After Geng Ji left, Liu Xie was a little looking forward to it.


Xie believes that although he can't deal with Cao Cao, as long as Cao Cao's daughter marries, he will have a way to make her and himself have a heart.

Just like the original Dong nobleman and the current Empress Fu.

Half a month later, Cao Cao's army and Zhuge Qiu's party finally returned to Xuchang.

Emperor Han Xian, Xun Yu and others personally went out of the city to greet them.

When Cao Cao saw Emperor Han Xian, he also frowned, and he was a little displeased in his heart.

"The ministers and others have seen Your Majesty. After

all, on both sides of the street, there are still onlookers, and Liu Xie came in person, so Cao Cao naturally cannot be regarded as invisible.

"Prime Minister Cheng Mo Duo Li, Prime Minister Cheng is indeed invincible, so easily pacified the Western Liang army.

Liu Xie quickly smiled and helped Cao Cao up, but he didn't forget to glance at Ma Chao when he said this.

Cao Cao naturally knew that Liu Xie was deliberately picking things.

But at this time, he couldn't directly top Liu Xie.

"Your Majesty, this is a bad word, this time I was able to withdraw the truce so quickly, because I found out that Ma Teng's death was strange.

"Therefore, General Ma Chao quit in order to find out the truth about the death of his father and brother.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Liu Xie, and then spoke.

Although it is true that he defeated Ma Chao, the face that should be given still has to be given, and Liu Xie cannot be provoked just like that.

"So that's it, Ai Qing's brilliant plan, although he is in the deep palace, he has heard about it for a long time, and it is really a miracle to start an ice city camp overnight." Liu

Xie saw that Zhuge Qiu opened his mouth to resolve, and at this time he also said with a smile.

"Your Majesty's news is really widespread. At this time, Cao Cao snorted coldly and spoke.

"Wen Ruo, Your Majesty is the body of ten thousand gold, how can you let Your Majesty personally greet him?" Then

Cao Cao looked at Xun Yu, obviously he was very unhappy with Liu Xie's greeting.

Xun Yu also knew that Cao Cao was unhappy, but Liu Xie was the emperor after all, and he opened his mouth, how could he refuse?"


Ji saw Liu Xiecheng's eyes at this time, and immediately stepped forward with a smile and said.

"Yes, I don't know what happy things are?" Cao Cao glanced at Geng Ji, he didn't believe that Liu Xie could find himself with good things.

What is the relationship between himself and Liu Xie, Cao Cao is very clear in his heart.

"Your Majesty has long heard that the daughter of the prime minister, Cao Jie is gentle and virtuous, and when it is almost time to get married, she has a yearning for it, so she wants to ask the prime minister to marry and be included in the palace. Zhuge

Qiu naturally saw it, Geng Ji just finished saying this, and Lao Cao was already about to break out.

This Liu Xie wanted to marry Cao Jie, and he proposed it at this time.

This is quite a bit of a desire to take advantage of the public opinion offensive.

After all, in general, it is a great honor for the emperor to marry.

Historically, Cao Jie married Liu Xie, and after marrying, he had a heart with Liu Xie, and when Cao Pi wanted to become emperor, Cao Jie was the first to object, and he also smashed the jade seal on the ground.

Those who cursed Cao Pi and the Cao family must not die well.

I have to say that Liu Xie still has a set of ways to deal with women, and Dong Guiren died for him, and Dong Cheng's family died.

Although Empress Fu's family is still there, it is also for Liu Xie and Cao Cao to fight in history, and as a result, hundreds of people in the Fu family also died.

"Your Majesty, the little girl is stubborn, I am afraid that she is not worthy of Your Majesty.

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and immediately refused.

"Prime Minister, this won't be an excuse, if you feel that Xu is not worthy of Ling Ai, then Xu is not reluctant.

Liu Xie had long thought that Cao Cao would refuse, so he immediately said by retreating.

Zhuge Qiu couldn't help but sigh when he saw it.

Sure enough, the emperor's reputation is still very advantageous, even if Cao Cao coerces the Son of Heaven to order the princes, he also has to worry about this.

"Your Majesty, the minister does not dare to do this, but the little girl really can't marry Your Majesty, because... Because the little girl has promised to keep righteousness.

Cao Cao endured 10,000 grass and mud horses in his heart, looked at Liu Xie and said, and at the same time did not forget to glance at Zhuge Qiu after speaking.

Zhuge Qiu was suddenly a little stunned, he had never even seen what Cao Jie looked like.

Liu Xie and Geng Ji didn't seem to expect that Cao Cao would say this.

They have already been rationed, so it is really difficult to force.

After all, the emperor robbed people's wives, which is not good, they can't take advantage of public opinion, they are not Cao Cao's opponents at all.

"Doesn't the prime minister have a daughter..."

Cao Cao glared at Geng Ji, and before he could finish speaking, he had already directly interrupted Geng Ji's words.

"Mr. Zhuge is really a good skill, even marrying two beloved daughters of the prime minister. Geng Ji looked at Zhuge Qiu's yin and yang and said strangely.

But now that was the case, Liu Xie knew that no matter what Geng Ji said, it would be useless.

Liu Xie and everyone could only drive back to the palace.

When Cao Cao returned to the mansion, his whole face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Wen Ruo, the Prime Minister trusts you so much, but how do you explain today's events

?" "Where did this Majesty come to greet me, it is clear that he wants to take this opportunity to ask for a marrying Jie'er, and he opened his mouth on this occasion, don't you know his intentions?"

Xun Yu also sighed.

Indeed, what Liu Xie did today was too purposeful.

"Next time, Wen Ruo, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Cao Cao coldly let Xun Yu go down.

"Wen Ruo has always helped me, but today's events have made me very dissatisfied.

After Xun Yu left, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and sighed.

"It seems that today I found that there seems to be a gap between me and Wen Ruo. Of

course, Zhuge Qiu knew what the gap Cao Cao was talking about was.

That is Xun Yu's loyalty to the Han family, and even Cao Cao first moved him, because among the princes, Cao Cao's desire to help Han at the beginning was the strongest.

"Ma Teng's death still needs to be investigated, it is better to let Xun Lingjun do it, he will handle things fairly, so that he can take a good look at this Majesty."

Zhuge Qiu thought about it and said, hoping that Ma Teng's affairs could change Xun Yu.

Otherwise, if this continues, Xun Yu's end will probably still be very tragic.

Cao Cao soon understood Zhuge Qiu's intentions, and this matter let Xun Yu handle it, and he was relieved.

"By the way, Lao Cao, you just said that you promised me all your daughters, it should be a joke, I haven't seen your daughters." "

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