Xu Sheng and Ding Fengfeng received Sun Quan's order, naturally they were also unambiguous, although they could not say that they hated Zhuge Qiu.

But such a dangerous figure, if he is allowed to leave like this, they will definitely suffer.

Besides, if Zhuge Qiu is solved, perhaps the Metropolitan Governor will be able to restore his former wisdom.

He led two thousand men and horses, and soon stopped the galloping carriage.

"Mr. Zhuge , you are Jiangdong's son-in-law, the last general advises you, it is better to stay in Jiangdong, besides, the young lady has not left the old lady since childhood, it is not good to leave like this."

Xu Sheng looked at the carriage after stopping it, glanced at Zhao Yun, and then looked at the inside of the carriage and said.

"Since you know that my husband is Jiangdong's son-in-law, how dare you stop him?"

Zhao Yun glanced at them and immediately scolded.

"The last general will be ordered, and if you obediently follow me back, then the last general will naturally not dare to be rude, but if you dare to take another step forward, the Lord will say that you will be killed on the spot."

Ding Feng, seeing that Zhao Yun spoke, also replied coldly at this time.

"What a big breath, kill on the spot, I asked if my gentian bright silver gun is there."

Zhao Yun glanced at Ding Feng, and said unpleasantly.

Xu Sheng and Ding Feng also knew how powerful Zhao Yun was, and after hearing this, the two were also stunned.

But soon calmed down, after all, this is Jiangdong, with two thousand people and horses, what else is there to be afraid of.

"Archer ready." With Xu Sheng's order, the archers were already aiming at Zhao Yun and the carriage, ready to attack.

"You... You really disregard the feelings of brothers and sisters so much, but you know that the people in this car are not only my husband but also your lord's sister. Seeing

this, Zhao Yun did not move, but looked very angry.

"My father-in-law said, if the eldest lady dares to block her willful behavior, she will not be pardoned."

After Xu Sheng heard Zhao Yun's words, he was also very confident.

Without this order, how dare they be so confident.

As soon as Xu Sheng finished saying this, there was finally movement in the carriage that had not been moving at this time.

"Okay, a good one will not be forgiven, the old body should see if you even want to kill the old body together."

Wu Guotai came out of the carriage at this time and opened the curtain, and although Xu Sheng and them were shocked, they saw clearly when Wu Guotai came out.

There was no one in the carriage except Wu Guotai at all.

"Why, if you don't speak, are you going to kill the old body together?"

After getting off the carriage, Wu Guotai's crutches questioned on the ground, trembling with anger.

She didn't expect Sun Quan to give such an order, she had always treated him as her own, but he wanted to kill his sister, his only blood and bones.

"This..." Xu

Sheng and Ding Feng, the two also looked at each other, and Sun Quan said that he could ignore Sun Shangxiang when necessary.

But Sun Quan did not say that he did not care about the old lady.

If they killed Sun Quan's mother, they wouldn't be able to live.

And Zhuge Qiu they are not in the carriage.

"The last will not dare." The two immediately confessed to Wu Guotai, and at the same time quickly asked the soldiers to quickly pass the news back.

"Don't dare, what else do you dare not dare, if you don't quickly get out of the way, you can't even stop the old body?"

Wu Guotai looked at the two angrily and continued to scold.

"Old lady, don't embarrass us."

Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, although they did not dare to hurt Wu Guotai, they also did not dare to just give way to the road.

"Zilong, you get out of the way, the old body personally drives, the old body wants to see if they have the courage to kill this old woman of mine."

After Wu Guotai finished speaking, he got into the carriage again, sat in the driver's seat, and whipped his whip in a huff.

Seeing this, Xu Sheng and Ding Feng could only give way, after all, Zhuge Qiu was not there.

After giving way to a road, the carriage continued on its way.

Sun Quan here, in the study, he is also pacing back and forth.

While anxiously waiting for news, he felt that his order was too cold.

Lu Xun did not speak on the side, he understood Sun Quan's thoughts.

"Report, lord, the news has come from the two generals."

"Come in." Sun Quan directly dispensed people," said quickly.

"Mr. Zhuge and Miss are not in the carriage, only the old lady is in the carriage."

The soldier did not dare to slacken, gasped and said in the simplest expression.

"What? Absence?

Sun Quan's face changed after hearing this, and then he looked at Lu Xun as if asking where they had gone.

"Sure enough, this Zhuge Qiu is a smart person, and the first carriage is really a cover-up, but I didn't expect the old lady to be there."

Lu Xun laughed at this time, acting unexpectedly.

"You know when you step on the horse, and let me send someone to chase it."

Sun Quan's backhand was a slap that covered the back of Lu Xun's head.

"Ahem, the lord is angry, mainly false and real, I am afraid that Zhuge Qiu will be bold and hide in the first carriage, after all, he can predict our prejudgment."

Lu Xun quickly looked at Sun Quan and explained.

"It's just that I didn't expect the old lady to do this for Miss Sun."

"I have asked the two generals Han Dang and Zhou Tai to continue to guard the perimeter of Zhuge Qiu's mansion, and now the old lady's mansion, although no troops have been sent, but there are people watching."

"Lord, it's better for you and me to go in person, after all, Miss Sun is the sister of the Lord."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and continued to speak, since Wu Guo was too willing to cover Zhuge Qiu.

Then Wu Guotai came out of Zhuge Qiu's mansion, and they were likely to escape from Wu Guotai's mansion.

After Sun Quan heard Lu Xun's words, he hesitated, but still nodded.

The inheritance of my father and brother cannot be destroyed in my own hands.

Not even my sister.

Sun Quan and Lu Xun personally led people to the perimeter of Wu Guotai's mansion to guard.

Although he also prayed in his heart that Sun Shangxiang would never do stupid things and be obsessed, but at this time, he could only be sorry.

Time passed like this for a while, but there was no news from anywhere.

Sun Quan didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy, after all, it was Wu Guotai's mansion, and it was not possible to break into Kenning directly.

Besides, Zhuge Qiu and they are not ready to run, and he has no reason to do it.

So you can only wait, you have to wait for someone to come out.

Lu Xun also wondered if his guess was wrong.

At this time, there was finally movement.

In the alley outside, the sound of the carriage finally sounded.

As soon as the carriage came out, the people who had long been ambushed rushed out.

"Mr. Zhuge , where are you going?" Lu Xun was the first to speak.

"Bo Yan, what do you say, what are you stopping me from, I have something important to report to the lord."

Zhou Yu poked his head out of the carriage.

Then, Zhou Yu saw Sun Quan's black face.

"Bring him to me."

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