"Finally send away this plague."

Sun Quan was relieved to know the news after Liu Bei left.

Originally, he wanted to use the reputation of Emperor Liu Bei and the ability of Guan Yu Zhang Fei to fight Cao Cao together.

But in the end, Huang Gai Lumeng and Guan Yu were all captured by Cao Cao.

Not to mention the loss of his own army, even his sister took a ride and liked Cao Cao's advisers.

"I just don't know, after this Liu Bei leaves, God will take care of my Jiangdong and bless my Jiangdong foundation."

Sun Quan looked at everyone and couldn't help but sigh.

Today's situation in Jiangdong makes his whole head big.

"Now that the situation in Jiangdong is like this, I wonder what plan you have?"

Of course, Sun Quan also knew that he would definitely not be able to put his hope on this.

"Now that the situation is unfavorable for our army, the minister thinks that our Jiangdong army should be mainly defensive to deal with the Cao army."

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhou Yu also stood up at this time.

After all, he is the governor of the capital, and if he doesn't say a word, he really can't say it.

"The news of Liu Bei's departure will inevitably reach Cao Cao's camp, and at that time, whether he sends someone to rob and kill Liu Bei, I am afraid that he will take this opportunity to use troops against our Jiangdong to find out the truth."

No matter what happened between Sun Quan and Liu Bei, now that Liu Bei left, it means that the previous union was broken?

This will have a certain impact on Jiangdong, which is already at a disadvantage and the army is unstable.

"If our army can work with ease, it will certainly be able to revive the morale of the army."

Zhou Yu looked at everyone and analyzed, this time if he didn't attack, there could be no mistake.

After listening to Zhou Yu's words, Sun Quan also felt reliable, besides, the only reliance now is the Yangtze River natural danger.

If Cao Cao does not fight them, he is already very face-giving, and he can only respond to all changes with no change.

In the following time, Zhou Yu arranged a large number of defensive pawns on the Yangtze River.

In order not to have accidents, Zhou Yu himself also personally fought and stayed on the front line.

"Dadu Governor, will this Cao army really take this opportunity to attack?"

Lu Su looked at the fact that four or five days had passed, let alone attacked, and Cao Cao had not even sent a ship.

"Zijing, you don't want to fall for Cao Thief's scheme, presumably this must be Cao Thief's arrogant plan."

"This Zhuge Qiu is tricky, how could he attack so easily, this matter must be plotting in secret."

Zhou Yu saw that Lu Su didn't believe it, and said very firmly.

Lu Su looked at the confident Zhou Yu, he always felt that this person who was deceiving himself was Zhou Yu.

But Zhou Yu's words, he couldn't find any flaws for a while.

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know these at this time, because he didn't have time to pay attention to it at all.

He really didn't expect that he had already found Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing in order to prevent the soldiers from contracting diseases.

But the result was still not prevented, but at this time, even if it was one to two months late, he might have taken Jiangdong.

"If it weren't for Mr. Wang, I'm afraid that there would be more and more sick soldiers."

Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo are also very impressed by Zhuge Qiu's methods these days.

"There's only so much I can do."

This schistosomiasis is not to say that it was in ancient times, that is, in later generations, it is still a relatively powerful infectious disease.

Is it really a destiny that is inviolable?

Old Cao just carried it like that?

"How is the situation in the military today?"

As soon as Zhuge Qiu returned, Cao Cao asked with worry.

"Now basically all the sick soldiers have been placed together."

The purpose of this is naturally to prevent more soldiers from getting sick.

"If it weren't for Shouyi, I'm afraid that my 200,000-strong army this time would not be spared."

"It's just that now the people are panicking and the military is unstable, and although a strict order has been issued to appease the military and not to discuss it in private, it has achieved little results."

Xun Yu also said with concern at this time.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu understood that the more he was not allowed to say, the more frightening it was.

"Prime Minister, if this continues, I am afraid of mutiny."

"Shouyi, what do you think?"

Cao Cao also knew that things were tricky, and he could only look at Zhuge Qiu habitually.

"In addition to the soldiers who are not sick, I am worried about the sick soldiers, and now the sergeants and pawns are afraid of them."

"The brothers who fought together in the bloody battlefield at the beginning are now so indifferent, they must feel bad in their hearts."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and said, now there are tens of thousands of soldiers who are sick, once they riot.

At that time, it will be even more out of control.

"Then kill them all."

After Cao Cao was silent for a while, he immediately spoke.


Zhuge Qiu immediately stopped him.

He knew that in ancient times, this was generally done for this infectious disease.

"It is not a last resort, it cannot be like this, otherwise it will chill the hearts of the army and it will inevitably be chaotic."

Once the butcher knife is raised, and there are sick people, they dare not come out, then then really don't think about running at that time.

"Since the Lord can't be killed, what if we let them go out to fight the Jiangdong army?"

Made, Jia Xu really deserves to be a poisoner.

It's too ruthless, in this way, they don't have to raise the butcher knife personally, and they can still infect the Jiangdong army.

"It can't be like this, if it does, it will be completely out of control."

Zhuge Qiu was definitely the first to refuse.

Help Cao Cao yourself, for what?

Isn't it that the world will be unified as soon as possible, when the people will live and work in peace and contentment, and they can live a dashing life.

In this way, everyone is at their own peril, against their own intentions.

Cao Cao looked at Jia Xu, and then at Zhuge Qiu.

Finally, he also took a deep breath.

"Is there any other good way to keep righteousness?"

"Save people, withdraw troops!"

Zhuge Qiu saw Cao Cao asking himself, he was also relieved, if Cao Cao really chose to raise the butcher knife, he might not necessarily stay here.

"Just do as Shouyi says."

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu for a while before he spoke.

"Shouyi thanked the Prime Minister."

Zhuge Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked him.

"Duke Cao rest assured, if you withdraw your troops for the time being, you will be helped to rule the world in the future."

"With the words of Shouyi, I am relieved." Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a smile.

Although they are already preparing to withdraw, the 200,000-strong army naturally does not mean withdrawing.

And that's the case.

In the following time, Zhuge Qiu arranged for the retreat while treating and saving people.

"Sir, Yunchang asks for a meeting."

After a busy day, Zhuge Qiu had just returned to the camp, when Zhao Yun stepped forward and spoke.

Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, "What did he see about me?" "

I haven't changed my clothes yet, so I took a hot bath."

"Let him wait, I'll wash up, and I'll see him again."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun after thinking about it and ordered.

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