"No, get him for me." Sun Quan felt that bringing it over was a little too cheap for this guy.

"Lord, lord, I really have something to report."

Zhou Yu saw Sun Quan's black face like the bottom of the pot, and he chuckled in his heart, something is not good.

"Lord, I am wronged, I am innocent."

Zhou Yu saw this situation and quickly understood that Sun Quan and Lu Xun had come to capture Zhuge Qiu, and as a result, he bumped into it again.

"Innocent, you still dare to say innocence, you can see if Xiao Qiao believes you or not."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu, this guy still had the face to say innocence.

"I... Master, I know that this matter seems a little difficult to explain, but I can really explain it. Zhou

Yu looked at Sun Quan, this is outrageous, Lu Xun this guy has a big hatred with himself recently.

"Master, you better hurry up and send someone to chase the old lady's car, Zhuge Qiu and Miss Sun are both in the carriage."

"Dadudu, what do you say, the two generals Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, have already received news that Zhuge Qiu is not in the carriage at all."

After listening to Zhou Yu's words, Lu Xun took the lead in speaking.

"Not bad, Gong Jin, but you, appeared here, did you cover for Zhuge Qiu?"

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu with a look of disbelief, he believed that Xu Sheng and Ding Feng, it was impossible for them to deceive themselves.

"I... Lord, I really don't, when Zhou Yu went to prepare the carriage yesterday afternoon, I had already stopped him.

"Then he gave me a holy decree, and today the old lady asked the person who was close to me to send me a secret letter, and I went to the mansion."

In order to prove that he was really innocent, Zhou Yu directly took out the holy decree and the secret letter and handed them all to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan glanced at Zhou Yu, and then took the thing.

Indeed, Zhou Yu did not lie to himself, these things are not something that Zhou Yu can fake.

Especially this holy will, this jade seal is still covered on it, this can't be fake, this thing, it's all in Xuchang.

Seeing that Sun Quan looked at these things, his face looked a little better, obviously believing in himself, and Zhou Yu was also relieved.

"Master, now I know I didn't lie to you."

"What are you doing stunned, don't you hurry up and chase?" Sun Quan heard Zhou Yu's words, and immediately became angry.

Zhou Yu and Lu Xun did not dare to delay, and immediately led the people to set off.

Zhou Yu knew that he had hit the plan and wanted to make up for it.

Lu Xun wanted to win Zhuge Qiu in one fell swoop and compete.

"Dadudu, are you sure Zhuge Qiu is in the old lady's carriage?"

"But General Xu Sheng saw with his own eyes that there was no one in the carriage, and many soldiers saw it."

On the way to pursue, Lu Xun still did not believe it, he did not believe that Xu Sheng and Ding Feng's courage to deceive Sun Quanyang and Fengyin disobeyed.

"The two generals naturally dare not deceive, but don't you think about it, according to the news, the two generals did not search the car, but saw that there was no one in the car, don't you think it's strange?"

"The old lady got off the carriage, why is there such a big movement, just so that you can see the inside of the carriage?"

Zhou Yu saw Lu Xun's thoughts, and immediately asked rhetorically.

"On purpose."

When Lu Xun said this, he immediately understood.

Xu Sheng and what they saw was what Zhuge Qiu wanted them to see.

"But then, you can't be sure that there is someone in the car?"

Even so, Lu Xun is still not dead, even if it is intentional, can the eyes still deceive people, so many eyes watch.

"Sometimes the eyes can really deceive." Zhou Yu smiled bitterly, and he was afraid of you.

"Before I went to the old lady's mansion, I also knew the news of Zhuge Qiu's carriage leaving, and I was also worried about the truth, after Xu Sheng and them chased over, I sent someone to check the wheel traces of the carriage."

"The old lady is alone in the car, and she can't cause such wheel marks."

Zhou Yu said very resolutely.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" When Lu Xun heard this, he completely believed it.

"That's not when I just came out, and you took me down with the lord."

Zhou Yu glared at Lu Xun, you still have the face to say me.

"Bo Yan, you said that you can do some personnel, you are determined to go to Ge Qiu, why is it me who suffers every time?"

Who can blame you for being so unlucky?

Lu Xun: ......

By the river, Zhuge Qiu, Sun Shangxiang, and Zhao Yun were already on the boat.

"Go, go, the life of troubled people is as cheap as grass, and it is even more so as a woman, you have your own happiness, and your mother will be relieved."

Wu Guotai looked at them and signaled them to leave quickly.

"I don't know when I will see each other today."

Zhuge Qiu and Sun Shangxiang saluted Wu Guotai, and then did not delay time and crossed the river by boat.

The boat traveled farther and farther, until it gradually disappeared, and Wu Guotai left the river with red eyes.

"You guys are here, no need to chase, everyone is gone, come and drive for the old man."

Soon Zhou Yu and Lu Xun had also arrived, and Wu Guotai looked at the two and said.

"Old lady, why are you doing this?" After hearing this, Lu Xun knew that Zhuge Qiu and they were really gone, and immediately asked a little out of control.

In his opinion, without Wu Guotai's help, Zhuge Qiu and they would not have left so easily.

"Because the old body is also a mother." Wu Guotai said lightly, and then entered the carriage.

After Lu Xun heard this, he didn't know what to say.

"You go, drive for the old lady." Finally, he looked at the soldier beside him and ordered.

"Dadu Governor, can we still chase after it?"

After Wu Guotai's carriage walked back, Lu Xun looked at Zhou Yu and asked.

"Collect the troops, you and I are in the palm of the people, and we have no intention of chasing them."

Zhou Yu sighed, he now understood that since he received the holy decree yesterday, he had been counted by Zhuge Qiu.

A mouthful of brother Gongjin, he called himself faint.

"Gong Jin, how do you say they hid in that car, hiding from the eyes of so many people without being detected?"

Lu Xun looked at Zhou Yu, which he couldn't understand.

"After the old lady goes back, don't you know by looking at her carriage?"

Zhou Yu said, and then left directly.

Lu Xun was speechless as he looked at Zhou Yu's back as he left.

"Metropolitan, is this enlightened?" Muttering, Lu Xun also hurriedly chased after him.

Now that the tiger has returned to the mountain, it is difficult to invite Jun into the urn again.

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