"Sir, where are we going now?"

Leaving Koto meant that their danger had been lifted.

"Let's go to Jiangxia."

After thinking about it, Zhuge Qiu opened his mouth and said, now that Liu Qi has died, Jiang Xia is already controlled by Guan Yu.

"Sir, are you afraid that if you go to Xiangyang, it will be difficult to explain to Miss Huang at that time."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Zhao Yun immediately said with a smile.

"Ahem, what to say, I have something to explain to Yunchang when I go to Jiangxia, besides, what do I need to be afraid of."

Zhuge Qiu immediately gave Zhao Yun a blank look and denied it.

"Okay then."

Zhao Yun glanced at Zhuge Qiu, and he obviously didn't believe this.

However, Zhuge Qiu has opened his mouth to go to Jiangxia, and he naturally will not refuse.

The group went directly to Jiangxia like this, and did not go to Xiangyang first.

"Sir is here."

A few days later, Zhuge Qiu had already arrived in Jiangxia, and Guan Yu saw Zhuge Qiu and immediately saw him.

"How is Jiang Xia's rectification now?"

Zhuge Qiu nodded, then looked at Guan Yu and asked.

"Everything is already under control, and Liu Qigongzi's funeral has also been done according to the number of ceremonies."

"Well, you must have heard about Yizhou, and such a thing must not happen in Jingzhou."

Zhuge Qiu was still very relieved about what Guan Yu did in Jiangxia.

"Yunchang, it seems that you have a good life in Jiangxia, look at your red face."

After returning to the mansion, Zhao Yun glanced around, and also joked with a smile.

"Zilong, if you can speak, you can talk more."

Of course, Guan Yu knew that Zhao Yun was deliberately making fun of himself, and immediately replied.

Zhao Yun smiled and didn't say more.

"Sir, when Liu Qigongzi was mourned, Cai Mao came to offer his condolences, and there seemed to be a little bit of coveting in his words, and he sent someone to mention it recently."

When eating at night, Guan Yu said as if he had thought of something again.

"Well, I see."

Zhuge Qiu said clearly after hearing Guan Yu's words, it seems that this trip to Xiangyang, he really can't be less.

What should be faced is still to be faced after all.

Zhuge Qiu has never been a person who drags mud and water, he just walked and stayed for three days, and Jiang Xia left directly after nothing happened.

"Boy, don't you know the old man?"

As soon as he entered Xiangyang, before Zhuge Qiu paid much attention to the surroundings, a voice already sounded.

Hearing the prestige, Zhuge Qiu did not expect that the first acquaintance he saw would be him.

"Big stupid donkey?"

"Sorry, oh, it shouldn't be Mr. Water Mirror."

When Zhuge Qiu saw that Sima was slightly angry, he stopped joking.

"The old man stopped me today, I don't know what happened, he won't settle accounts with me, right?"

"Hmph, how can the old man be a kid with you."

Sima Wei saw that Zhuge Qiu also mentioned the previous matter, and also snorted coldly.

After so much time has passed, and with Huang Chengyan's daily brainwashing, he is indeed not so angry.

"There is another beautiful girl next to your boy, are you worthy of the girl of the Huang family?"

"Ahem, this is difficult to say, the old gentleman will know in the future."

Hearing this topic, Zhuge Qiu was a little weak-hearted, after all, he and Huang Yueying knew each other first.

"That, I still have something to do so I will leave first, and I will visit the old gentleman later."

After speaking, Zhuge Qiu directly pulled people away, and no longer said anything to Sima Wei.

"Sir, look at why you didn't say a word when you came."

After Cai Mao saw Zhuge Qiu coming, he also greeted him with a smile.

"Didn't I already tell you?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cai Mao and said lightly.

"Why, Lord Cai, this has been stimulated again recently, and wants to be the second Liu Bei?"

After entering the mansion, Zhuge Qiu did not beat around the bush, and directly asked.

"Sir, misunderstood, how can I have such guts."

After Cai Mao heard this, his face immediately changed, and he quickly spoke.

"Then why do you still covet Jiang Xia, can it be said that you are dissatisfied with Yunchang?"

Zhuge Qiu saw that Cai Mao denied it, and he was not in a hurry, but continued to ask rhetorically.

"Alas, since Sir knows it, I dare not hide it from Sir, in fact, I... The first time was to drink too much.

"As for sending people before, it was just to test Guan Yu, because Liu Xian, the son of Liu Du of Lingling County, has secretly said many times that now Liu Bei is occupying Chengdu and has the power to dominate Yizhou, so I should be more careful about Guan Yu."

Zhuge Qiu had been looking at Cai Mao, and from his eyes, he could tell that Cai Mao was not lying.

When Guan Yu began to mention it, he was a little surprised, he had already given Cai a chance last time, he wouldn't be so stupid.

When Huang Zhong and Guan Yu occupied the two counties respectively, they also jumped out to find death.

"Lingling County Shou Liu Du father and son?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, at this time, Liu Du's father and son provoked like this, it seems that they want to make trouble.

"Yes, it seems that the gentleman also knows his father and son."

Cai Mao nodded.

"I don't know them very well, I just know Admiral Xing Daorong."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cai Mao and shook his head and said, compared to Liu Du's father and son, Xing Daorong is obviously more well-known.

"General Xing Daorong of Lingling?" Cai Mao was a little confused, is there such a person in Lingling County, and Zhuge Qiu said so, it seems that there is such a person.

Zhuge Qiu smiled and did not speak, but left Cai Mansion.

It seems that he will let people pay attention to this Lingling County guard Liu Du father and son later.

After leaving Cai's mansion, Zhuge Qiu went to find Huang Yueying.

This time, he went directly to the store, after all, the previous few times he went to Huang Yueying was in the store.

It can be seen that she really loves the mechanism KitKat, and it is indeed uncommon for a woman to love these things.

"Aunt, Aunt is here."

"My aunt came to find my young lady, the young lady is upstairs, and I can give you a surprise when I go."

After the maid saw Zhuge Qiu, she immediately said with a smile, and welcomed Zhuge Qiu in very excitedly.

Surprise, it won't be already known, right?

It's not impossible.

But at this point, I naturally won't back down.

"Shouyi, you... Why are you here, you know, I prepared a surprise for you? When

Huang Yueying saw Zhuge Qiu, she was also very surprised.

"What surprise?" This Zhuge Qiu was really confused, wasn't it really frightening.

"Aunt, have you forgotten that the drawings you gave to the young lady before, now the young lady has finally made them." The maid on the side saw that Zhuge Qiu was puzzled, and immediately reminded.

"You mean a crossbow?" Zhuge Qiu also remembered at this time, and he did leave the drawings.

Huang Yueying pulled Zhuge Qiu into the secret room.

"You see this is the crossbow, and I gave it a resounding name."

"It's called Zhuge Lian's crossbow, do you want to try it?"

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