This was something that Zhuge Qiu never expected, originally he wanted to capture Ma Teng, and then let Ma Chao count the pot on Zhou Yu.

At that time, he can help Lao Cao effortlessly control this brave and good fighting Xiliang Iron Horse.

Now that Ma Teng actually died in Xuchang, Ma Chao is now taking revenge, which is a matter of course.

Even if he hated Zhou Yu in his heart, how could he not report the revenge of killing his father?"

Ma Chao suddenly sent troops to catch him off guard, afraid that Chang'an could no longer hold on.

Zhang Liao looked at Zhuge Qiu and continued to speak.

If it weren't for the suddenness of the matter, Cao Cao would not have sent him to personally deliver a letter to Zhuge Qiu.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu knew that once Ma Chao attacked, Chang'an and Tongguan would not be able to hold it.

"The Prime Minister asked me to ask Sir to leave immediately and go to the Desolate Land to face Ma Chao, and the Prime Minister has already personally led the army to support General Cao Hong.

"I see. "

Zhuge Qiu asked Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun to prepare first.

"Bring pen and paper. "

Zhuge Qiu didn't leave the Huang Mansion right away, and I'm afraid I won't have time when Huang Yueying comes back.

But just now this maid mentioned a crossbow matter, he did have an idea.

The steward of the mansion quickly took the paper and pen, and they all knew now that Zhuge Qiu was their aunt.

According to the memories of later generations, Zhuge Qiu began to draw drawings, but he did not expect that the later crossbow that was interested in the past life and paid attention to the research played a role here.

"When your young lady comes back, hand her the drawings. After

Zhuge Qiu finished painting, seeing that Huang Yueying had not returned, he didn't have time to wait.

Not long after Zhuge Qiu left, Huang Yueying had already returned.

"Steward Huang, this... What about

my aunt, where did my aunt go?" Seeing that Zhuge Qiu was not there, the maid asked first.

"When my aunt left, a general came to him, saying that Ma Chao entered Chang'an and needed his aunt's help.

"However, when my aunt left, I left this drawing for the young lady. Seeing

Huang Yueying's somewhat disappointed expression, the housekeeper hurriedly handed it over.

When Huang Yueying heard this, she quickly took it with joy.

"Is this a crossbow?" After Huang Yueying saw it, she was also stunned for a moment, originally thinking that Zhuge Qiu had left behind some kind of body.

"Shouyi, when you are really a great talent, this crossbow is much better than I thought I didn't know. The

more Huang Yueying looked at it, the more she felt that the crossbow was powerful.

"Miss, it's really so powerful, by the way, I just mentioned it, I didn't expect my aunt to remember."

"I just don't know what kind of crossbow my aunt's crossbow is."

The maid looked at it from the side, but for her, it was lonely, and naturally she couldn't understand it.

"Since it was designed by Shouyi, let's call it Zhuge Lian's crossbow." Huang

Yueying moved and immediately spoke.

"I thought the young lady would say Shouyi with a crossbow."

The maid continued and said.


"Gong Jin, good news, great news. When

Zhuge Qiu got up to go to Chang'an, Lu Su trotted all the way to Zhou Yu's mansion.

"Good news, Zijing, it's all this time, what good news can there be.

Zhou Yu glanced at Lu Su speechlessly.

Ma Chao is all over the world shouting that he wants to kill me, is this good news for you.

"Gong Jin, great news, you don't have to die, don't worry about Ma Chao, he waved his army to attack Chang'an.

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu and quickly explained.

"Really?" Zhou Yu immediately became interested when he heard this.

"How could I have lied to the Metropolitan Governor, this is true.

Lu Su Kenning replied, "Metropolitan Governor, is this good news?"

Zhou Yu quickly replied, looking at Lu Su and couldn't help laughing.

"Dadudu, you're a bit embarrassed.

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu and couldn't help but sigh.

"What do you know, strategize, this is all the stratagem of Pontushu.

Zhou Yu glanced at Lu Su and immediately replied.

I don't understand, and if I did, I wouldn't have almost been sent away by you.

"Zijing, what kind of eyes are you. Zhou Yu glanced at Lu Su and asked.


"Sir, Chang'an has been lost, and now Ma Chao is already attacking Tongguan. When

Zhuge Qiu was still on his way, news kept coming over.

"If you can hold the Tong Pass and guard Ma Chao with the Tong Pass, you can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Zhang Liao couldn't help but analyze after hearing the news.

"Don't think about it, Tongguan can't hold it. Zhuge

Qiu replied after listening to Zhang Liao's words, it was better to hurry up.

"Tongguan is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the Western Liang army is mostly cavalry, as long as the Tongguan defenders can't defend it, they will be able to hold on." Zhang

Liao's words are correct, but the ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel, where can Cao Hong keep it for so long.

He was too lazy to explain so much about this kind of problem.

"Let's go to the Wei River. "

Anyway, Tong Pass can't be held, and Tong Pass doesn't have to go."

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao answered, and then continued to hurry.

Although Zhang Liao didn't know why Zhuge Qiu was so sure that Tong Guan couldn't hold it, the two of them really wouldn't question Zhuge Qiu's decision.

A few days after Zhuge Qiu and them rushed away, soon the news of the loss of Tongguan also came.

Zhang Liao was also surprised in his heart, and he admired Zhuge Qiu's judgment a little in his heart.

Sure enough, nothing could be hidden from Zhuge Qiu.


"Ma Chao deceived me too much!" Cao Cao looked at his embarrassed appearance at this time, and couldn't help but curse.

"Now that the Wei River has been intercepted by Ma Chao, the camp, the car, and the pontoon bridge have all been burned, and this Western Liang Army is indeed Xiaoyong.

Xun Yu couldn't help but look at Cao Cao at this time and sighed.

"At this moment, only by quickly setting up a camp can we resist Ma Chao's army.

Jia Xu also frowned at this time and spoke.

"Lord, you can take the sand of the Wei River to build an earthen city, and you can hold it. Xun Yu suggested.

Cao Cao nodded, and now he can only do this, and immediately ordered the soldiers to go and do so.

"Lord, although it blocked the impact of Pound and the others, this sand is soft and unreal, and it cannot stand up at all, and it is impossible to build a camp. For

two days in a row, the camp couldn't stand up, and after listening to Xu Huang's words, Cao Cao also frowned and couldn't help sighing.

"If Shouyi is here, why worry that he can't break Ma Chao, why is he embarrassed by this.

For a while, Xun Yu and the others also lowered their heads.

"Master, look who you have brought with you. At

this moment, a somewhat humble voice sounded from outside the tent.

Cao Cao's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw a savior, "Shouyi, you are finally here."

Zhuge Qiu was also a little confused when he saw Cao Cao, and his beard was cut by half of his stubble: "Old Cao, your style is a little trendy." "

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