Zhuge Qiu is a little puzzled, I'll show you a fine salt, blush and forget it, and say something commotion.

"Is this fine salt so unbearable?"

It stands to reason that it shouldn't, this salt is a little yellowed coarse salt than sold in this era, it's simply good not a grade.

"This... Sir, this is salt? After Guo Zhao heard this, the whole person opened his mouth in shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

"I've never seen such fine, white salt."

Guo Zhao took a while before continuing.

"What else do you think?"

"Didn't... It's nothing.

When Guo Zhao heard this, his face turned red again, especially when he thought of what he had just said.

If the husband knew that he had misunderstood the meaning, wouldn't it be humiliating.

"You're wrong."

Zhuge Qiu saw that Guo Zhao was reluctant to say, but he was not stupid, something was definitely wrong.

But now he doesn't have time to calculate Guo Zhao, although Guo Zhao's previous reaction is not right, but the reaction behind still explains the problem.

He had to bring things to Cao Cao and show them off.

In Cao Cao's mansion, at this time, Xun Yu, Xun Yu, and Jia Xu had all gathered there.

Cao Cao's face was a little ugly, "What do you guys think about this?" "

Everyone also knows why Cao Cao's face is so dark, and today in the upper dynasty, there are still a few Han families who grabbed salt and attacked Cao Cao.

Xun Yu also knew that the contradictions between the Han court and Cao Cao were irreconcilable.

At the same time, he also understood that Cao Cao had indeed brought great benefits to the people in this troubled world, quickly unifying the north and stabilizing the people's livelihood.

"The prime minister does not need to be angry, those old ministers do not know that the prime minister has intentions, and the old minister will definitely do his best to promote the salt price."

Xun Yu said after a while.

The Xun family is also Yingchuan, especially among the readers, he is also quite famous, and now he can only try it himself.

"This matter involves the interests of the family, I am afraid that it is difficult to promote, if the lord uses military power to suppress it, it is feasible, but this is only afraid that it will be criticized by the world's families."

Jia Xu frowned, and at this time he also stood up and spoke.

"There are so many twists and turns, you have to see yourself slaughter them."

Xu Chu on the side looked puzzled after listening to their words, in his opinion, how could there be so much controversy about this kind of thing.

"If it really doesn't work, just look for Shouyi."

Cao Cao also sighed after listening to Xu Chu's words, if it was really as simple as Xu Chu said, he would have already done it.

"Now it can only be the guardian of righteousness, what can be done."

In the end, Cao Cao felt that he could only put his greatest hope on Zhuge Qiu.

It's really urgent, and then it can only be coerced them.

"Prime Minister, Mr. Zhuge is here."

As soon as the words fell, there were already reports.

"Quick, let Shouyi in."

As if he saw a savior, Cao Cao quickly asked people to invite people in.

"It seems that I came in time, you are all here."

After Zhuge Qiu entered, he saw that so many people were there, and he also said with a smile.

"Shouyi, don't make fun of us, I don't know what the prime minister said before, Shouyi can make progress."

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and spoke first.

"Just look at it."

Zhuge Qiu took out the fine salt directly, after all, nothing is more convincing than this thing.

"This..." The others were also a little stunned when they saw it.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them, "What are your eyes?"

"That gentleman, how did you get the five stones out."

In the end, Xu Chu looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Lying groove, this treading horse is salt, not five-stone scatter."

Zhuge Qiu now understood why Guo Zhaohui reacted like that.

And Lao Cao, the wrong gaze of all of them.

But soon Zhuge Qiu also thought of a question.

"Why, you all know Wushisan?"

"Shouyi, is this salt?"

"This turned out to be salt?"

"Hey, don't digress, you all know Wushisan."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the shocked look now, don't pretend.

"That... Ahem, Shouyi, Fengxiao You know, Fengxiao had a very good relationship with us at the beginning..."

It's too shameful, this kind of pot can make Guo Jia back.

"This salt is so delicate."

After Cao Cao tasted it at this time, he also completely believed that this was salt.

"This salt can still be so fine white, even if it is the salt in the palace, it is not so delicate."

Xun Yu also sighed at this time, although it was said that the power of the imperial court was now here in Cao Cao.

However, the use of this emperor, Cao Cao still did not lose treatment, compared to the original Dong Zhuo, Li Wei Guo Qian and the like, I don't know how many times.

"Look at the way you haven't seen the world." Zhuge Qiu gave them a blank look, knowing that the matter of Wushi San, this group of old guys was not going to admit it.

"I just said how this thing is whiter than five stones, it doesn't look like it."

Xu Chu continued with a smile at this time, as if he wanted to wash himself out.

"Less of this, you won't need this thing." Cao Cao himself glared at Xu Chu.

However, Cao Cao soon seemed to react again, and quickly changed the topic, "This... Shouyi, is this fine salt really made from mineral salt?

"Otherwise, you gave me something else?"

Zhuge Qiu gave Cao Cao a blank look and said.

"If so, can this salt be extracted in large quantities?"

Xun Yu also immediately asked again.

"Yes, and the method of refining is not difficult."

Zhuge Qiu nodded and replied, as long as he taught them the method, it was just junior high school physics.

"If so, the mineral salt will be refined in large quantities, and such high-quality fine salt, the competitiveness of sea salt will be lost."

"In this way, the price of salt that the people can obtain will naturally go down."

"Shouyi, you were really sent by heaven to help me."

Cao Cao couldn't help but get excited when he looked at Zhuge Qiu.

Compared to Xun Yu, they can solve the salt problem this time.

Another very important point is that this technology for refining salt was handed over to him here in Zhuge Qiu.

Then when the time comes, the technical lifeblood of salt will return to his hands.

You don't need to cut the sea salt of the family directly to dry them over.

Cao Cao was very fast, and Zhuge Qiu did not hide the means of salt extraction.

In the end, Cao Cao gave him back three percent of the profits, and Zhuge Qiu originally wanted not to want it, but Cao Cao did not do it, and Zhuge Qiu could only agree when he saw this.

In the Royal Palace.

"Your Majesty, this is the fine salt obtained by Prime Minister Cao Cheng."

"It is said that this thing was done by that Zhuge Qiu, and this person was a confidant of Cao Cheng, who helped him sit on Jingxiang and defeat Eastern Wu."

"If His Majesty can win over this person, it must be of great benefit to His Majesty."

"I wooed him, but how is Prime Minister Cao Cheng willing there?"

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry, there is an opportunity here, has Your Majesty forgotten?"

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