"Gong Jin, if you hadn't saved me, I would have thought you were undercover.

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu, and his mood was also very complicated.

God knows how I lived during the half month of being besieged.

I was afraid that Zhuge Qiu would suddenly kill him.

"Zijing, don't say that, Gong Jin paid a lot this time.

Sun Quan looked at Lu Su and persuaded, after so long, Zhou Yu finally did a job.

"Thank you Lord for your understanding, if I hadn't said to exchange myself for it, I would respect them, but I was afraid that Zhuge Qiu would not let people go easily." Seeing

that Sun Quan could understand himself, Zhou Yu was still very moved.

Although I have to doubt my life, there are still people who believe in myself.

"Jiangxia Land, we are powerless to get involved, is this Zhuge Qiu really a nemesis sent by God?

"This Cao Mengde, how can He De, be able to help so much."

Sun Quan sighed, and did not forget to glance at Zhou Yu after speaking.

"Lord, there is a plan in the next step, maybe Zhuge Qiu can be pulled into my Jiangdong, if so, the Lord does not have to worry. "

As soon as Zhou Yu heard this, since I can't win you, I can always pull you over."

"Master, have you forgotten that the young lady's sweetheart is this person, if Zhuge Qiu can really marry the young lady, then he is Jiangdong's son-in-law, naturally there is no reason to embarrass us."

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, Lu Su and they all breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately they didn't have to send troops this time.

"But... But can this Zhuge Qiu agree?" "

Sun Quan felt that this was not impossible, anyway, Xiaomei also liked it, why not kill two birds with one stone?"

"Me again?" Lu Su immediately subconsciously looked at Zhou Yu.

Can't you change another person's pit?"

"Zijing, you have dealt with this Zhuge Qiu, and it is only suitable for you to go."

"When the two armies are at war, they will not be killed, and if you do not die, you will be blessed."

Sun Quan looked at Lu Su and persuaded.

"Besides, is it appropriate to let Gong Jin go for this kind of thing?"

Lu Su saw that Sun Quan had said so, what else could he say.

"Newspaper, lord, Western Liang Ma Chao sent someone to send a letter of war to the governor of Dadu. Just

as Lu Su was responding, a soldier had already sent the letter.

"Send me a war book?" Zhou Yu was a little puzzled, even if Ma Teng failed, shouldn't Ma Chao first find Cao Cao to settle the account?

"You sent your father away, can you not send you a war book?"

Sun Quan glanced at Zhou Yu and immediately spoke.

Zhou Yu opened the letter, and then read it with Sun Quan.

"This is Cao Thief's dissociation scheme, this is deliberately harming me. Zhou

Yu saw Ma Chao and said that when Ma Teng was arrested, he also shouted that Zhou Yu Xiaoer hurt me, and Zhou Yu immediately explained.

"But Ma Teng father and son, they listened to your strategy and entered Xuchang, this is a fact.

Lu Su said lightly on the side.

Almost himself was sent away like Ma Teng and them.

"Okay, now that Ma Chao is ready to march south, what should I do?" Sun

Quan was already accustomed to Zhou Yu's reverse operation.

Instead of discussing this, think about what to do.

"Gong Jin, Ma Chao said that if you fall into his hands, he will cook you.

After Sun Quan looked at the letter, he did not forget to remind Zhou Yu specifically.

Zhou Yu naturally saw this sentence, and he was speechless.

"Master, rest assured, I just fought for this life, and I will also keep Jiangdong worry-free."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and said solemnly.

"Dadudu, you can do your best, but can you not fight my life.

Lu Su said weakly on the side.

Although you have been desperate, good fellow, it turned out that you had nothing, and we almost sent you away in batches and batches.

Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, the two of them, also quickly agreed.

"Zijing, even you think so much of me?"

Zhou Yu looked at them with an angry look, and then left in a huff.

"Master, what about the young lady?"

"Leave it for now, if Ma Chao and Cao Cao really wave their troops, how can there be time to deal with this matter."

Sun Quan glanced at Lu Su and said.

After Lu Su heard this, he was also relieved, what if he went to see Zhuge Qiu and was pitted again?

...... "I think Zhou Yu should have received Ma Chao's letter at this time.

Zhuge Qiu sighed while sorting out Jiang Xia's household registration account book.

"According to the chancellor, everything was as expected, when Ma Teng's father and son were arrested, they all shouted, Zhou Yu Xiaoer harmed me, everyone knew it.

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and replied.

"Well, Jiang Xia's affairs are almost over.

Zhuge Qiu replied with a smile.

Now Liu Qi won't live long, this Jiangxia Great Seal still has money and grain account books, and Liu Qi has handed them all over.

In Liu Qi's own words, that is, in the last time, he just wanted to live unrestrained.

"These account books have been sorted out, I have a number in my heart, send someone to give it to Yun Chang, and this Jiang Xia will be handed over to him in the future." "

Giving Jiang Xia to Guan Yu to guard is to believe in Guan Yu's ability.

Moreover, to hand over Jiang Xia to Guan Yu, Cao Cao was also willing.

In this way, Changsha was in the hands of Huang Zhong Wei Yan, and Jiang Xia was in the hands of Guan Yu.

If there is really any one who does not have long eyes and wants to rebel, then with the ability of the two of them, it can be directly destroyed.

The next day, after Zhuge Qiu handed over the Jiangxia matter to Guan Yu, he and Zhao Yun led the guards back to Jingzhou.

The time I came to Jingzhou is not short, because of Jiang Xia's affairs, I have never gone to see Huang Yueying, and now that I am busy, I should also go and see.

"Sir, if you only go to see Miss Huang, aren't you afraid that Miss Sun will be jealous?" After

returning to Xiangyang again, when he was about to arrive at the Huang family, Zhao Yun couldn't help but look at Zhuge Qiu and reminded.

"What is there to be jealous of. Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun.

After entering the Huang Mansion, Zhuge Qiu found that Huang Chengyan was not there.

It's good not to be there, this old guy from the province makes light bulbs.

"My aunt is here, the young lady is in the shop, and the young lady has been working on a crossbow recently.

When the maid saw Zhuge Qiu, she quickly said excitedly.

"Crossbow?" Zhuge Qiu was stunned for a moment.

The maid ran away without answering.

"Sir, you are really here, something big happened, Ma Teng died, Ma Chao was angry, originally planned to go south, but now he has sent troops to Chang'an.

Zhang Liao said breathlessly at this time.

"Ma Teng is dead?" Zhuge Qiu frowned, "Didn't I say not to kill him?"

The Prime Minister did not kill him. Zhang Liao explained.

Someone secretly shot ?

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