"Everything turned out to be as expected, and Sun Quan really did not stop this rumor."

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu, who was calmly drinking tea at this time, and said with a smile.

"Could it be that this Sun Quan really has the heart to make peace?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xun Yu and put down the teacup, "If Sun Quan has the intention to surrender, I am afraid that he has already sent Liu Bei's first rank over."

When Zhuge Qiu said this, Xun Yu was even more confused, "If this is the case, then why is it such a simple dissociative scheme, Sun Quan can't see it?"

"It's not that I can't see it, it's just that I can't get used to Liu Bei, and Sun Quan also wants to take this opportunity to see how Liu Bei reacts."

Sun Quan's thoughts are still easy to see.

"Then from Shouyi's point of view, how will Liu Bei react?"

Xun Yu subconsciously asked, he found that his thinking could not keep up in front of Zhuge Qiu.

"Either kill Sun Quan or run away on his own."

For Liu Bei, if he didn't want to worry about it in Jiangdong, there were only these two roads.

Suspicion of this kind of thing, once doubtful, will be buried in the heart like a seed, difficult to remove.

"If so, he will have only one way to leave Koto."

Although Zhuge Qiu said two paths, but in the current situation, Liu Bei wanted to kill Sun Quan, which was tantamount to a fool's dream.

Even if he was able to kill Sun Quan and the name of the imperial uncle was removed, Sun Shangxiang was not willing to marry him, how could Jiang Dong Wenwu obey him.

He can't sit in this Jiangdong land.

Naturally, it can only be thirty-six plans, and it is up to go.

"You guys are leaving Koto?"

Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang in front of him, and he was also surprised.

Although Zhou Yu had also said this before, he did not expect Zhuge Liang to be so direct.

"Yes, now that General Sun has suspected my father-in-law, and my father-in-law is also worried that General Sun has the intention of murder."

"So leaving Koto is a blessing for both of us."

After Lu Su heard Zhuge Liang's words, he did not deny that this is indeed the case today.

"If it weren't for Uncle Liu's calculation, my family master would not be like this."

Finally, Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang and sighed.

"In such a situation, in order to protect ourselves, we have no choice but to do it."

Zhuge Liang also did not deny it, but all this had long been expected by him.

"Then Kong Ming left Jiangdong this time, I don't know where he and the imperial uncle want to go?"

"I can't tell me, but I came here today in the hope that Zijing can wait for me in front of your lord and say a few more beautiful words."

"My lord father-in-law leaves Jiangdong, as far as Jiangdong is concerned, it is beneficial and harmless, and if my father-in-law can make a comeback, he will definitely fight against Cao with General Sun again."

Zhuge Liang glanced at Lu Su after speaking, then solemnly saluted, and then left.

"Did Kong Ming really say that?"

After Zhuge Liang left, Lu Su immediately told Sun Quan what Zhuge Liang said.


Lu Su looked at Sun Quan and replied affirmatively.

"Gong Jin, do you think you should let them leave?"

After Sun Quan pondered for a while, he looked at Zhou Yu on the side and asked.

"Gong Jin thought that the Lord could let them go, but now Liu Bei has lost his value, and it doesn't matter to us to resist Cao."

"If he leaves, it will be a blessing to be able to attract Cao Cao's attention."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and said his thoughts.

"Dadu Governor, what he said is extreme, besides, Liu Bei Defense Lord, maybe his departure may not have a turn for the better in my Jiangdong war situation."

Lu Su also agreed and said, after all, he also promised Zhuge Liang to let Sun Quan agree to their departure.

"Since you two agree on it, then it's up to you to arrange this matter."

After thinking about it, Sun Quan opened his mouth and said, if it weren't for Liu Bei's plague, I am afraid that he would not have carried it like this.

Lu Su received Sun Quan's order, and he was also relieved and prepared to tell Zhuge Liang the news.

"Kong Ming, you said that Sun Quan is really willing to let us go?"

In the mansion, Liu Bei saw that there was no news yet, and he was also a little apprehensive.

He didn't want to die in Jiangdong just like that.

Now the situation in Jiangdong is unfavorable, even if Sun Quan does not kill himself, if Jiangdong is taken by Cao Cao, he will be unable to escape death.

"Lord rest assured, with the prestige of the lord, Sun Quan will inevitably agree to me and leave, and now, in their eyes, we are worthless."

For this point, Zhuge Liang is still very confident, and he used Guan Yu Zhang Fei as bait to convince Sun Quan.

"Report, Lord Lu Su came to ask for a meeting."

"Isn't this already coming?"

After Zhuge Liang listened to the soldier's report, he immediately laughed.

I didn't expect Lu Su's efficiency to be so fast this time.

"Zi Jing is here, I don't know if it brings good news?"

Zhuge Liang greeted and asked, but he had already guessed it in his heart.

"It seems that Kong Ming already knows, but my father-in-law agrees."

Lu Su also quickly replied, but why Sun Quan agreed, he naturally wouldn't say.

"Liang, thank you Zijing."


Although the news that Liu Bei was leaving, it was not widely publicized, but it still reached Cao Cao's ears.

After all, Sun Quan and they planned to let Liu Bei attract a wave of firepower for them.

"This big eared thief is ready to leave Jiangdong, it seems that we are just around the corner to take Jiangdong."

"Shouyi, Gongda once said, you have long known that Liu Bei is leaving Jiangdong, I wonder if you know where the big eared thief will go?"

As soon as Cao Cao spoke, Zhuge Qiu knew what Cao Cao meant.

Cao Cao wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could slaughter Liu Bei.

"I guess that Liu Bei is likely to go to Yizhou."

Zhuge Qiu thought about it and said, after all, Zhuge Lianglong was in the beginning, and Yizhou was his goal.

Moreover, Liu Zhang is also a member of the Han family, but he doesn't know that now the historical situation has been changed by himself.

What would they do if they really went to Yizhou.

After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao also understood.

Now in the territory of Dahan, in addition to Jiangdong, only Yizhou, Hanzhong, and the desolate land occupied by Western Liang Ma Teng remains.

"If that's the case, it's only very difficult to rob and kill Liu Bei."

In the end, Cao Cao could only sigh, since Liu Bei was fleeing, he would definitely not make a big splash this time.

Once the whole is reduced to zero, who can find people?

Zhuge Qiu naturally also knew Cao Cao's thoughts, so now he could only put his mind on Jiangdong.

Take Jiangdong in one fell swoop, and when the time comes, sweep the world, even if Liu Bei runs, he can be captured back.

"Report, Prime Minister, something has happened."

Just when Zhuge Qiu was thinking about how to take Jiangdong, Zhang Liao had already hurriedly walked in.

"What's so flustered?"

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