"Sir, Prime Minister Cao Cheng is here, and there is an adult by his side."

As soon as Cao Cao and them arrived, they were already soldiers who came to pay their respects.

Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, why did Lao Cao suddenly come at this time, could it be said that he felt that he was too miserable to repair his son?

"Old Cao, why are you here?"

Zhuge Qiu muttered a little, but after Cao Cao and them came in, Danglian asked.

"Why, I can't come to see you, you kid has a moist life."

Cao Cao glanced at Zhuge Qiu and sat down with a smile.

Now looking at the entire Xu capital, only Zhuge Qiu dares to call him Lao Cao.

"Wen Ruo, I'm not wrong, this kid is bold."

Thinking of this, Cao Cao did not forget to look at Xun Yu on the side and introduced.

Xun Yu could naturally see that an old Cao sentence showed the relationship between the two.

He also did not expect that in addition to Fengxiao, there was anyone who could gain such trust from Cao Cao.

"Let me give you a look, this is Xun Yuxun, Xun Wenruo."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Xun Yu, this is Xun Yu.

Uphold the will of loyalty and keep the festival of humility and retirement.

Unfortunately, on the matter of Lao Cao claiming the king, there was a disagreement.

"I have seen Xun Lingjun, and I have heard of Lingjun's name for a long time." Zhuge Qiu looked at Xun Yu and also greeted him.

"Don't dare, in the name of righteousness, Wen Ruo has already been thunderous, and Gongda and Prime Minister Cheng are full of praise for you."

Xun Yu didn't expect that Zhuge Qiu knew himself.

"Shouyi, I heard that today you killed all sides on the Yuedan Rating, and drenched Yang Xiu's bloody dog?"

Cao Cao continued after the two of them had finished touting each other.

"It's just a discussion, it's just a discussion."

Zhuge Qiu said with a faint smile, this kind of basic operation, there is nothing to be proud of.

"Look what you can, today Wen Ruo came to find you, but he brought you a problem, I don't know if you have the ability to solve it?"

Cao Cao naturally also heard the meaning of Zhuge Qiu's words, and immediately did not know what to say.

"Old Cao, you really don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and you know to find me if you have difficulties."

Zhuge Qiu directly gave Cao Cao a roll of his eyes.

"No, I won't do it, you unlucky sons, it's already enough of a headache."

Zhuge Qiu directly refused.

"Shouyi, I made a bet with Wen Ruo, you can't let me lose like this."

As soon as Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu was going to pick the pick, he immediately whispered on the side.

"What does this matter to me, besides, Lao Cao, don't you lose every gamble?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao, with a look that you even had the courage to bet with others.

Cao Cao also blushed after hearing this, "As long as you help me win, I will promise you any requirements you have in the future." "

Really?" Zhuge Qiu saw that Cao Cao was so open, so he confirmed it again.

"That can still be fake." Cao Cao also knew that he had just spoken quickly, but at this time, it was not easy to deny, he could only affirm.

Xun Yu looked at the two of them muttering there, not knowing what to say for a while, and feeling that he was a little superfluous.

"Xun Lingjun, I wonder why you are bothered?"

But fortunately, not long ago, Zhuge Qiu had obviously reached an agreement with Lao Cao, and immediately asked.

"According to news from various places, now that the price of salt is rising, merchants from all walks of life are hoarding, and in the long run, they are afraid of change."

Xun Yu saw Zhuge Qiu asking, but he didn't hide it, and immediately sighed and said very worriedly.

"Just such a trifle?"

Zhuge Qiu originally thought that there was something big, but it turned out to be the salt thing.

"Shouyi, this is not a trivial matter, salt is an indispensable thing for the people, and now the price of the price will inevitably cause resentment among the people."

Xun Yu saw that Zhuge Qiu said such an understatement, and immediately opened his mouth to correct.

In his opinion, Zhuge Qiu was only good at strategizing and did not understand the seriousness of such matters.

"What Wen Ruo said is not bad, this matter is indeed difficult to guarantee, the sea salt is mostly in the land of the Bohai Sea in Hebei, when I defeated Yuan Shao, in order to encircle the Hebei family, this salt is one way, I will let it go."

Cao Cao also frowned at this time, but if he hadn't done this, he wouldn't have been able to stabilize Hebei so quickly.

The third duke of Yuan Shao, although he defeated Yuan Shao at the beginning, but to quickly stabilize the territory, naturally the strength of those family clans is indispensable.

If you want them to do things, it must be to give them enough benefits.

After listening to Cao Cao's words, Zhuge Qiu also understood, and he also knew that the Shi Clan Gate Valve had always been a big tail.

It can even be said that they are able to influence the existence of dynasties.

The most representative is the later Sui Dynasty, if Yang Guang had not moved the family and the interests of the Longmen valve, how could it be killed so easily.

"I have a count in my heart about this matter, Lao Cao, you sent someone to get some mineral salt for me."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and said.

I didn't expect that myself, who was familiar with various novels, would also have a day to travel over to refine salt.

This is also normal, after all, this is the drawback of the times.

"This... Could it be that Shouyi wants to replace sea salt with mineral salt? No, it's toxic.

Xun Yu quickly shook his head and said, this kind of thing they didn't think about.

"Don't worry, this kind of lack of virtue, I won't do it, just send someone to send it."

Zhuge Qiu waved his hand and glanced at Xun Yu, this point of proportion is still there.

Salt was originally non-toxic, but there were too many impurities in mineral salt, and crude salt was harmful to the human body.

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu's understatement, and he always felt a little unreliable.

However, Cao Cao pondered for a while, and soon chose to believe Zhuge Qiu, "Okay, I'll send someone to the door after I go back."

Xun Yu still wanted to say something, but Cao Cao had spoken, and he could only do it.

After sitting for a while, Cao Cao and they left.

Xun Yu was not very impressed with Zhuge Qiu because of the salt.

"It seems that Gongda was also confused by him."

Zhuge Qiu knew that they didn't believe it, and he didn't explain much, and the salt sent by Cao Cao arrived later.

He immediately began to prepare distillation, steaming, purifying fine salt.

Zhuge Qiu tinkered alone for one night, and after the refining was successful, his heart was also excited.

After wrapping the snow-white fine salt in paper, he immediately went out.

Just happened to meet Guo Zhao coming head-on, Zhuge Qiu quickly stopped the person.

"What are your orders, sir?" Guo Zhao saw that Zhuge Qiuhei's eyes were so heavy, and immediately asked.

"You see this?" Zhuge Qiu excitedly took it out to share the joy.

But the next moment he was stunned.

I saw Guo Zhao's face turn red, "Sir, is there something wrong during the day."

"But Guo Zhao was saved by Mr. Guo, he is a gentleman's person, if Mr. really needs ,..." When he said the back, Guo Zhao's

face was already red and did not dare to look at Zhuge Qiu.

"What's your reaction?"

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