After Cao Cao heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he was also confused, this matter still has something to do with Sima Yi?

He also had an impression of Sima Yi, Sima Yi was also quite famous, and his father Sima Fang was also an old minister of the Han family.

He repeatedly summoned Sima Yi to be an official, but Sima Yi did not agree, and finally he coerced him with strong means and made him a literary shan.

"Shouyi, I see you seem to be quite interested in this Sima Yi?"

"Duke Cao should not underestimate this person, and this person's talent is not much compared to Zhuge Kongming."

When Zhuge Qiu saw Cao Cao asking, he answered casually.

"Compared with Zhuge Kongming, wouldn't it be better to keep righteousness than you? That's nothing to worry about. "

Zhuge Qiu almost didn't react for a while, Lao Cao's thinking logic is really fine.

However, Sima Yi's best life is long.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu could not tell Cao Cao this kind of thing, otherwise Cao Cao asked himself how long he could live and what he said.

"Anyway, Cao Gong is more vigilant against Sima Yi."

Cao Cao thought about it, Zhuge Qiu didn't lie to himself, he must have his reason for saying this.

Cao Pi was silent for Sima Yi for three minutes.

Zhongda just pointed out his own worship, and you directly entered the words, so that the father could guard against him.

The meal soon dispersed, and Zhuge Qiu was arranged by Cao Cao in a courtyard.

The place is not big, but the environment is also quiet and elegant, which shows that Cao Cao is attentive.

Zhuge Qiu returned to his place of residence, and Cao Pi also returned to his mansion at this time.

Sima Yi was waiting for him in the mansion at this time.

"Gongzi, how are things going, is everything as expected, and the prime minister has asked several princes to worship that person as a teacher?"

Although it was an inquiry, Sima Yi said it very affirmatively, as if he was stating a fact.

"Nope." Cao Pi shook his head, "This person saw that I proposed to worship the teacher because I was instructed, and he said that if I want to worship the teacher, I must let you meet him in person." Sima

Yi was also stunned when he heard this, and he was a little shocked. This person has such talent, even he knows that I am behind my back?

"That's not it, I said it when I saw that I couldn't hide it."

"Gongzi, next time trouble to make things clear at once."

Sima Yi was a little speechless, and this big panting startled me.

"This person also told his father that your talent is not much better than Zhuge Kongming."

This person has some foresight, no wonder he can be trusted by the prime minister.

"But my father said that since it is compared with Kong Ming, it is not a concern."

Where did Cao Pi know Sima Yi's thoughts, so he continued to speak to himself.

"What else did he say?" Sima Yi's face was also a little collapsed when he heard this.

"He said to let Father be wary of you."

"Did the Prime Minister hear that?" Sima Yi was also a little unable to sit still when he heard this.

You will put little shoes on me and cut off my path to promotion."

"Gongzi, don't worry, I will meet this person."

Wait for yourself to promote the worship of several sons and sons, and let you know the headache when the time comes.

With the personalities of Cao Chang and Cao Zhi, Sima Yi believed that once the matter of worshiping the teacher was completed, they would definitely not give up.

Sima Yi left Cao Pi and went straight to Zhuge Qiu.

"As soon as Lao is tired of speaking, he said Sima Zhongda. On the order of Cao Pi's son, he came to see his husband by appointment.

After Sima Yi came to Zhuge Qiu, he looked at the soldier guarding the door and spoke.

Looking at the back of the soldier entering, Sima Yi sighed even more in his heart.

It seems that this person's position in Cao Cao's heart is more important than he thought.

Zhuge Qiu was discussing who lived and where for Guan Yu and Zhao Yun when he heard news from Sima Yilai.

"Go, we'll meet him."

Zhuge Qiu also wanted to see what this eagle Gu Wolf who could survive the death of Lao Cao for several generations looked like.

"You are Sima Yi?"

Coming to the hall, Zhuge Qiu finally saw the first god of the Three Kingdoms, and Sima Yi was thirty years old at this time.

"Sima Yi came on orders and saw Mr." Sima Yi saw Zhuge Qiu looking at him, but he didn't say much, but politely saluted.


He was more than ten years younger than Sima Yi, and although Cao Cao currently trusted him, he had not yet officially made him an official by the imperial court.

Moreover, what he and Cao Cao said during the banquet, Sima Yi must also know.

Seeing himself, he is still so polite, and it is estimated that he has already jumped his feet if he changed others.

It seems that this guy is really meticulous.

See how long you can fit it.

"Is that why you encouraged Cao Pi to worship me as a teacher?" Zhuge Qiu looked at Sima Yi and asked.

"Sir is valued by the prime minister, and if Cao Pigongzi can learn one or two, he will definitely benefit a lot."

Sima Yi did not deny it, after all, Cao Pi had already sold himself for a wave.

"So it is." Zhuge Qiu looked at Sima Yi with a look of sudden realization.

This kind of thing is believed by the devil.

As far as Lao Cao's sons, except for Cosmic Chong, the other few people are not very friendly to themselves.

"I can't imagine that Zhongda is so attentive to the eldest prince, what about the other princes?"

As soon as Sima Yi heard this, he naturally did not dare to respond, if this was not passed well, it would be that he and Cao Pi stood together.

This is a big taboo.

"Sir, don't say this nonsense, don't hurt Zhongda."

"The other sons are talented, if they can get the guidance of the husband, it is naturally a blessing, and presumably the prime minister will also be happy."

Sima Yi immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and explained.

"The other princes are talented, is Cao Pi stupid?"

"Sir, Zhongda doesn't mean that."

Sima Yi looked at Zhuge Qiu, and there were tens of millions of grass and mud horses in his heart, galloping past.

"Really?" Zhuge Qiu looked at Sima Yi and asked with a surprised expression, "That is, I misunderstood it, and I also asked Zhongda to make it clear, who is stupid among the princes?" As

soon as Sima Yi heard this, didn't this horse send a proposition.

Say that everyone is an offender.

No, this worship thing, talking about it, how can it change its taste.


Sima Yi originally wanted to pretend to be dumb, but Zhuge Qiu didn't seem to intend to make him happy.

Just kidding, you used me as a bargaining chip to make Cao Pi happy and wanted to make yourself a target for Cao Chang to target.

Think beautiful for you.

Sima Yi looked at Zhuge Qiu's harmless face, and he was angry.

But looking at Zhuge Qiu's posture, it is obvious that he will not stop if he does not achieve his goal.

"It's under dullness."

I'm stupid.

Seeing Sima Yi's constipated expression, Zhuge Qiu also wanted to laugh, and patted Sima Yi's shoulder, "Zhongda, don't worry, I agreed to the matter of worshiping the teacher." When

Sima Yi heard this, he just wanted to say thank you, but then found that something was wrong.

You don't have to look at my face, it has nothing to do with me.

I don't want face.

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