"Meng Qi, it's Meng Qi. Ma

Dai and Pound were both happy in their hearts when they saw Ma Chao returning.

"My good uncle, I really didn't expect you to have such ambition.

Ma Chao looked at Han Sui and swept out directly with the spear in his hand.

He also never expected that Han Sui would really make a move on Ma Dai and Pound.

If Zhuge Qiu hadn't let him come back in time, I'm afraid that Ma Dai and Pang De would have died in Han Sui's hands today.

"Kill him for me, Ma Mengqi colluded with Cao Thief to betray Western Liang, give it to me."

Han Sui was also shocked in his heart, he knew Ma Chao's skills.

In the entire Western Liang, there is no one who is his opponent, whether it is Western Liang or the Qiang people, Ma Chao has extremely high prestige.

Although Han Sui spoke, no one dared to make a move, and Ma Chao took Han Sui directly with a gun.

"My good nephew, you..." Han Sui hurriedly begged for mercy to resist, but where would Ma Chao listen now.

Although Zhuge Qiu said that he should not kill Han Sui, it does not mean that he will let Han Sui go like this.

The spear swept directly and hit Han Sui's body, and with a muffled snort, it directly knocked him off the horse.

Ma Dai and Pang De also hurriedly stepped forward to control Han Sui.

"Uncle, I can understand that you want to control Xiliang, but you betrayed me at this time and wanted to slaughter my brother Xiliang, don't blame Ma Mengqi for being unkind.

After Ma Chao finished speaking, he directly pulled out Ma Dai's long knife on the side, and directly flashed cold, and Han Sui covered his right arm and screamed.

"The two of you put the soldiers and horses in the big camp, and I'll take him to the Cao camp.

Ma Chao looked at Ma Dai and Pound and ordered, this is what he promised Zhuge Qiu.

"Yes, General.

"Man, I brought you a favor, and it can be regarded as returning your favor."

Ma Chao looked at Zhuge Qiu and said, directly pushing Han Sui out.

"Han Sui, I didn't see that you actually have such boldness.

Cao Cao looked at Han Sui, whose face was pale and seemed to fall at any moment, and laughed.

"Hmph, Cao Thief, Hugh has a lot to say, if it weren't for Ma Chao's courage and incompetence, how could he be today, it is simply a virtue with his father."

Han Sui glanced at Cao Cao and snorted coldly, endured the pain and immediately cursed.

"You still dare to scold me. When Ma Chao heard this, he immediately kicked over.

Han Sui stumbled and fell directly to the ground.

Zhuge Qiu was also a little speechless when he saw this scene, and this Han Sui also touched Ma Chao's mold at this time.

"He also scolded your dad. Xu Chu looked at Han Sui lying on the ground and looked at Ma Chao to remind him.

As soon as Ma Chao heard this, Han Sui just stood up, and he kicked it over again.

When Zhuge Qiu saw Han Sui like this, he suddenly couldn't stand it, it was too miserable.

"Okay, don't toss him, I still have something to ask."

"Han Sui, Ma Chao has just been captured, you want to seize power, let's say, who gave you the idea."


Han Sui snorted coldly, did not speak, and looked very spineless.

"If you don't say, I also know if Ma Teng's death is related to you.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Han Sui and continued to speak.

As soon as Ma Chao heard this, he immediately looked at Han Sui angrily, and the whole person couldn't wait to swallow Han Sui.

"Shoucheng died in Xuchang, what do you have to do with me?" Han Sui didn't know if he felt Ma Chao's anger, and immediately denied it.

"Then let's say, Zhuge Kongming, in addition to letting you take the opportunity to seize the Xiliang centaurs when Ma Chao was defeated, what else did you do. Zhuge

Qiu saw that Han Sui denied it, and he was not surprised, he believed that Han Sui did not have the courage, nor did he have the brain to kill Ma Teng.

"How do you know it's Zhuge Kongming?"

Han Sui's face changed, and he subconsciously spoke.

Of course, Zhuge Qiu won't say, I'm just guessing, but now everything proves that my guess is not wrong.

"Shouyi is clever, why don't you know?" said Xun Yu with a laugh on the side at this time.

For Xun Fu's rainbow fart, Zhuge Qiu chose to ignore it.

What he wanted to determine was already determined, and Han Sui naturally had no effect.

"Meng Qi, this person will be handed over to you for disposal, I have already asked, as for after retiring, whether you want to go to Xuchang or not is up to you."

After Ma Chao heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he did not speak immediately, but left again with Han Sui.

"Shouyi, this Zhuge Kongming instigated Han Sui to seize power, I don't know what his purpose is?"

After Ma Chao and them left, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and they want to use the Western Liang army to contain us, so that they can have the opportunity to seek Yizhou and the land of Hanzhong. "

Zhuge Qiu doesn't think that Zhuge Liang will do something meaningless.

"Then Shouyi, is this Ma Teng's death related to Liu Bei?" Xun

Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu, and at this time he also asked again.

"He doesn't have such long hands. Zhuge Qiu looked at Xun Yu and immediately shook his head.

If Liu Bei's hand could still reach into Xu Chang now, it would be too small to look at Old Cao.

The person who was able to poison Ma Teng in Xuchang under Cao Cao's nose.

In addition to Emperor Liu Xie of Han and this influence, others simply do not have this ability.

Although Cao Cao absolutely controlled the imperial government, it could not eliminate the influence of the Han court.

Xun Yu is a good example, he was deeply trusted by Cao Cao, but in his heart, he was still loyal to the Han family.

The next day, Ma Chao ordered the withdrawal of the army, and he decided to personally follow Zhuge Qiu to Xuchang.

"Are you really going?" Ma Dai was still a little worried.

"You have also seen this Zhuge Qiu's ability, do you think we can win without retiring?"

"And after Han Sui's betrayal, our combat effectiveness is not to mention."

Ma Chao sighed and said.

Since you can't win, it's better to go to Xuchang to find out the cause of his father's death.

Two days later, Cao Cao officially led his army to retreat back to Xuchang.

"What, the Western Liang army, defeated so quickly?" Xuchang

Palace, Liu Xie also changed his face after learning the news of Cao Cao's withdrawal.

"Chen also knows that this Xiliang Ma Chao is just a reckless man, not that Cao Thief's opponent, but he just doesn't want them to lose so quickly.

"When the minister heard that it was that Zhuge Qiu again, he planned for Ma Chao and set up camp in Ice City overnight. "

Now that Cao Cao's army has returned to Xuchang, what if he finds out, what if Ma Teng's death?" asked Liu Xie as he looked at Geng Ji with some concern.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to worry, now that there is no proof of death, can Cao Thief still dare to kill His

Majesty?" "If Your Majesty is worried, you can show favor to Cao Thief, one of his daughters is almost of marriage age, and His Majesty can ask him to marry him."

After Liu Xie heard this, his eyes lit up, "This plan is very good."

"I'll leave it to you." "

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