After Zhuge Qiu heard Xu Chu's words, he was also stunned, this Xu Chu said would not be Xu Yu's unlucky egg.

Gee, this Geng Ji is going to recreate the classic.

"Bah, it's still the grave..." Before Geng Ji could say the words, a cold light flashed, and his gaze full of shock began to disperse.

"Kill... Killing. The

whole person on the side was stunned, and for a while, he shouted at the top of his throat.

"Roar what roar, kill people, never take escape."

After speaking, Xu Chu directly knocked that Ding unconscious with a backhand.

Zhuge Qiu and they naturally won't run away, to put it bluntly, although Geng Ji is trying to die in a trick, but in the end, Xu Chu is still to protect himself.

If I left, it would be too uninteresting.

And who is Xu Chu, Lao Cao can make him have an accident.

After all, it was to kill someone, and soon full favor would already come with someone.

"This... Which of you did this?" After Man Chu came, they looked at Zhuge Qiu and they were also confused.

Although he is not familiar with the people here, he also knows ah, which one is not a person that Cao Cao trusts and uses.

", this old boy, one by one, really thought that he didn't dare to kill him.

Xu Chu did not provoke, and immediately got up and spoke.

"This... General Xu... Now does anyone dare to make this request to you?" Man

Chu saw Xu Chu, he was also speechless, Xu Yu's things, he had still heard about it, how could there be people who were so unscrupulous.

"I haven't heard such a request for a long time. Xu Chu also said with a helpless face, feeling very strange.

"Okay, General Xu, you better come with us. Full

of favor looked at Xu Chu, and also said helplessly.

"Where the duty is, please also ask General Xu's understanding. "

Full of favor is afraid that Xu Chu will resist, if they fight, they are not Xu Chu's opponents.

"Don't worry, one person should do things. Xu Chu waved his big hand, and immediately got up to follow Man Pet.

"Okay, let's go. "

Zhuge Qiu originally wanted to hold Xu Chu, but after thinking about it, it was no big deal anyway.

How many times did he go to the prison?"

"Lao Xu, you go shopping first, I'll go find Lao Cao to save you."

Zhuge Qiu patted Xu Chu's shoulder and comforted.

"It's okay, it's a big deal to compensate him personally."

Xu Chu said without caring, and left with full favor.

"Sir, this tiger force just went, there will be no trouble, right?" Zhao

Yun looked at Xu Chu's back as he left, and said with some concern.

"What do you think, Lao Cao wants to kill Geng Ji, it's not a day or two, Xu Chu did things for him.

Zhuge Qiu replied to Zhao Yun and said.

When he was at the gate of the city that day, Geng Ji, as Liu Xie's dogleg, repeatedly opened his mouth to make trouble, and he saw the eyes of Old Cao that day.

After going to Cao Cao's mansion, Zhuge Qiu quickly told Geng Ji about Xu Chu.

"Shouyi, why don't you stop him, Xu Chu is reckless. "

Come on, Lao Cao, you don't have to act in front of me, Lao Xu kills Geng Ji, you don't have to be embarrassed."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and replied with a smile.

"Sure enough, I still can't hide from you, this Majesty has made several attacks, and this time it just happened to teach him a lesson.

"I will send someone to find Man Pet, and Xu Chu will be back in a moment." For

Cao Cao, this is not the first time this kind of thing has been handled.

"Prime Minister, someone from the palace has come to the palace, saying that they want Prime Minister Cheng and Mr. Zhuge to enter the palace. When

Zhuge Qiu was about to leave, a voice already sounded outside the door.

"It seems that our majesty, the news is not slow, since this is the case, then let's go for a trip."

Cao Cao laughed, not at all surprised.

Zhuge Qiu didn't matter, after all, Xu Chu killed Geng Ji, and Liu Xie was definitely unhappy.

The two soon entered the palace together.

"Prime Minister, General Xu killed people on the street, and it was still an official of the imperial court who killed him, I don't know how Prime Minister Cheng should deal with this matter?"

Liu Xie asked after Cao Cao came, looking at Cao Cao.

Although it was an inquiry, Liu Xie's words were not salty or light, but they had a bit of questioning meaning.

"Disposition, what does Your Majesty want to dispose of in the tavern and tea house, Lord Geng made a provocative remark, Xu Chu lost his hand for a while, how does His Majesty want me to deal with it?"

"If you lose your hand, you can kill someone, it is a serious crime, how can this great Han law be wasted?" Liu Xie was also angry at Cao Cao's attitude.

"The law?" Cao Cao laughed, "Now in this world, there are many princes, Your Majesty and I say the law?" "

Why didn't Your Majesty talk about the law with Dong Zhuo and the likes of Li and Guo


"Your Majesty has been comfortable with this son all these years, and if Your Majesty wants to explain, I will let people hand over Geng Ji's crime to Your Majesty tomorrow."

"Is there anything else Your Majesty has to say?"

Liu Xie knew that Cao Cao had already said so, and this matter could only be done.

"If nothing happens, the minister will retreat."

Cao Cao snorted coldly, and then took Zhuge Qiu and left directly.

Looking at the back of Cao Cao leaving, Liu Xie's whole face was also difficult to see.

"It's true that without you Cao Thief, I wouldn't be able to sit today, but that doesn't mean that I am willing to be your puppet.

After a while, Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao's disappearing back and scolded.

"Your Majesty, don't get angry, don't get angry.

"Don't be angry, now that Geng Ji has been killed, how can you let me not be angry

?" "You just say that you don't get angry, so what are your Fu family doing?"

Liu Xie glanced at Empress Fu, and immediately scolded with a cold face.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao is powerful, how can he plan it for a while. Empress Fu whispered after listening to Liu Xie's words.

"Okay, this Geng Ji is also an idiot, okay, what is he going to provoke Xu Chu for?" Liu

Xie glanced at Empress Fu, and didn't bother to say anything.

After returning from the palace, Zhuge Qiu and they had already seen Xu Chu again.

"Just say, it's okay.

Xu Chu also laughed when he saw Zhuge Qiu.

Zhuge Qiu smiled and didn't speak, Xu Chu can have something to do, that's hell.

"You're going to cause me more trouble in the future, you." In the future, you will raise a horse for me."

Cao Cao glanced at Xu Chu's goods, and he was also crying and laughing.

"Oh... If you go to raise horses, what will Sima Yi do?" As

soon as Xu Chu heard this, he immediately looked at Cao Cao and retorted.

"You guys raise horses together, let Sima Yi raise them for another month. "

Zhuge Qiu was also speechless when he heard this, Sima Yi, it's not me hurting you.

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