"Gongzi, don't stay here, if people see it, I'm afraid that the prime minister will blame me again."

After Sima Yi put the harness down, he looked at Cao Pi and sighed.

If he hadn't been betrayed by Cao Pi, he wouldn't have raised horses here for a few months.

"What Zhongda said, then I will leave. Cao

Pi saw that Sima Yi had said so, and he didn't have much to stay.

He also knew that Sima Yi could fall to this point, and he was also related.


Sima Yi, Lao Xu has come to accompany you, and the prime minister said that you should accompany you to the horse for a month." Cao

Pi hadn't gone out yet, and Xu Chu had already come over with a smile at this time.

"I raise you horses. As

soon as Sima Yi heard Xu Chu's words, the whole person felt bad.

"Not to raise my horse, but to raise the prime minister's horse.

Xu Chu watched Sima Yi pat his shoulder and explained with a solemn expression.

"Why, General Xu, why do you raise horses, and Zhongda has to continue?" Cao

Pi saw Sima Yi's bitter face, and he was a little unbearable.

"Didn't you kill Old Man Geng, so you punished him to raise horses."

Xu Chu did not hide it, after all, Cao Pi was also Cao Cao's son, and this matter was not a secret.

"You killed people to raise horses, what did I do, I raised them for a few months?" Sima

Yi didn't listen to Xu Chu's words, as soon as he heard this, he felt that tens of millions of grass and mud horses rushed past in his heart.

"Zhongda, don't be upset, let's liberate together then, how good."

Sima Yi looked at Xu Chu's big man, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't win, he was already going up and desperately.

It's a good fart, if it weren't for you, I would have been relieved to step on the horse.

Cao Pi glanced at Sima Yi and didn't know what to say.

I could only turn around and leave, just turned around the yard for a while.

A figure collided directly.

"Oh, brother, you don't look at the road when you walk.

Cao Pi had not yet spoken, and at this time the other party had already spoken.

"Sister, you are dressed like this, where are you going?" After

Cao Pi stood firm, he finally saw clearly that it was his sister Cao Jie.

"Father, do you know all about the promise I made to Zhuge Qiu?"

"You know, not only you, but also Ling'er's sister.

Cao Pi glanced at Cao Jie, of course he knew about this.

This sister's news seems to be a bit delayed.

"You... You all know it, just hide it from our sisters.

Cao Jie became even more angry when he heard this, and after saying this, Cao Jie ran out by himself.

"Sister, where are you going?" asked Cao Pi immediately when he saw this.

However, Cao Jie did not answer and ran away directly.

Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know about this, Geng Ji's death didn't even start a splash, just like Xu Yu at the beginning.

To be precise, it is worse than Xu Yu at the beginning, when Xu Yu was killed, Lao Cao still did enough scenes.

Zhuge Qiu was drinking tea, and when he sighed, Guo Zhao had already come in outside.

"Sir, there's a girl out there looking for you. "


Zhuge Qiu wondered a little, where is the girl from to find herself.

"Well, the girl is menacing and says she wants to see Sir.

Seeing Zhuge Qiu's doubts, Guo Zhao immediately nodded and said affirmatively.

"Then let her in.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Guo Zhao and said.

Soon, Zhuge Qiu had already seen a woman with a black birthmark on her face appear in front of her.

"The little woman Cao Jie, I have seen Mr. Zhuge .

"Are you Cao Jie?" Zhuge

Qiu glanced at the man, also a little surprised.

Although Lao Cao said something about Xu Match that day, he really didn't have time to pay attention to it.

And there was something about Geng Ji again, I didn't expect that now Cao Jie actually took the initiative to find himself.

Logically, this should be out of line with the rules.

"The little woman is Cao Jie.

Cao nodded, but secretly happy in his heart.

Well, you were also scared by my appearance.

When the time comes, if you go to your father to retire, then you can't blame me.

"The little woman has already heard about my father's promise to my husband, and Cao Jie should not have come to find my husband today.

"It's just that Cao Jie's appearance, Cao Jie also understands in his heart, so he doesn't dare to deceive Gongzi." Cao

Jie had already spoken to this point, and Zhuge Qiu naturally understood what she meant in his heart.

This girl doesn't want to marry herself, so this is deliberately playing ugly, wanting to make herself retreat.

But this job will definitely not be taken by himself.

"Miss Cao is really a virtuous person, and she really deserves her name at first sight today." Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Jie and said with a smile, looking appreciative.

"Sir has passed the award, Cao Jie means that my appearance, I am afraid that I am not worthy of my husband's talent, I am afraid that I will disappoint my husband."

Cao Jie saw that Zhuge Qiu still didn't understand, so she spoke again.

"What do you mean, you don't deserve it?" Zhuge

Qiu looked like he understood, and immediately looked at Cao Jie and asked.

Although he said that he really meant this, how could this come out of this guy's mouth, so strange?

But Cao Jie thought about it, but still nodded in agreement, "Yes, it's just that the little woman doesn't deserve it."

"It's okay, just rush to you for this honesty, I admire it very much, anyway, you are not the only one who is not worthy of me."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Jie and opened his mouth with a smile, and said with a very generous look of understanding.


Cao Jie looked at Zhuge Qiu's appearance, and his heart suddenly felt angry.

Forget it, as long as you can withdraw from the marriage, you still have to endure it first.

"What the gentleman said is that the talent of the gentleman is already famous all over the world, and everyone knows that although the little woman is the daughter of the prime minister, she is faceless, which is really shameful.

Cao Jie looked at Zhuge Qiu with a very inferior look and said.

"Sir, is Sir there?" Before

Zhuge Qiu could speak, Cao Chong's voice was already heard outside.

Cao Chong glanced at Zhuge Qiu after coming in, and soon he noticed Cao Jie on the side.

"Sister, why are you here, I came to meet my future brother-in-law, I didn't expect my sister to be so satisfied with this marriage, and I'm worried that my sister will not agree."

Cao Chong looked at Cao Jie and said with a smile, seemingly very happy.

"Sister, what's wrong with your face, why did you make yourself so ugly, did you come here on purpose to test your brother-in-law?"

asked Cao Chong after seeing the birthmark on Cao Jie's face.

Zhuge Qiu naturally also saw Cao Jie's constantly changing face.

Cosmic rushed this wave of backstabs, it was simply done beautifully.

See how you still pretend.

"Brother Chong, you are really my good brother. Cao Jie looked at Cao Chong with a black line.

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