Zhuge Qiu glanced at Fu Wan, but he was a little surprised, this Fu Qiu even inquired about this matter, it seems that it really took a lot of effort.

"Lord Fu is bothered, but Lord Fu, are you a threat?" "The threat

is not a threat, it's just Mr. Zhuge 's safety, the old man is very worried, the old man is also worried for the husband, after all, Cao Chengxiang's temper, the gentleman also knows." Fu

Wan, with a smile, raised his hand and spoke, threatening him naturally would not admit it.

"So that's the case, then thank you Lord Fu, but Lord Fu cares so much about it, so let's mention Lord Fu one or two in Xia."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Qiu and said with a smile.

"I want to hear about it. When Fu heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, it seems that it is not a problem to woo today.

"Lord Fu, your Yintang is blackened, I see that you have been unlucky recently.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Qiu and said with a mysterious face.

"Unlucky?" Fu Qiu was a little confused, originally he thought that Zhuge Qiu was going to discuss how to deal with Cao Cao.


. Zhuge is playing tricks on the old man?"

"Mr. Zhuge was still expectant, but after hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, his face suddenly changed.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Qiu's look of disbelief, and he was also a little helpless.


Why do you play tricks, since Lord Fu doesn't believe him, why look for me?" "

Mr. Zhuge , let's not say secret words, although Prime Minister Cao Cheng is now a prime minister, but he coerces the Son of Heaven to order the princes to risk the world, this is not a long-term way."

"Now that His Majesty is thirsty for talent, and Sir Yu Cheng's life is in danger, why not take this opportunity to abandon the secret and turn to the light?"

After hearing this, Zhuge Qiu also sneered, and finally picked out the words.

Also think about me, think about a fart.

"Lord Fu, instead of thinking about my safety, I think Lord Fu should consider the safety of Empress Fu more. "

Empress Fu's safety?" Fu frowned after hearing Zhuge Qiu's words.

"Yes, Lord Fu, since you are looking for me today, then I will also tell you a secret. Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Qiu mysteriously and leaned over.

"What secret?"

After all, it concerns his daughter, and it sounds serious, so Fu Wan's is also very interested.

"I don't know if Lord Fu knows, in fact, His Majesty is a wife."

"Presumptuous, Mr. Zhuge , this is a great disobedience, you dare to talk such nonsense, do you know that just by your words, you will have to die." Fu

Qiu's face changed drastically, and he immediately scolded when he looked at Zhuge Qiu.

How dare Zhuge Qiu say such a big contrarian word.

"Lord Fu, don't get angry, I'm not talking nonsense, have you forgotten about Dong Guozhang and Dong Guifei?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Qiu without surprise and continued to speak.

"If Lord Fu still doesn't believe it, then why don't Lord Fu think about why Prime Minister Cao Cheng didn't marry his daughter to His Majesty

?" "With Prime Minister Cao Cheng's ability, if he marries his daughter to His Majesty, it will not be difficult to become an empress, and if he gives birth to a prince in the future, isn't half of this royal bloodline with the Cao family's bloodline?"

But after hearing this, Fu Quan was a little stunned.

Zhuge Qiu's words are indeed a big contrarian, but if you think about it, there is really nothing wrong with these words.

Although his daughter is now the empress, but Cao Cao really wants to speak, Empress Fu's throne will definitely not be preserved.

"Okay, Lord Fu is fine, then I'll go first, my words, Lord Fu think about it."

"Hmm. Fu

Qiu was still thinking about Zhuge Qiu's big contrarian words, so he subconsciously answered.

Looking at the back of Zhuge Qiu leaving, Fu Qiu reacted, "Mr. Zhuge ..." Zhuge

Qiu went out, and Fu Qiu was not easy to chase over.

"Is Your Majesty really a wife?"

muttered softly with a puzzled look.

"Sir, what is Lord Fu looking for you, could it be that the previous matter was really known?" After

leaving the Drunken Immortal Tower, Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"There is no impermeable wall in the world, not to mention that there were so many people who happened that day.

Zhuge Qiu said unimpressedly, which was why he was unwilling to accept it in the first place.

"If the prime minister knows, I am afraid that it will really be unfavorable to the husband, and if he tells the prime minister about this, I am afraid..."

"What is there to be afraid of, he wants to be my father-in-law, he wants to be my old son, what is there to be afraid of."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, and then said unimpressedly.

Zhao Yun thought about it, "Could it be that Lord Fu doesn't know about this?"

Zhuge Qiu also didn't know what Fu Wan's mind thought, maybe he was old and confused.

Anyway, the soldiers will come to cover the water.

"Sister, what's wrong with you, is the plan done?"

Cao Ling looked at Cao Ji's breathless return, and immediately asked.

"Whatever is done, it's all to blame Brother Chong, who dares to tear down my platform. Cao

Jie was angry when he thought of Cao Chong.

"Then what to do?" Cao Ling looked at Cao Jie with some concern.

"It's okay, I still have a way. Cao Jie's eyes lit up, and he looked at Cao Ling and shook his head and said.

But I heard he was my father's favorite smart man. Cao Ling's big bright eyes turned around looking a little unbelieving.

"Sister, don't worry. Cao Cheng patted Cao Ling and said with a confident face.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu got up and saw the three fools of the Cao family coming.

Cao Zhi and Cao Chang also came, "Sir, I have seen Sir."

"No need to be polite, the three of you come together, is there anything wrong?" On

weekdays, the universe rushes the most diligently, and Cao Pi is less.

"It~ in fact, it's okay, that is, we offended Mr. before, and now I think about it, it's really that we don't understand things."

Cao Chang watched Zhuge Qiu take the initiative to stand up, and said with some stammering.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at him, how could it be okay so obviously.

"So we want to ask Mr. to go to a place and count it as a reparation."

Cao Zhi took a sentence at this time and spoke.


Zhuge Qiu didn't have any hesitation, anyway, he was bored to see what the three fools wanted to do.

Zhuge Qiu called Zhao Yun as well, and the five people quickly went out.

"Sir, it's soon, it's almost there, it's the front."

Cao Zhi looked at Zhuge Qiu and pointed to the front and said.

"You actually brought Mr. here?" Soon

Zhao Yun saw the destination, and he was also surprised.

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