"I..." Cao Chong looked at Cao Jie like that, although he didn't know what had happened before.

However, Cao Chong also knew that he would definitely be wrong and say the wrong thing.

After being debunked, Cao Jie glared at Cao Chong, and then simply did not pretend, and directly tore the birthmark on his face.

At this time, Zhuge Qiu finally saw Cao Jie's appearance clearly.

Not a top beauty, without the heroism of Lu Lingqi and Sun Shangxiang, this may be related to the fact that the two of them are people who practice martial arts.

But it's not bad, with a bit more of a bookish atmosphere.

"I won't marry you so easily, don't think that if my father agrees, I will agree."

After Cao Jie finished speaking, he directly turned around and left, but when he left, he directly gave Cao Chong a look.

"Sir, isn't it time for me to come?"

said Cao Chong with a wry smile after Cao Jie left.

"It's okay, it came in time. Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Chong and replied with a smile.

"This... I also didn't expect my sister to have an opinion on this marriage, and my sister has always been a gentle and virtuous person.

Cao Chong said that he was very innocent, and all along, in his opinion, Cao Jie was a gentle and virtuous person.

"I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about the gentle and virtuous Sook.

After listening to Cao Chong's words, Zhuge Qiu thought of Cao Jie's appearance just now, where was it gentle.

After Cao Chong heard this, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Cosmos Chong, what are you suddenly looking for me for today?" After

being embarrassed for a while, Zhuge Qiu was the first to look at Cao Chong and asked.

"Oh, yes, Chong Er almost forgot about the business, Chong Er came here because today it seems that Yang Xiu is preparing something to deal with Master.

Cao Chong looked at Zhuge Qiu, he heard these words from Cao Zhi, so he hurriedly came.

"Yang Xiu, Yang Xiu again?" Zhuge Qiu didn't expect that this Yang Chicken rib was really a lot of things.

Twice, I haven't repaired it enough.

Speaking of the things that were bet in the barracks before, he hadn't let Yang Xiu fulfill his promise.

He hadn't taken the initiative to find Yang Xiu to make a challenge, but Yang Xiu actually wanted to go against him.

"It's okay, don't pay attention to Yang Xiu, if he really dares to come, I will definitely make him look good."

Zhuge Qiu raised his hand to indicate that there was no big problem.

Cao Chong saw that Zhuge Qiu said so, he was relieved, think about it, Yang Xiu can be vomited blood by

Zhuge Qiu, can Zhuge Qiu still be afraid of him? Cao Chong stayed here with Zhuge Qiu, simply ate a meal, Zhuge Qiu gave Cao Chong a math lesson, and then sent him away.

"Sir, this has sent a letter. After

sending Cao Chong away, Zhuge Qiu was ready to call Ma Chao and continue the boring entertainment, and the old chess and card room became the rule.

A guard guarding outside the door walked in with a letter and handed it to Zhuge Qiu.

Although Zhuge Qiu wondered who it was, he liked to engage in this set and send letters, but he still opened the letters.

"Fu Wan?" After

Zhuge Qiu read the letter, he was also surprised, it turned out to be a letter written by Fu Qiu to himself.

Fu Wan's appointment to meet him in the Drunken Immortal Tower, but he and Fu Wan's relationship have never been related, and now Fu Wan's sudden search for himself is afraid that it is not simple.

Anyway, it's boring, and I just went to meet them to see what their purpose was.

"Zilong, come out with me.

Zhuge Qiu roared towards Zhao Yun, who was already seated inside.

Drunken fairy building.

At this time, Fu Wan's private room had already been booked, and he was already waiting there.

"Dezu, do you say that Zhuge Qiu will come?" asked after waiting for a while, looking at Yang Xiu on the side.

At this time, Zhuge Qiu had not yet come, and Fu Qiu was also a little worried.

"Rest assured, Zhuge Qiu will definitely come, Zhuge Qiu is conceited of talent, he has no one in his eyes, there is nothing he will be afraid of.

Yang Xiu had a cold face on the side, and immediately looked at Fu Wan's mouth and replied.

Between words, Zhuge Qiu's dissatisfaction was not concealed at all.

"It is also said that this person's means, I have also heard these days, Lord Geng's death, there is his reason.

After listening to Yang Xiu's words, he also said with a smile of approval.

"This man is indeed arrogant, and when he was in the Weihe military camp, he deliberately humiliated me.

Yang Xiu looked at Fu Finish and said again.

"Sir, let's wait a little longer, as long as it can achieve the goal, let him be proud first."

"Okay, let him be proud for the time being, as long as your news is reliable, you can definitely make him obey." Fu

Wan, looking at Yang Xiu, also laughed and said.

"Mr. Zhuge arrived.

As soon as they finished speaking, as soon as Zhuge Qiu outside the door went upstairs, someone was already shouting loudly.

After Fu Finish and Yang Xiu heard this, they immediately put away their smiles.

"Mr. Zhuge is here. As

soon as Zhuge Qiu entered, he was already smiling and said.

"Mr. Zhuge is really such a big shelf, Lord Fu is a national abbot, besides, you are just a small junior, and you dare to be so presumptuous and make Lord Fu wait so long." Without

waiting for Zhuge Qiu to speak, at this time, Yang Xiu, who was beside him, had already spoken with a cold face.

"Lord Yang is also here, I didn't expect that Lord Yang had such a good relationship with Lord Fu, it was really surprising. When

Zhuge Qiu saw Yang Xiu coming up, he stunned himself, and immediately replied.

"Mr. Zhuge said this badly, mainly because the old man did not know Mr. Yang, so he came to let Lord Yang be a matchmaker, and he was an official with the same dynasty, and there was still friendship.

Fu Wan, on the side, immediately said with a smile, looking like an old and good man.

Zhuge Qiu immediately understood that these two people were one white pick up and one red face.

"I don't care about your friendship, but Lord Yang, remember when Yuedan commented, your promise to take a detour, you still have the face to stand in front of me now. "

You... Okay, I'll go. Yang Xiu saw Zhuge Qiu mention the previous matter, and he was immediately angry.

After speaking, Yang Xiu directly turned around and left.

"Mr. Zhuge , now that Master Yang is gone, can we have a good chat?" asked with a smile as he looked at Zhuge Qiu.

"Lord Fu said this, if you have anything to say, just say it directly.

Zhuge Qiu sat down and looked at Fu Qiu and asked.

"In fact, it is very simple, I just appreciate my husband's ability, and hope that he can help the old man."

"I'm Cao Chengxiang's adviser, Lord Fu said this, I'm afraid I didn't wake up."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Fu and said.

"No, the old man is very sober.

"It's just that sir, I don't know how Prime Minister Cao Cheng will feel if he knows about the loyalty of the 10,000 soldiers?"

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