Zhuge Qiu also did not expect that the three fools of the Cao family would take themselves to this place to find flowers and ask for willows.

At the beginning, his dream, that was to go with Cao Cao, but he didn't expect that this Cao family was stupid and took himself first.

This is really a father and a son.

History may drown Cao Cao, but it certainly won't drown out the old color batches.

"This... Let's really go in, it doesn't seem good, right?" Zhuge

Qiu coughed twice, and then looked at Cao Pi and asked.

"Sir, rest assured, nothing happened, today we have already wrapped up this place.

Cao Zhi looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a smile.

"Lying groove, big money.

"Then I will also experience the characteristics of your culture, feel this culture that has been lost for thousands of years."

Zhuge Qiu looked at the three fools of the Cao family, and said, how could he shirk if he was embarrassed.

"Culture?" Cao Pi was a little puzzled.

"Ahem, culture, culture, let's go, you don't understand this.

Zhuge Qiu waved his hand, and then called Zhao Yun to go in together.

This is, of course, culture.

Here, that's all Gongzi please sit, Gongzi don't worry, listen to the concubine play a song.

In the afterlife, it was all about hurrying, and it was not safe here.

This art culture, Qinqi calligraphy and painting, is not lost.

After entering, Zhuge Qiu and they saw that there was already a group of Yingying Yanyan there.

"Gongzi Ye is here, several masters, everything has been done according to the orders of several masters, and several masters please upstairs."

The old mother looked at Cao Zhi and said with a warm smile.

When Zhuge Qiu saw this situation, Cao Zhi seemed to be a frequent visitor here.

I didn't expect you to be such a Cao Zhi.

"Ahem, sir, don't get me wrong, in fact, I have come here occasionally in the next place, and I came here with friends.

Cao Zhi also felt Zhuge Qiu's gaze, and quickly explained.

After all, he is also Cao Cao's son, and this is still a shame.

"Oh, it turned out to be a style, no wonder, understandable, no wonder your writing style is most similar to your father."

Zhuge Qiu understood Cao Zhi's explanation, after all, Old Cao also loved to collect style.

Cao Zhi was even more embarrassed when he heard this, but if he really wants to say it, there is still a difference between himself and his father.

However, thinking of the task given to them by Cao Jie, Cao Zhi did not say anything more.

"Haha, what the gentleman said is, let's go up then." Cao Pi said with a laugh.

Soon, Cao Pi and they arranged for Zhuge Qiu to enter the largest room.

"This... General Zhao, it's not good for you to follow up, right

?" "How about we please over here?" Cao Zhi looked at Zhao Yun and made a gesture of invitation.

"I'm not interested in you. Zhao Yun glanced at Cao Zhi.

"This... General Zhao misunderstood, I mean your room is here.

Cao Zhi felt that he shouldn't say more about us.

"I'm not interested in that. Zhao Yun replied.

"It's okay, the general doesn't like it, but drink some wine and food alone, I believe it will get better soon."

Cao Zhi immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and persuaded.

Zhao Yun looked at Cao Zhi, as if he had discovered something incredible, and suddenly looked at Cao Zhi's eyes with a little more sympathy.

Where did Cao Zhi know that the current Zhao Yun had long been taken by Zhuge Qiu as an old driver, and left after speaking.

"How's that, sister?"

asked Cao Zhi as he entered the room and looked at Cao Pi with a stunned look.

According to Cao Jie's plan, they took Zhuge Qiu to this place to hunt for flowers and ask Liu Hong, and when the time came, they would do some tricks and feet, and then go to catch the scene.

At that time, he could ask Cao Cao not to agree to the marriage.

"She doesn't seem to have come out yet.

Cao Pi saw Cao Zhi asking like this, and then he spoke.

"She didn't come out, what do you mean?" asked Cao Zhi, looking at Cao Pi.

"You mean, she's still in Mr. Qiu's room?" "

Good fellow, where are you framing Zhuge Qiu."

You're delivering it yourself.

On the other side, after Zhuge Qiu entered, he naturally saw Cao Jie.

"Girl Cao, how about you too?" Zhuge

Qiu knew that there must be a problem with this Cao family's three fools, and now after seeing Cao Jie, he immediately understood.

"You... I... Who is good at this mouthful. Cao Jie replied.

In his heart, Cao Pi and a few of them scolded them again, these fools actually brought people up so quickly.

I was actually blocked.

"So Miss Cao is waiting for me?" Zhuge

Qiu was not in a hurry, looking at Cao Jie and asking playfully.

"Who waited for you. Cao Jie's face turned red, and then he thought of something, "I... This girl is here to get you today.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person, my father promised us sisters to you, but you still have nostalgia for the land of fireworks."

"Yes?" Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Jie and asked, "This thief takes the stolen goods, and the one who catches the thief has to take the double."

"Now in this room, just the two of us, you have to speak with a conscience."

"In that case, then I can shout and let everyone judge." Zhuge

Qiu was already making a gesture after speaking, and he was about to shout.

Seeing this, Cao Jie quickly ran over and subconsciously covered Zhuge Qiu's mouth.

It is already a shame to come to this kind of place yourself, how can it still be passed on.

Zhuge Qiu was originally frightened by Cao Jie, but he didn't expect her to react so much.

For a while, the distance between the two was also a little ambiguous.

Cao Jie felt the temperature of his palm, as well as the breath on that Zhuge Qiu's body, and he also felt inappropriate.

"You... Don't shout.

Before letting go, Cao Jie blushed and did not forget to give a word.

After Cao Jie let go, he immediately distanced himself from Zhuge Qiu.

Cao Jie blushed, looked at Zhuge Qiu, thinking of his own behavior just now, the two people were so close.

Without waiting for Zhuge Qiu to speak, Cao Jie directly opened the door and ran out.

Zhuge Qiu saw that Cao Jie had gone out, and there was nothing to see in this play.

After Zhuge Qiu went out, Cao Zhi and several of them also heard the movement.

"Sir, this... Just now my sister she?" asked Cao Pi after they came out.

"Probably embarrassed, so I left. Zhuge Qiu spread out his hands and replied.

Several people were talking while walking, and at this moment there was already movement outside.

"A few sons, it's not good that something happened, let's go and take a look."

At this time, the old mother also hurriedly went upstairs to look at Zhuge Qiu, and they spoke.

"The girl who went out just now was stopped by Fu Gongzi. "

Fu Dian?" Cao Pi and their faces were also a little ugly.

"Sir, we came behind our father's back, I wonder if this matter can be handled by Sir?"

Cao Pi looked at Zhuge Qiu and quickly spoke.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them, and now he was not in the wind.

"Take your dirty hands away and give you a minute to hurry up. "

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