In fact, even if Jiang Yanzi doesn't say it, Wang Chao is still waiting in the underground parking lot of the commercial building.

However, Qin fan felt that Jiang Yanzi's tone was not right.

"Is something wrong with the company?" Qin fan asked.

"Nothing." Jiang Yanzi shook her head. "There are some official business to deal with. The young master has to take good care of himself these two days. When I'm finished, I'll be back."

Looking at Jiang Yan's smile, Qin fan nodded and said, "OK, if you need any help, just call me or go to feicui Valley to find me."

"Well, I remember." Jiang Yanzi agreed.

Two people say goodbye at the entrance of the commercial building. Qin fan returns to the parking lot and asks Wang Chao to drive him back to Shengde hospital.

In the car, Qin fan takes out a bank card from his trouser pocket and hands it to Wang Chao who is driving.

"There are 50000 yuan in this card. You can get the money for refueling, repairing and license plate registration. The password is six sixes."

This card was made a long time ago.

I haven't had a chance to give it to Wang Chao.

Today, he saw two obvious scratches on the front of the car. In addition, during this period, Wang Chao took out his own money to refuel the car, so he checked and gave her the card.

"It doesn't cost so much money. My second uncle knows a repair shop. He drives the car over and gets it done for a few hundred yuan. You give me too much."

Wang Chao said very realistically.

Then, there was some depression in my heart.

The two bars on the front of the car were accidentally touched by a schoolgirl riding a bicycle when the crane stopped at the entrance of the teaching entrance.

Originally, he was very generous if he didn't lose money with his younger sister.

As a result, Xuemei looks good!

Shuilingling's big eyes, full of tears, flickered and fell to the ground with a pathetic look.

At that time, Wang Chao was soft hearted. Instead of taking Xuemei to the infirmary for medical treatment, he lost a pair of Xuemei's pants and invited someone to dinner

In addition, he used to refuel the car, but now he can't even give out dozens of yuan.

So Wang Chao can't wait to return the car to Qin fan. Damn it, this chicken car is very smart to drive, but it's too gas consuming. It's been eating white film pickles for a long time. I really can't afford to drive it.

Qin fan also listened to the people in the dormitory and said with a smile: "if the sister is good, let's talk about it. It's not a matter to tell people what the actual situation is. Don't lie on the belly of Chen Yao and Lu man all day long."

Wang Chao was a little embarrassed to see that he was directly exposed by Qin fan.

"Don't go to the driving school. I've introduced you to a job and will send you company information in the evening. You are ready to go to work in a few days." Qin fan thought about it and said.

"What kind of work?" Wang Chao looks at Qin fan in the rearview mirror in surprise. To tell the truth, there is no way to go to the driving school as a coach. If you can have a Mercedes Benz big G, who is willing to drive a nine handed Santana.

"Don't worry about it. It must be something you love. Just wait for the news."

Back to the hospital, Qin fan called several nurses to help Xia Meng change clothes.

Jiang Yanzi chose a white cotton casual suit for Xia Meng.

black long straight hair falls like a waterfall on the fragrant shoulders. There is a natural bright red on the little cherry mouth without lipstick. The goose egg face is inlaid with watery eyes, and the long eyelashes blink from time to time, so that people will be deeply drunk when they see it.

"I look much better."

Qin fan looked at Xia Meng. He was not as sick as before. Instead, he showed some elegant temperament. He couldn't help but praise him.

"Really?" Summer dream excited said.

"Well, I feel better than before. Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood. After watching the concert, I'm sure I'll get well." Qin Fan said seriously.

Fool, when can the concert cure you

Summer dream heart silly smile, can still take the initiative to reach out, smile said: "that doctor Qin, today will trouble you."

Qin Fan said, "take me to treat my illness."

Nandu music center.

Maybe it's because the concert is too small. The flow of people at the gate is no different from that on weekdays.

But I saw a lot of good cars.

A lot of people are wearing dresses, men and women, just like the scene of a gathering of the upper class.

Qin fan takes Xia Meng by the hand and walks out of the car.

The Black 12 cylinder Audi A8 is very inconspicuous here. Qin fan wants to buy one, but he stops at the school gate every day and has to walk in.

But if you buy a W12 A8, Wang Chao will crash, right?

Just thinking about it, Xia Meng whispered: "I forgot that I had to wear formal clothes to listen to the concert...""Is it?"

Qin fan touched his nose and found that most of the people who could appear at the entrance of the music center now were wearing suits and shoes, even if they didn't wear formal clothes. There were even people wearing high hats. The only two of them, one was wearing a gray jacket, and the other was wearing a white sportswear. They really looked a little nondescript.

"Yes, I have to wear formal clothes when I go to concerts abroad. I've only been there once. I heard that if I don't wear formal clothes, I'm not allowed to enter." Summer dream some nervous said.

"Oh, it's abroad. Now we are at home. We can enter without formal clothes. Let's go."

Qin fan pulls Xia Meng's hand into the ticket gate, reports his name and shows his ID card, and goes straight to the music hall.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw the old and strong uncle Dong coming up quickly.

"Here you are, young master."

Uncle Dong's face was respectful, and then he nodded to Xia Meng.

"Uncle Dong, why are you here?"

Qin fan asked in surprise. It's just a concert, not even uncle Dong himself.

"Well, the Chen family wanted to talk to the master about something today, but the master was not there, so they arranged for me to come over." Uncle Dong said truthfully.

"Chen family?"

Qin fan was surprised to find that there was still business between his family and the Chen family. Chen Tianyang told him that if he could give 10 billion yuan, he could support one of his two daughters. But if he gave 20 billion yuan, could Li Peizi and Chen Sixuan take all the assets of the Chen family Business is very cost-effective

"Yes, the Chen family has been interested in cooperating with the Shen family all these years, but it's only because the master has no time, so it's delayed until now. Let me see them first, understand the specific intention of the Chen family, and then make other plans."

Looking at Qin fan's thoughtful appearance, uncle dong thought that he was interested in his family's business and was very pleased to explain.

"Well, where are you sitting?" Qin fan asked.

"It's right next to you, young master. If you are interested, I can introduce Chen Tianyang to you later. You can make up your mind whether to cooperate or not."

"Well, I'll listen while you say it. I don't need to introduce myself to you. I accompany Xia Meng to the concert. He is a patient. If you have any questions, I'll ask you later."

Qin fan doesn't want Chen Tianyang to know who he is. Their villas are so close to each other. Once he knows that he is a member of the Shen family, it's estimated that he won't have a rest day in the future.

"That's fine. Everything is arranged by the young master."

After talking with Uncle Dong.

Qin fan and Xia Meng came to the middle of the first row.

The seats were filled one after another. Most of them looked younger, and most of them were men. They came by themselves.

Since it's the Chen family, Qin fan estimates that most of the young people in the rich circle will be here today. He wants to be familiar with him, so as to lay a foundation for his future career.

Only Xia Meng nervously clenched Qin fan's hand and whispered in his ear, "this position is so embarrassing. Many people are looking at us."

Qin fan looks back.

Sure enough, because of the particularity of the position, it has attracted the attention of many people, and there are also endless discussions.

"Who are these two people? They dare to sit in the middle. I don't know if this is the position Chen Shoufu specially prepared for today's distinguished guests."

"It doesn't feel like they're here for the concert. Look at the clothes they're wearing. It's like going out to the food market. It's probably a mistake to come in. When you see these two seats are good, you just sit there."

"If you see Chen, you'll be the richest man."

Qin fan laughed, but he didn't take it seriously.

He jokingly came to Xia Meng's ear and said, "you look so good. Everyone is looking at you."

Xia Meng's face turned red. As soon as she opened her mouth, she heard a voice behind her: "tut Tut, the nurse and the psychopath came out to see the concert together. It's really possible to make headlines."

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