"Zhuge Lian Crossbow?"

After Zhuge Qiu listened to Huang Yueying's words, he was also a little crying and laughing, and he didn't expect that Huang Yueying would take such a name.

In fact, this really has to be discussed, it is no longer a historical Zhuge crossbow.

In history, the Zhuge crossbow was created by Zhuge Liang, and it is also said that it was together with Huang Yueying, also known as the Yuan Rong crossbow.

It can fire ten arrows at a time, with strong firepower and great lethality, but there are also disadvantages that it is too heavy to be used alone, and it is more used to defend cities and camps.

His own crossbow was modified by later generations, which greatly improved the shortcomings of Zhuge crossbow, similar to the slingshot of later generations, but with stronger firepower.

Compared with Ma Jun's improved Zhuge crossbow, it is more convenient and meets the needs of individual combat.

"Yes, the young lady said that this was invented by the aunt, so take the name of the aunt."

The maid said with a smile on the side.

Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Yueying, and he was quite moved for a while.

All along, Huang Yueying has also paid for herself in her own way.

To build this complex crossbow, I think it is also a lot of suffering, after all, it is not easy for a daughter's family to do these things.

Zhuge Qiu subconsciously hugged Huang Yueying, "It's hard." "

You... You better try it out and see if it can help you.

After a while, Huang Yueying said with a red face.

"No need, I trust you, this thing can help me a lot."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Huang Yueying and said.

"I have something to tell you."

Without hiding it, he soon told Huang Yueying everything about Sun Shangxiang.

"It's good that I'm also a talented girl in Jingzhou, you really think I don't know anything, since I chose you, I have no regrets."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Huang Yueying was not angry.

For a while, Zhuge Qiu didn't know what to say.

It can only be said that ancient.

Zhuge Lian crossbow and arrows, Huang Yueying is limited after all.

"This... Even the crossbow turned out to be so powerful, and it was so light and convenient. Zhao

Yun was also very surprised when he saw the crossbow, once this crossbow was applied, the pawn's ability would have a great leap.

"Zilong, you personally sent someone to send the drawings to Huang Zhong, and at the same time send a pair of crossbows over, let him find craftsmen to build them overnight, and at the same time select five hundred elite soldiers to train."

With this thing, how can I not use it, if I armed an elite force, a proper special force.

"I'll go in person, sir?"

"Don't worry about me, I plan to go to Lingling County, and when the time comes, you will come to Lingling to find me."

Now that the situation in Yizhou is still deadlocked, Liu Bei will not be able to swallow it for a while, and he just went to see what Liu Du's father and son wanted to do.

Zhao Yun saw that Zhuge Qiu had said so, and he didn't say anything more.

The next day, Zhao Yun left Xiangyang, and Zhuge Qiu said goodbye to Huang Yueying and Sun Shangxiang and went to Lingling County alone.

I didn't go on a trip this time, and I just left Sun Shangxiang in Xiangyang to cultivate sisterly feelings with Huang Yueying.

Although the days of going on the road alone are a little boring, for Zhuge Qiu, it seems that no one has rushed for a long time, and it is also a little leisurely and comfortable.

"This is Lingling, it's really not bad."

There were no accidents on the road, and when he arrived under Lingling City, Zhuge Qiu was also quite emotional.

Lingling County is among the nine counties of Jingzhou, which is not small at all, although he is not as rich as Jiangxia County.

But judging from the two main cities of Lingling and Jiangxia, it is not false at all, and it is even easier to defend and difficult to attack.

"What are you doing stunned, hurry into the city."

The soldier guarding the city gate glanced at Zhuge Qiu and urged with some impatience.

Zhuge Qiu didn't expect to sigh that he would be urged by the soldiers, so he could only hurry into the city.

After entering the city, Zhuge Qiu walked around and was ready to find an inn to live in.

"That girl just now looks really good, but her personality is really strong."

"No, I don't think she will end well."

Just as he was passing by the Tianyun Inn, two men came out of it laughing.

Is this hilarious to see?

Anyway, this inn looks good, so let's just do this.

Zhuge Qiu turned around and prepared to go in directly, bored for so long, wouldn't it be a waste not to watch a play.

"This prince, this is an inn, you listened to us, it won't be a misunderstanding, right?"

The two men saw Zhuge Qiu and seemed to be very interested in their words, and turned to enter, one of them reminded.


"Ahem, I'm just looking for an inn."

Zhuge Qiu was speechless, this can be misunderstood.

Entering the inn, although Zhuge Qiu saw that there seemed to be traces of smashing, this bustle seemed to be over.

After asking for a room, Zhuge Qiu found a seat and sat down to eat some wine and food.

"Gongzi, your wine and dishes are ready, please use it slowly." Xiao Er, after delivering the wine and dishes, said with a smile.


Zhuge Qiu smiled and was ready to start, and I didn't know if it was the time to rush, and the food was a little simple, and it seemed that it was good.

"Coming, coming, sure enough."

Zhuge Qiu was eating, and already some people in the inn began to mutter.

Zhuge Qiu was eating, and at this time he had already heard movement.

I saw that there was already a burst of hurried footsteps outside the inn.

Zhuge Qiu could hear that this footstep should be the footsteps of a well-trained soldier.

Soon he saw a young man of about twenty-five or six years old, rushing in with an angry face, followed by a group of officers and soldiers.

"Sure enough, that woman actually offended Liu Gongzi, she simply didn't know whether she was dead or alive."

"But that woman looks really good, no wonder Liu Gongzi takes a fancy."

Someone around quickly muttered softly.

"Shut up for me." The young man glared at everyone, and immediately quieted down.

Then he looked upstairs again, "Stinky woman, hurry up and give Ben Gongzi down, you dare to make a move with me, today I will let you know how powerful Ben Gongzi is."

"I'll let you know who has the final say in this Lingling."

Zhuge Qiu looked at that person, and already had a rough guess, this person would not be Liu Xian, Liu Du's son.

This is really a coincidence, but I don't know, who is such a strong woman, I am afraid that I will suffer a loss.

Sure enough, I really didn't come here for nothing.

Soon, Zhuge Qiu heard movement upstairs.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay, this girl is here, can you help me?"

Wouldn't it, would she?

Before Zhuge Qiu could sigh, Liu Xian had already sneered and spoke.

"Xing Daorong, take this woman down for me."

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