"Dadu Governor, Xu Chang has received news that Cao Thief did not hesitate to refuse the emperor's marriage in order to marry his daughter to Zhuge Qiu.

Lu Su came to Zhou Yu and looked at Zhou Yu and said with a worried expression.

"What kind of charm is this Zhuge Qiu, Cao Thief is so attracted to him.

After hearing the news, Zhou Yu was also full of emotion.

"What charm does he have, is it still unclear to the Metropolitan Governor?"

said Lu Su weakly on the side.

"Zijing, your words are not bad, this Zhuge Qiu is indeed talented, they all say that they can be the dragon and phoenix chicks, and one person can win the world.

"In my opinion, this Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick should be changed to Zhuge Shouyi." Zhou

Yu naturally didn't understand what Lu Su meant, he was used to their sudden strange words, and immediately opened his mouth to answer.

"Now we have to speed up the pace, send someone to write to Zhuge Qiu, just say that Miss Sun is seriously ill, ask him to help, if the treatment fails, I hope to see him for the last time."

"Metropolitan, wouldn't you be saying too badly?

After listening to Zhou Yu's words, Lu Su seemed to be a little unbearable.

Or, you are critically ill?" Zhou

Yu glanced at Lu Su and said disapprovingly.

"Very good, very good. As soon as Lu Su heard Zhou Yu's words, he immediately changed his words.

I can't stand the toss anymore.

After being tossed by Zhou Yu a few more times, he was really going to be sent away and died on the spot.

Huang Gai and Lü Meng are typical examples.

"As long as Zhuge Qiu is tricked to Jiangdong, then if he is willing to be Jiangdong's son-in-law at that time, if he is not willing, then he must also be left behind." Zhou

Yu saw that Lu Su had no opinion at this time, so he continued to speak.

Lu Su didn't say much, the plan is good, but whether it can succeed is another matter.


Zhuge Qiu naturally didn't know this, and now that Ma Teng's matter has been carried by someone, Ma Chao has also got an answer.

"Meng Qi, now the results have come out, and it turns out that this matter really has nothing to do with Lao Cao.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Ma Chao and patted him on the shoulder and said.

"At the beginning, you were seduced by Zhou Yu, and Lao Cao just wanted to use this to make your Western Liang Army throw rats, but I didn't expect such a thing.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Ma Chao and sighed, this result was not what he wanted to see.

"Now that the matter has been found, I should go back."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Ma Chao also opened his mouth and replied.

After this period of getting along, he also believed Zhuge Qiu's words.

If Zhuge Qiu really planned to kill Ma Teng and kill the Western Liang Army, then he would not have today.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll personally send you out of the city tomorrow. "

Zhuge Qiu naturally won't stop Ma Chao, according to the plan, Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang are about to fight, Ma Chao goes back, that is a big effect."

"Thank you sir, in Xuchang's days, Mr. Hon's hospitality is also memorable.

"You're welcome. Zhuge Qiu smiled, after all, those foods in the system are common in later generations, and they are not rare things that people remember here.

In the evening, in order to show off Ma Chao, Zhuge Qiu specially invited Ma Chao to eat a hot pot.

"In the future, when I have the opportunity, I will fight you for another three hundred rounds.

Xu Chu watched Ma Chao drink two sips of wine, and said with a smile.

"Lao Xu, this is the difficulty of strong people, what do good people fight with you.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Ma Chao and smiled and said, three hundred rounds, people can stand it, it is estimated that Ma can't stand it.

The next day, Zhuge Qiu sent Ma Chao away.

"General Ma, don't forget what I explained, please leave everything to you.

Before leaving, Zhuge Qiu opened his mouth again to remind him?"

"Don't worry, Sir, if it is as you expected, Ma Chao will help." "

With his prestige among the Qiang people, if Liu Bei really wants to borrow the power of the Qiang people, then as long as he opens his mouth, there is no doubt that Liu Bei's path will not work.

"If everything didn't happen as my husband expected, then I can't be blamed."

Ma Chao added with a smile, and then officially took his leave and left.

Looking at the back of Ma Chao leaving, Zhuge Qiu also smiled and shook his head, this little thing, he is still sure.

"Ma Chao is gone?" Before

Zhuge Qiu returned to his yard, he met Cao Cao halfway.

"Gone, you are in a hurry, is something wrong?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Cao and asked with some puzzlement.

Zhang Lu attacked. Cao

Cao did not hide it, after receiving the news, he came to Zhuge Qiu as soon as possible.

"Then let's sit back and wait for news. "

Zhuge Qiu is not surprised by this, whether it is hatred or interests, taking Yizhou is beneficial to Zhang Lu and harmless.


In Yizhou, Liu Zhang knew that Zhang Lu's army was attacking, and immediately gathered all the people.

"Zhang Lu's army is pressing the realm, how can it be good, I don't know who is willing to lead the army to resist Zhang Lu's attack?"

"Lord, Zhang Lu is menacing this time, in the next, I think that the Lord can let Uncle Liu Huang go to resist Zhang Lu."

"Lord Gong, the minister also thought that Lord Zhang's proposal was feasible, Uncle Liu was of the same sect as Lord Gong, and there was a fierce general Zhang Fei under his command, and Zhuge Liang assisted him, so that he would definitely defeat Zhang Lu if he went forward.

"I don't know, what do you think Zhang Song and Fa Zheng said, but do you have any objections?" After

Liu Zhang listened to the words of the two, he immediately opened his mouth to ask everyone.

"The lord must not, now that rumors are spreading, Liu Bei has frequently befriended the Wu family, the lord must not be guarded against it."

"Yes, speaking of defense, the Lord needs to pay attention to the fact that this Liu Bei has the ability to defend the Lord."

Zhang Su also took a sentence at this time and said that his younger brother Zhang Song and Zhuge Liang had recently approached, and he also knew.

After Liu Zhang heard Zhang Su's words, he also frowned, after all, he had also heard what Zhang Su said.

"Lord, this defense against the Lord's words is just a rumor, a joke, how can it be taken seriously, now the priority is to solve Zhang Lu's calamity.

Fa Zheng looked at Liu Zhang and said defensively.

"Yes, Lord Lord, if you are not at ease, then it is better to simply not let Uncle Liu control the military power, and you can solve the Lord Lord's concerns.

Zhang Song continued.

"No troops?" "

No troops, let me fight with what?" After Liu Bei learned the news, he almost jumped three feet tall.

"Lord, there is no need to worry, Liang has long expected this, if Liu Zhang's worries are not relieved, how can he trust the lord.

Zhuge Liang persuaded from the side.

Liu Bei listened, "Are you sure there will be no problem on the Qiang side?"

Zhuge nodded.

"Okay, I'll take this errand. Seeing that Zhuge Liang was so confident, Liu Bei immediately nodded and agreed.

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