't care who he is. Anyway, if these adulterers dare to humiliate me, I won't swallow this bad breath! I'll help you if I don't

Lin Xue's eyes are red.

At the beginning, when she saw that Qin fan was alone, she felt some regret that she could not fight Jiang Yanzi face to face in order to repay yesterday's disgrace.

But now, Jiang Yanzi finally appeared. She didn't take herself seriously. Even Chen zikun stood beside her and didn't care. She felt that her self-esteem was totally unbearable. Anyway, she had to catch up with her and get her face back.

"Chen Jinsong is my father!"

Chen zikun, shaking off Lin Xue's hand, roared in a low voice.

"How can your father..."

Lin Xue turns her head in surprise and says, "is Chen Jinsong your father?"

Chen zikun nodded with a low look and said, "that woman seems to know my father. You'd better not be impulsive before you have a clear understanding of the relationship between her and my father, so as not to cause any misunderstanding."

Although Chen zikun's IQ is not as good as Lin Hao's, he can distinguish between business and family affairs.

"How can it be? How can this bitch know your father? Are you mistaken? "

Lin Xue's face is full of disbelief. How can this cheap woman know a developer boss like Chen Jinsong? It's impossible, and Lin Xue can't accept it.

All of a sudden, Lin Xue's eyes lit up, grabbed Chen zikun's hand and said, "husband, on the way here, you still told me that recently, your company is recruiting, and you also said that I can work in the front desk or public relations department. You said that the woman just now can name your father. Is she a new employee of your company?"

Lin Xue's words brightened Chen zikun's eyes. His company is really recruiting people. According to his father, he plans to spend a lot of money on recruiting two excellent enterprise talents, and let himself look for talents in the school of economics and management.

The woman just now, no matter in temperament or momentum, is not an ordinary woman. She must have experienced some management positions to cultivate such a distinctive temperament. Maybe she is really a new recruit in her own family.

If so

Thinking of his almost perfect body shape and beautiful appearance, Chen zikun felt a flame in his heart, and "miso" began to burn.

Lin Xue also took Chen zikun's hand with a frosty face and said bitterly: "husband, when you have dinner, you ask, if your company really recruited such a person, then I must let her live like death, kneel down in front of me and apologize to me!"

In Lin Xue's opinion, she can be Chen zikun's wife and Chen Jinsong's daughter-in-law at any time as long as she wants. At that time, looking at Chen's company, who dares not listen to her? She's just a cheap woman. Sooner or later, she will play her to death!

And Chen zikun, with a teasing look in his eyes, said with a smile: "don't worry, wife, this woman can't escape from the palm of my hand, you wait and see."


"You sympathize with her?" Jiang Yanzi looked at Qin fan's face and asked with a smile.

"She's just a poor woman." Qin fan's recognition is indirect.

"Poor man, there must be something hateful. Don't give mercy just because she is a woman. This kind of woman's destructive power is comparable to that of a group of men. If you look at your common circle in the evening, you will surely be known by all the people in the school about your being taken care of by a woman outside. If they misunderstand you, I can help you clarify. " Jiang Yanzi said lightly.

If we say that men and women are equal, then everything should be equal.

Rights enjoyed and obligations performed. Love, or hate.

If you can't afford the consequences of failure, it's best not to enter the game.

Qin fan nodded. When passing by a women's clothing store, he patted his head and turned his head and said, "I'm going to pay for my clothes."

"What clothes?" Jiang Yanzi is also curious about why Qin fan appears in the women's clothing store alone. It's only out of reason that she doesn't take the initiative to ask.Qin fan thought about it and told her about going to the concert with Xia Meng in the afternoon.

Then, Jiang Yanzi said with a smile, "this is the right place to listen to the concert. Its clothes are better than the one you visited just now."

Qin fan raised his head, just as they were passing a women's clothing store: Louis Vuitton.

This shop is much more high-end than the Chanel shop just now.

At least in the decoration.

And it covers an area as big as Chanel's three.

There are all kinds of things in it.

Men's tie, shirt, pants, belt.

And all the things that women can buy.

The price is naturally higher than Chanel.

There are no less than 15000 clothes, and no less than 3000 tie and belt accessories.

Because the store is relatively large, there are more waiters in the store.

As soon as they walked into the store, they immediately received a lot of attention.

"This woman has a good temperament. I have worked in our store for so long, and I have never seen a woman with such perfect body and temperament."

"It's good-looking, too. The eyes can't be adjusted, or it's too good-looking?"

"Who is that boy? It looks so small, still wearing a short jacket, and looks very arrogant... "

Qin fan almost couldn't resist going back and storming that guy away. Who the hell said that he would be arrogant if he wore a short coat?

I think that's the connotation.

Connotation, do you understand?

Forget it, a group of shallow women, said you don't understand.

After passing through several special counters and rejecting the warm recommendation of the waiter several times, Jiang Yanzi stood in front of a row of women's clothes shelves and looked at them.

At this time, Qin fan felt very relaxed.

I don't know why, Qin fan felt that he had some dependence on Jiang Yanzi.

There's no need to use your own brain to buy clothes and go shopping. Just sit for a while, and Jiang Yanzi will surely be able to pick out his most satisfactory items and present them to him.

Jiang Yanzi can think of and arrange things in his life carefully. Otherwise, he will do more.

In business, not to mention, this woman's thinking and vision are just abnormal

Qin fan suddenly felt that if one day Jiang Yanzi really left himself and was no longer with him, would he become useless and become a useless waste?

Looking at Jiang Yanzi standing in front of him and concentrating on the selection of clothes, Qin fan suddenly said, "this one must look good on you?"


Jiang Yanzi turned her head in amazement and asked strangely, "do you mean I wear it?"

Qin fan nodded: "your coat was torn yesterday. I'll take it as my compensation."

Referring to what happened in Shenfu last night, Qin fan found that Jiang Yanzi's beautiful eyes flashed by with a complex look.

Although she covered up well, she was caught by Qin fan who had prepared in advance.

I can't help saying in my heart, it seems that yesterday's things have not been completely solved in her heart, but why on earth? When you get back, you have to remember the details.

Jiang Yanzi was just stunned and nodded to accept it.

Then he helped Xia Meng choose some clothes. After Qin fan paid, they came to the gate of the commercial building.

"Well There's something else in the company. I won't send you back. "

Jiang Yanzi bit her lip, looked at Qin fan and said.

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