"Mr. Zhuge is really out of nowhere. Fu

also sighed after seeing Zhuge Qiu come out.

I'm just waiting for adults here, and this is the only way for adults to return home.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Qiu and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Fu immediately understood, with Cao Cao's eyeliner and Zhuge Qiu's resourcefulness.

It is estimated that from the moment Empress Fu entered the cold palace, all this had been expected for a long time.

"The gentleman is brilliant and resourceful, the old man admires, if the old husband gives birth to a son like a gentleman, why should there be today's calamity." After Fu finished thinking clearly, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and sneered.

"Sir is here to see the old man's joke today?" "

Day by day, you can't have a good analogy, you have to compare yourself with your son."

"I can't talk about jokes, if the adults are willing, I can save the lives of hundreds of people in your Fu family." "

Zhuge Qiu is too lazy to calculate, just when they lack vocabulary, it is still important.

"Sir, is there really a way?" Fu also quickly asked after hearing this.

At first, he was unwilling to ask him to save Fu Dian, but this time he was willing to make a move.

"The way is very simple, that is, do not confess guilt, back the pot, bluntly speak out to the world, Your Majesty let you back the pot, as long as you are willing to speak, Cao Chengxiang is willing to help you, and your son Fudian can also be released."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Fu Wan's faint opening and said, as for how to choose, then it can only rely on Fu Finish himself.

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, he was also stunned.

He naturally knew the impact and consequences of what he did.

This will be a fatal blow to Liu Xie's reputation, and then the image of this puppet emperor and the sympathy in the hearts of the people will be greatly weakened.

Whether it is a puppet or not, such an emperor will not be liked.

"Lord Fu, think about it, I'm going to say it all.

Zhuge Qiu knew that this matter was a difficult choice for Fu Wan.

After all, the relationship between the Fu family and the royal family is inextricably linked, different from Xun Yu.

Fu finished returning to the mansion a little mechanically, seemingly constantly thinking, thinking about this difficult answer.

"Sir, what do you say Lord Fu will choose?" After

going back, Zhao Yun immediately asked when he knew about this.

"I can't be sure that on one side there are hundreds of people from the Fu family, and on the other hand, there are son-in-law emperors loyal and affectionate.

Zhuge Qiu took a sip of tea and said lightly, after all, whether it is foolishness or loyalty, there is no shortage of such people in this era.

The outcome of everything will be known tomorrow and later.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhuge Qiu had already prepared tea and waited for Cao Cao to come, and the results came out after the next dynasty.

"Fu Wan, or did you choose the emperor?" As

soon as Cao Cao came in, Zhuge Qiu glanced at him and immediately said lightly.

"How do you know that I haven't spoken yet?" Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu with some surprise, and then continued to speak.

"Yes, last night Empress Fu committed suicide in the cold palace, saying that she was innocent with a death certificate, and Fu also made people hand in a confession and committed suicide by taking poison, which is the same as the poison taken by Ma Teng's father and son when they died.

Sure enough, he still chose foolishness. "It's not an accident, and it's not too much of a pity.

"But you are not without gains, Xun Yu is only afraid that Xiang Han's heart will be shot down to the bottom again.

Cao Cao stayed for a while and left, looking at the back of Cao Cao leaving, Zhao Yun couldn't help but wonder.

"Sir, do you say that Empress Fu committed suicide?"

"It doesn't matter anymore, the matter in the imperial court, that is, Liu Bei and Mrs. Gan enter the cave room, I don't know the depth." "

Zhao Yun: ...

"Ah Qiu. Liu

Bei, who was far away in Chengdu, Yizhou, sneezed.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you, is it because you are unwell?"

Zhang Fei looked at Liu Bei and suddenly sneezed for no reason, and immediately asked.

"Master, I see you better not go to the Wu Clan today.

Zhuge Liang also reminded with concern at this time.

"Yes, big brother, you are old, your body is definitely not good, you see that your ability has declined.

Zhang Fei also rarely agreed with what Zhuge Liang said.

"Yide, what do you mean by this, what does it mean that my body is not good, and my ability has declined.

As soon as Liu Bei heard Zhang Fei's words, something was wrong.

"That, the lord, Yide means that this morning he got up the lord, and the lord could not get up, and dragged it until now. Zhuge

Liang said for Zhang Fei, now Guan Yu is gone, Zhao Yun is gone, but only Zhang Fei is left who can fight, naturally to ease the relationship.

"What I mean is that we have been in Chengdu for so long, and the eldest brother has not defended against the Lord and has not killed Liu Zhangke."

Zhang Fei glanced at Zhuge Liang, what kind of understanding ability this is.

"Don't give me a letter of thanks from the Lord, Sun Quan Xiaoer, I still remember it."

Liu Bei was even more angry after hearing Zhang Fei's words.

He also did not expect that as soon as he left, Cao Cao's army would withdraw from the epidemic, and knowing this, he could stay in Jiangdong for a while.

"Master, now that there are rumors between you and the Wu family in Yizhou, if the Wu family is still close at this time, I am afraid that Liu Zhang will become suspicious. "

Zhuge Liang doesn't expect to defend against the Lord's affairs, what he has to do is to push Liu Bei to the position of Lord of Yizhou.

In this way, the career path he planned at the beginning did not fail.

Liu Bei befriended Wu Yi through the Wu clan, while he befriended Fa Zheng and Zhang Song.

"Yes, big brother, let's forget it for now, besides, this Wu clan... If you go on like this, won't you become more and more similar to that Cao thief.

Zhang Fei also said on the side.

After hearing Zhang Fei's words, Liu Bei was also stunned for a moment.

I wanted to be the same as Cao Cao, but now I am mixed up.

"Forget it, you don't have to worry about this, I know it in my heart."

Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang after a while and said.

"Kong Ming, there are more than rumors in Hanzhong now, although some people are pushing it, but I think that Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang must have a battle, I don't know what happened to the preparations you said before?"

Then Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and asked.

This is a very critical thing, once you take Yizhou, then you will completely turn over.

"Rest assured, everything is ready. Seeing

Liu Bei ask, Zhuge Liang immediately replied.

"Well, you said he was your bookboy, and this time it's time for you to prove it."

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang, obviously he still didn't believe it.

"This time it is inevitable, foolproof.

"Kong Ming, you sound a little familiar with this. "

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