"This Zhuge Kongming, let me go and take Jiangling and ask for help in Jiangxia, but Yu Ban was already the first to lead the cavalry.

"Our five hundred pawns are no match for it, and this is a great defeat."

Guan Yu also became more and more angry the more he spoke, he never thought that he would have such a embarrassing time, and he was still killed by Yu Ban.

Liu Bei also had mixed feelings in his heart at this time, could it be that God really wanted to accept me this time, Liu Xuande could not succeed

? Doesn't it mean that with the help of Wolong can win the world?


In the camp of Cao Cao's army, at noon, Yu Ban finally returned to the camp with his men and horses at this time.

"Lord, sir, this time Yu Forbidden lived up to his trust and defeated Guan Yu and took Jiangling in one fell swoop.

"Good, great. Cao Cao immediately laughed when he heard this, and quickly thought of something and hurriedly asked.

"What about

Liu Bei, can you take Liu Bei?" The most important thing is to take Liu Bei, if you can't take Liu Bei, then this pursuit is meaningless.

"The last general successfully defeated Liu Bei, but when he was about to take it, he was rescued by a group of men and horses, and the last general sent to search for a long time, and there was no trace.

Yu Ban did not hide it, and said everything truthfully.

Thinking of his own guarantee when Zhuge Qiu gave him the task, Yu Ban also blushed a little.

Cao Cao also passed the news to Zhuge Qiu, and he had no clue for a while.

After all, he was not at the scene, and now that Liu Bei had not gone to Jiangxia, the wheel of history seemed to have begun to change.

The army set off for Xiangyang. At

this point, Cao Cao knew that he could only return to Xiangyang first.

Xiangyang initially decided that since he had missed the opportunity to wipe out Liu Bei in one fell swoop, he had to make another plan.

Cao Cao's army returned victorious, and Cai Mao and the others were naturally overjoyed.

They defected to Cao Cao, and if Cao Cao came up and lost the battle, then it would be too much to hit them in the face.

"Congratulations to Prime Minister Yu on his triumphant return. In

order to pat the horse, Cai Mao also specially arranged for people to go out of the city to greet him.

Zhuge Qiu was not interested in this, and quietly entered Xiangyang from another direction with Zhao Yun.

I have to say that Xiangyang is indeed worthy of its reputation as an important town in Jingzhou.

The streets are also very lively, and the prosperity of the streets is not comparable to Xinye.

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu, who was walking in front of him, still looking around from time to time, and seemed to be curious about everything around him.

Zhao Yun was also puzzled, this Zhuge Qiu and Cao Cao actually trusted themselves so much?

And if he wants to kill Zhuge Qiu, it is also an easy thing.


Zhao Yun was thinking so, Zhuge Qiu at this time took out some silver money from his arms and bought some food.

He picked up a child dressed as a beggar and handed it over.

"If you're hungry, eat quickly."

"Thank you big brother.

"Why are you pretending?" Zhuge

Qiu shook his head after getting up, he knew that Zhao Yun still had a great prejudice against him now.

"See, there are more and more beggars on this street, in addition to the corruption of the imperial court, they can't survive, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and more is the trauma caused by war."

"Now that the war in the south has just begun, I am afraid that it will be even more so wherever it passes."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun with some feeling and spoke.

"The people suffer, and the dead people suffer.

Zhuge Qiu thought of Zhang Yanghao's verse and couldn't help but blurt out.

Not only Zhao Yun was stunned, but a brother on the side was also stunned.

Immediately stepped forward and said, "This prince is extraordinary, and he speaks the true meaning of this world in one sentence.

"Whether it rises or falls, it is not the people who suffer in the end."

Zhuge Qiu also did not expect that although he felt this, he still hoped to say it to Zhao Yun

, but he did not expect that it would attract the attention of others at this time.

After Zhuge Qiu saw the person coming clearly, he was stunned for a while, and immediately became interested again.

I didn't expect that I really met this Xibei goods dressed as a man.

This "brother Gongzi" is about the same age as himself, with fair skin and very flexible eyes.

In this era, there is no anti-heavenly beauty and various makeup techniques, it seems that this woman dressed as a man's Xibei should be quite good.

"This prince has won the prize. Zhuge Qiu also did not expose her, and replied with a look of not seeing through.

"I Guan Gongzi talks extraordinarily, but Guan Zhi, but he is not a local person, I don't know what Gongzi's name is, where does it come from?"

Brother Gongzi, who was dressed as a man, continued to look at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"It's true that people who are not locals, rarely come from Xiangyang.

"Under the surname Zhuge Mononame..."

When Zhuge Qiu was about to continue to introduce himself, before he finished speaking, the other party was the first to get excited.

"A single name and a bright word?" Zhuge

Qiu was also confused, he was mistakenly recognized.

I don't remember what relationship this person has with Zhuge Liang.

"Are you from Wollongong?" Before

Zhuge Qiu could deny it, the other party asked excitedly again.

"Indeed, I lived in Wollongong. Zhuge Qiu didn't quite understand, why did the other party suddenly ask this.

But he didn't lie that when he was a bookboy for Zhuge Liang, he was indeed ploughing with Zhuge on Wollongong, Nanyang.

This is also the place where I have been staying the longest since I crossed over.

After seeing that Zhuge Qiu admitted it, he did not say that he would answer Zhuge Qiu's question immediately, but became even more excited.

"It's you, it's really you. The

other party was happy and excited, and quickly took Zhuge Qiu's hand.

I'll go, is this ancient girl so active.

I don't know if I noticed the meaning in Zhuge Qiu's gaze, or if I discovered my gaffe.

After a while, this woman dressed as a man's brother looked shy again.

Zhao Yun on the side was completely stunned, but he didn't see that the other party's woman was pretending to be a man.

In his opinion, this is just two men pulling and pulling.

Seeing that Zhuge Qiu still didn't react, the brother Gongzi, who was dressed as a man, immediately opened his mouth again to ask.

"You really don't remember me, although you and I have never met, but we are already married. When

he said this, he couldn't help but blush.

"Marriage contract?" Zhuge Qiu was stunned at first, and soon he thought of something.

The other party will not recognize himself as Zhuge Liang.

"You won't be Huang Yueying Huang girl, right?" Zhuge

Qiu reacted, also with a look of surprise.

No, I actually met Huang Yueying.

And he was also misidentified by Huang Yueying.

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