In the barracks, at this time, Zhuge Qiu had already taken the opportunity to subdue Zhao Yun and returned to the camp together.

This is really a coincidence, before Zhuge Qiu was driven away by Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun had been guarding Fancheng, and the two had never met.

Until the time he returned to the Cao Jun camp, Zhao Yun's face was very ugly.

Zhuge Qiu also knew Zhao Yun's psychology, and now he must not be convinced, and he was even worried about Liu Bei in his heart.

"Don't keep a face, if you come and be safe, after a month, if you have no intention of obeying, you will definitely be let go." After

returning to the camp, Zhuge Qiu took off all the armor on his body.

Although Zhao Yun did not answer, he also kept looking at Zhuge Qiu, he wanted to see what this person who was so afraid of death looked like.

"Zhao Yun's intimacy is minus fifteen. "

I'll go, it's worse than minus ten before.

Zhuge Qiu's movements to take off his armor were much slower, and when he took them all off, Zhao Yun couldn't help but be surprised.

This man turned out to be so young.

"I can't imagine that you were used by the Cao thief at such a young age, but it's a pity that you are so young that you don't want to serve the imperial court and help the thief.

Zhao Yun snorted coldly and looked at Zhuge Qiu and said coldly.

Zhuge Qiu was also amused by Zhao Yun's words, seeing what Zhao Yun meant, he still wanted to rebel against himself.

"Thief, what is a thief?"

asked Zhuge Qiu with a smile.

"Cao Cao's name is Han Xiang, but he is actually a Han thief, a thief who steals the country.

"As you said, who is this Han Gao ancestor Liu Bang

?" "Didn't this world steal from the hands of the Qin Dynasty, or did it steal from the hands of the Chu Overlord?"

Zhao Yun immediately retorted after listening to Zhuge Qiu's words.

"At the time of Huan Ling, the government was corrupt, the people of the world were resentful, the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the people gathered to respond, and Dong Zhuo entered Beijing and rose together.

"Why is this not the tyranny of the dynasty and the deer, so why can't it be inhabited by the able, is it that only he Liu Bei can do it in this world?"

Zhuge Qiu found a chair and lay down and said lightly.

I'm too tired in armor, but it's still comfortable to lie down and bask in the sun.

"This..." Zhao Yun said for a while, and then said, "This world is the world of the Liu clan, Cao Cao does not respect the Son of Heaven, naturally only my family lord can assist him, even if he is called emperor, naturally only Uncle Liu is qualified to ascend the throne." "

The world is the world of people under the world, not the world of one surname, if you can get it with your words, why was it not Qin Huan who was the Han emperor in the first place?"

"Isn't it a beautiful thing for Cao Cao to compete for the world, but now that Cao Cao sits in the north, the northern territory is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, isn't it a beautiful thing?"

Zhao Yun didn't pick up, just scolded, then stopped speaking, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhuge Qiu didn't bother, some things still had to be thought out by himself.

It was not until late afternoon that Cao Cao collected his army and returned to the camp.

The tiger and leopard rode after Liu Bei for days, and naturally it was time to rest.

"It's a pity that Liu Bei still let him run.

After returning to the camp, after seeing Zhuge Qiu, Cao Cao said with a regretful face.

Zhao Yun on the side was happy when he heard this, and he was happy that Liu Bei fled.

"Shouyi, now that Liu Bei has run away, why is he still not seen in the forbidden army, what should be the next step?"

Cao Cao did not avoid Zhao Yun, and immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

Zhao Yun was shocked when he saw that Cao Cao actually asked the weak-looking young man beside him.

"Cao Gong just hasn't seen the forbidden general and the army under his command, I don't know if Cao Gong has remembered, who else hasn't seen it?"

Cao Ren, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, ?......

His subordinates thought about it for a while, and finally they were confused.

"Has Cao Gong ever seen Guan Yu?" Zhuge

Qiu saw that Cao Cao didn't know what he was thinking, so he immediately opened his mouth and prompted.

Cao Cao's pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't help but brush his beard, "In this way, it is true that I have not seen Yun Chang."

"Yun Chang is a loyal and righteous person, when he passed five levels and killed six generals, hanging the seal and sealing gold, he had to follow Liu Bei, he should not disappear at this time."

Cao Cao felt that Guan Yu should not be by Liu Bei's side at this time.

"Yun Chang is not here at this time, could it be that he has an important task?" "

Cao Cao is originally a powerful military expert, and his strategy is also awesome, after Zhuge Qiu's point, where can he not react.

"If Liu Bei wants to go to Jiangxia, then he must go by water, which is the most convenient, and Jiangling is the first to bear the brunt. "

That's right, Yu Ban was sent to intercept Guan Yu.

Zhao Yun had always been by the side, and he was also surprised to see that Zhuge Qiu analyzed Guan Yu's whereabouts in two words.

If this is

the case, if he kills him, then wouldn't it be a great evil for the lord?

"Miao, once Jiangling is taken, then Liu Bei is bound to be unable to rush directly to Jiangxia from the waterway.

After Cao Cao understood Zhuge Qiu's intentions, he couldn't help but praise.

Zhuge Qiu smiled and did not explain, he hoped that Yu Ban would better do Liu Bei.

In the night, the shrouded night was like a dark cloud hanging over Liu Bei's heart.

Zhao Yun surrendered, and his army was defeated, leaving less than a hundred men.

Now you can only march in the dark.

"We will be able to reach Gangneung early tomorrow morning, and everyone is holding on.

Liu Bei comforted everyone, now there are only these people under him, but they can't disperse again.

"Jiangling, I'm afraid that when we get to Jiangling, only Cao Jun is waiting for us.

Zhang Fei said displeased, today's Changbanpo, he sent his own soldiers to die in the forest, bluffing, assuming that there were ambush soldiers.

However, it was seen at a glance, and Cao Cao even said that he probably had the number of people hiding in the forest.

I almost didn't run back myself.

Zhuge Liang's eyes flickered after hearing this, and he knew that Zhang Fei's words just now meant something against him.

Indeed, this feeling of being seen through everything and being in control is indeed very uncomfortable.

As soon as the sky was dark, when Liu Bei led the army to Jiangling, a group of people had already arrived.

"Yun Chang?" After

seeing it clearly, Liu Bei first breathed a sigh of relief, and then was very surprised.

"Yun Chang, why are you here?" "

Why should I ask the military master in the eldest brother, he should know best."

Guan Yu was a rare gaffe.

"By the way, what about the military master?" Liu

Bei wanted Zhuge Liang not to mind, but when he turned around, he found that Zhuge Liang didn't know when he disappeared.

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