"Zhongda, why are you not looking good?"

Cao Pi was reading a book in the mansion when he suddenly saw Sima Yi walking in with a constipated look.

"Gongzi doesn't have to worry, I'm fine."

Sima Yi saw Cao Pi asking, and immediately replied.

Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi's constipated expression, you are okay, I am not blind.

"Gongzi rest assured, the matter of worshiping the teacher has already become a thing, but there was a little accident."

Sima Yi also seemed to see Cao Pi's thoughts, and immediately explained again.

"What little accident?" Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi, why did he not believe it so much.

"Tomorrow's son will know."

Cao Pi saw that Sima Yi had said so, and he did not ask any more.

The next day, when Cao Cao came down, he called Cao Pi and them all over.

"Pi'er, Shouyi has already agreed to your worship."

Cao Cao first looked at Cao Pi and said with a smile.

"Big brother, what do you think, you actually worship someone younger than you as a teacher."

Cao Zhang, who was beside Cao Pi, immediately muttered a word, quite puzzled and joking.

Although Cao Zhi on the side did not speak, the expression on his face was already obvious.

Cao Cao glanced at the two of them, "What do you know, you have to learn from your brother on this point."

"You two should also follow Shouyi and study hard."

"We have to learn too?" Cao Chang was not happy at first.

"Dad, the child aims to learn martial arts, lead the army to sweep the world, and learn what those crepe crepe do?"

"Yes, Daddy, poetry is right, children are no worse than people, strategize, what is the use of me learning them."

Cao Zhi also said on the side at this time, he was not interested in these.

"Look at your appearance, I tell you, you can worship Shouyi as a teacher, and you all have to thank Sima Yi."

"If it weren't for him seeing that your qualifications were dull and saying good things to Shouyi, you wouldn't necessarily have this qualification."

Cao Cao looked at the two and immediately reprimanded, although he didn't know why, yesterday Zhuge Qiu just finished being wary of Sima Yi, but today he praised him.

"Dad, we're not going."

"You all go back to me and prepare for tomorrow to worship the teacher in Shouyi Mansion."

Cao Cao glanced at them, and directly waved his big hand and said.

Looking at their backs as they left, Cao Cao also sighed, "Guarding righteousness, you will understand later." Left

, Cao Cao's mansion, Cao Pi finally knew what Sima Yi said was an accident.

Looking at the murderous eyes of Cao Zhang and Cao Zhi, there was a small accident.

This is eight hundred kills and one thousand self-damages.

Cao Pi took the lead and hurriedly ran to the mansion to report to Sima Yi.

"Zhongda, Zhongda, you hurry up and run, Brother Chang and Brother Zhi are here."

Sima Yi's face also changed, and the one who should have come finally came.

"Gongzi, it's okay, I've been prepared."

"Why do you say that Brother Chang and Brother Zhi are stupid."

Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi and shook his head.

As soon as Sima Yi heard this, he immediately felt bad in his heart.

I still underestimated the insidious nature of this Zhuge Shouyi.

Before he could think about anything, Cao Chang and Cao Zhi had already rushed in.

They were Cao Cao's sons, and naturally no one dared to stop them.

"Sima Yi, you dare to humiliate this prince and call me stupid?"

The most unacceptable thing for Cao Chang is that others call him stupid, that he has developed limbs and a simple mind.

"You said that he would forget it, and you even scolded Ben Gongzi."

Cao Zhi took his family at this time and surrounded Sima Yi.

"What do you mean?" Cao Chang glared at Cao Zhi.

"The two princes misunderstood, how dare Zhongda do this."

Sima Yi looked at the two who were not good at coming, and immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"This is all Zhuge Shouyi framing me."

"You are really stupid, if I believe you, I am really stupid."

Cao Zhang's face immediately turned cold, what his father said personally, it could still be fake.

Sima Yi still wanted to say something, but Cao Chang had already smashed it with a punch.

Don't look at Sima Yi is older than Cao Zhang, where is the opponent of Cao Chang who has learned martial arts since childhood.

Cao Pi didn't expect Cao Chang to start so quickly, and he didn't stop it.

It can be seen that Sima Yi prepared a belly of words, but the result was unreasonable.

"Zhongda, are you all right?"

After Cao Chang and Cao Zhi left, Cao Pi quickly helped Sima Yi up.

"Gongzi, do you think I'm okay?"

Sima Yi gave Cao Pi a look and let him experience it himself.

He now felt that his bones were about to fall apart, and if it weren't for Cao Pi blocking him, it might have been even worse.

"Zhongda rest assured, with the anger of Brother Chang and Brother Zhi today, worshipping the teacher tomorrow will definitely not make him feel better."

Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi and comforted.

"Gongzi is right." Sima Yi endured the pain and said.

"Sir, what you said is really right, Cao Chang and Cao Zhi really went to Sima Yi to settle the account, and it was a miserable beating."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu, and also said with a smile.

"It's okay, he resisted."

Zhuge Qiu also did not expect that Cao Chang was also so tiger that he dared to do it directly.

Dare to calculate yourself, beaten one by one, it is already cheap for him.

"That gentleman will have to pay attention tomorrow."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and reminded.

"It's okay, a few little brats, I can't clean it up."

Zhuge Qiu raised his hand, not paying attention to it at all.

"You asked Shangyunchang to go shopping in Xuchang City together."

After all, I have just come to Xuchang for two days, so I can't travel well.


Zhao Yun thought about it, he was not afraid in the face of thousands of troops, and there was nothing he couldn't deal with.

Zhuge Qiu led Zhao Yun and Guan Yu and began to walk around Xu Chang.

I have to say that since Cao Cao returned to Xuchang Dingdu with Emperor Han Xian, Xuchang's development is still very good.

After all, this is also the capital of Dahan today.

Here Zhuge Qiu even saw that many things could not be seen in Jingzhou.

"Zilong is so lively in front, do you want to take a look?"

Zhuge Qiu saw the crowd gathering in front of him from afar, and pointed to the front and said.

The two of them naturally had no opinion, but as soon as Zhuge Qiu looked at this group of Yingying Yanyan, he knew what place this was.

Zhuge Qiu was also a little embarrassed for a while, it's really not what you think.

"Yunchang, what are you blushing?"

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