"Sir, now the Lusu camp is less than 5,000 men and horses, as long as I give Zilong one man, I will definitely be able to break through the Lusu camp in one fell swoop.

Zhao Yun looked at the direction of Lu Su's camp and took the initiative to ask for orders.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu believed that Zhao Yun could break through Lusu's camp, and now both Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, were arrested.

Where is there anyone under Lu Su who can resist Zhao Yun, and the news of Jiangxia's defeat in the first battle has spread back, and now I am afraid that people have long been panicked.

"I have asked Liu Qi to send troops to block the road of Lu Su's retreat, and I am not in a hurry to enter the army.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and said, such a good opportunity, just to see if you can take this opportunity to surround the point to help.

After saying that, Zhuge Qiu was already leading the people and horses with Guan Yu and Zhao Yun and entered Jiangxia.

"Little God Doctor, you are so bitter to hide from me.

Liu Qi looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a bitter smile.

"If it weren't for sir, I'm afraid that Liu Qi and Jiang Xia would also be buried in Jiangdong today. Liu

Qi still knew this very well in his heart, after all, if it weren't for Zhuge Qiu repeatedly saving himself, I am afraid that he would have died in Liu Bei's hands, and he would not even be able to live today.

"Sir's help this time, I'm afraid it's also for the land of Jiangxia, so it won't fall into the hands of Jiangdong, right?" "

Yes, Jiangxia is unstable, Jingzhou will be chaotic, and now the people of Jingzhou have suffered countless deaths and injuries, how unfortunate." "

Zhuge Qiu did not deny his purpose, which is also something that everyone knows.

"I don't believe what others say, but Mr. is benevolent, and Liu Qi believes it, otherwise with Mr. 's ability, Jiang Xia would have already broken the city and died."

"Sir, there are no outsiders here, Liu Qi's life is not long over, and there are no heirs under his knees, so Liu Qi wants to hand over Jiang Xia to Mr. after my death." Liu

Qi also figured it out now, anyway, he has not lived for a long time, even if he is alive, this Jiang Xia will not be able to keep it.

"Handed over to me?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, "but giving it to me is equivalent to giving it to Cao Cao."

"Then it depends on the sir, I will only hand it over to the sir, but there is only one point, Mr. Wang to save Liu Jun's life, and it can be regarded as the only bloodline left for my father." Zhuge

Qiu looked at Liu Qi and was also a little moved, this Cai Shi targeted Liu Qi so much, but Liu Qi finally wanted to protect Liu Qi.

But also, blood is thicker than water, Liu Jun is still his half-brother in the end, even if there is a mistake, it is the Cai siblings who are wrong.

"I promise you, I will save Liu Jun's life.

"Liu Qi, Mr. Xie. Liu Qi looked at Zhuge Qiu, and then he was relieved in his heart.

The father, the child is incompetent, and there is only one that can be done.

After arranging the aftermath, Liu Qi then set up a celebration banquet.

In the last days of his life, he was happy to have such a victory.

Compared to their celebration banquet, Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan at this time, and he was embarrassed to say a word.

"Gong Jin, how do you explain this?" Lu

Su was surrounded, Xu Sheng and Ding Feng were arrested, which was a good loss of two more generals.

"I... Lord..." Zhou Yu was also full of bitterness, and I didn't know how it was like this.

In this way, I have to wonder if I am really undercover.

"Ma Teng has no news in Xuchang, I see that nine times out of ten, he was sent in by you.

"Gong Jin, if this continues, even if I believe you, then Jiangdong Wen Wu and the people will not dare to believe you."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu, and he wondered, could it be that Zhou Yu had been undercover since the time of his brother Sun Ce.

"Master, I am really innocent.

"Okay, your innocence, don't say it." Sun Quan raised his hand and interrupted with a sigh.

"Let's talk about Zijing being besieged first, how to be good.

"Zhuge Qiu surrounded and did not fight, obviously it was a siege to help, if we send troops to rescue us at this time, I am afraid it will not help."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and analyzed.

"Aren't we going to save?" Sun Quan also knew that this was Zhuge Qiu's Yang Scheme.

Saving people, even if they can save people, is a heavy loss.

If you don't save it, I'm afraid that it will chill the hearts of these five thousand soldiers.

"For now, only I will personally go to see Zhuge Qiu to see how I can let Zijing go.

Zhou Yu knew that although he didn't want to see Zhuge Qiu in his heart, he couldn't do it now.

"That's all, hard work for you." Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu, although he couldn't bear it, he could only agree in the end.

Someone has to make sacrifices, doesn't they?

"Sir, a few days have passed, and there is still no movement on the Jiangdong side, could it be that they plan to give up Lu Su?"

asked Guan Yu as he looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"They won't send troops, and it won't be long before I'm afraid Zhou Yu will come to see me." "

The strategy of surrounding the point to help, Zhou Yu must be able to see it.

Now that they don't send troops, they can only say that Lu Su's weight is a little insufficient.

If it was Sun Quan who was surrounded, then I was afraid that at all costs, Zhou Yu would have to be killed.

Two days later, when Zhuge Qiu was playing cards with Liu Qi, someone came in to report that Zhou Yu had arrived.

Zhuge Qiu saw that Zhou Yu was coming, and quickly gave the card to Guan Yu.

"Yun Chang, it's over to you.

"Gong Jin, you are finally here, thanks to you, I can achieve this great achievement today."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu with enthusiasm and joy.

"You..." Zhou Yu saw this guy Zhuge Qiu, murderous.

"My intentions today, I think you also know, I don't know how you can release Zijing, Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, the two generals.

"This... If I just let people go, I can't say it.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhou Yu and said with a embarrassed expression.

"In the land of Jiangxia, Jiangdong can not be touched, or he can exchange his belongings for two generals and withdraw the siege.

"Gong Jin, what are you talking about, with your credit, how can I be embarrassed to refuse, but this Liu Qi Gongzi's side, I can't talk well."

"Then I'll trade myself for them." Zhou

Yu naturally knew that Zhuge Qiu's words were all pretexts.

"This... Gong Jin, if you come back, then I will lose a lot. "

You're back, where am I going to find an undercover agent.

"Gong Jin, since you have said so, then for your sake, I will persuade Liu Qi Gongzi to release people and withdraw the army. Zhou

Yu was also speechless in his heart after hearing this, when did he sell Ma Teng.

But now as long as it can save people, it can't manage so much.

"Sir, did you really let people go like that?" asked

Zhao Yun puzzled after Zhou Yu left.

"It's just easy to catch them, besides, where can they compare with Gong Jin." Zhuge

Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, as if to say that this is what you don't understand.

"You want to protect our Gong Jin, understand?" "

By the way, hasn't Ma Chao moved yet?"

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