"You call this a good news?"

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, and then his face became even more ugly, he didn't expect that this thing could really be said to be a success by Zhuge Liang.

"Lord, isn't it good news that General Yide is fine?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and asked, this is no way, it is already a defeat, you have to make a good report, and it can only be so.

"This is certainly good news." Liu Bei subconsciously replied, now the only person who can fight next to him is Zhang Fei.

And with Zhang Fei's IQ, he is absolutely loyal to himself, if even Zhang Fei is gone, then he is really miserable.

"Kong Ming, you are really a genius, this news can be found out by you."

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang, although he was angry, he was helpless.

Really killed Zhuge Liang?

That's definitely not okay, it's good that he invited it by his own care.

And although it doesn't work, it's really good in terms of internal affairs.

"Yan Yan is just a martial artist, even if he has prestige in Baxian County, Yide has already passed all the way before, why is it suddenly defeated."

After calming his mood a little, Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and asked again.

Now at this time, Yizhou is his own family, but there can be no accidents.

"In the war report, Yide once mentioned that a few days before he arrived in Ba County, Cao Jun appeared in Ba County, and the veteran general Yan Yan was also arrested."

"However, General Zhang was injured by Yan Yan and a veteran general, which shows that Ba County is afraid that it has fallen into the hands of Cao Jun."

Zhuge Liang combined with the news in the war report and immediately made a judgment, otherwise, Cao Jun captured Yan Yan, then why did Yan Yan appear in Ba County.

"But the Cao army only has five hundred people, how can they directly reach Ba County, and even if they do, how can they take it, will this be Yan Yan's strategy."

Liu Bei frowned after listening to Zhuge Liang's analysis.

After all, Zhuge Liang is now unreliable, and he has to try to use his brain.

"The words of the Lord are indeed reasonable, but the person who defeated General Zhang with Yan Yan, if Liang expected it well, it is likely to be Huang Zhong."

"And Huang Zhong surrendered after Zhuge Qiu killed Han Xuan, if it was only Yan Yan's strategy, he would definitely not be able to command Huang Zhong."

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and explained, Liu Bei's conjecture, he did not think about it, but ruled it out through Huang Zhong.

"Doesn't it mean that Zhuge Qiu is fighting against us again?"

After Liu Bei heard Zhuge Liang's words, he was about to explode immediately.

"Why is he always unable to get by with me?" Looking at Zhuge Liang questioned.

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei's angry look, a little hesitant, and a posture that didn't know whether to say it or not.

"If you hesitate, say something." Liu Bei was angry, and what he was most uncomfortable with was Liu Bei's hesitant posture.

"The Lord may have thought too much, he may not be unable to get by with the Lord, but with Liang."

Seeing that Liu Bei had said so, Zhuge Liang did not hesitate anymore, and directly said weakly.

"Can't get by with you?" Liu Bei was not happy when he heard this.

"Kong Ming, why is he unable to get by with you, look at you, where is it compared to the upper family now?"

"Lord, I can't say that, this victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers."

"Yes, defeat is a common thing, you better think about how to settle accounts with you after Yide returns."

Liu Bei glanced at Zhuge Liang, already not wanting to entangle this topic anymore.

Zhuge Liang: ......

"Lord, Liang remembers that General Wu Yi fought Zhang Ren, and there are still some things that Liang needs to prepare personally, Liang will set off."

After thinking about it, Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei and took the initiative to speak.

At this time, we can only avoid the limelight.

Liu Bei still wanted to say something, but Zhuge Liang had already turned around directly at this time and left.

Thinking of Zhang Fei's temper, Liu Bei did not stop it.

"Zhang Ren's affairs, you can't mess up anymore."

Looking at Zhuge Liang, who had already walked to the door, he roared.

"Bright, understood."

Zhuge Liang replied, and then left.


"Sir, Dajie, General Yan Yan has now killed the city of Luocheng."

Zhao Yun told Zhuge Qiu the news he received.

"Good, tell Yan Yan that there is no need to rush in, hit Luocheng, I'm not in a hurry."

Zhuge Qiu was not surprised by this, Luocheng is an important town in Yizhou.

In history, Pang Tong died on the way to attack Luocheng and was killed in Luofengpo.

"Sir, why don't you take this opportunity to take Luocheng in one fell swoop?"

Zhao Yun saw that Zhuge Qiu was still hurriedly attacking before, but now he was not in a hurry, and he suddenly did not understand.

"Luocheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack, we only have a thousand people, and the Baxian soldiers led by Yan Yan want to storm Luocheng, it is also difficult."

"We have to wait for reinforcements."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun and explained, only brought a thousand people, and after doing this step, he felt that it was enough.

It's too shocking and easy to bring unnecessary trouble.

"If that's the case, what about Zhang Ren?"

"Now that Zhang Fei has been defeated, I am afraid that Zhang Ren will become the first target."

Zhuge Qiu naturally knew what Zhao Yun meant, but he was not worried.

Zhang Ren was not as good as Yan Yan, but Zhang Ren took most of the elite of Yizhou to fight Zhang Lu.

Otherwise, Wu Yi's brothers and sisters would not have been able to kill Liu Zhang and push Liu Bei up so quickly.

"We'll just wait in Berkshire."

In the end, Zhuge Qiu smiled and did not explain anything too much.

The news spread quickly, and the news that Zhuge Qiu pacified Hanchuan all the way and captured one-third of Yizhou reached Xuchang.

Compared to Cao Cao's happiness, Liu Xie's whole person fidgeted.

"If Cao Cao even took Yizhou, would he still put Xu in his eyes?"

"I'm afraid that this puppet emperor will not be able to do it at that time."

The more Liu Xie thought about it, the more flustered he felt, no, he definitely couldn't let such a thing happen.

"Go and find Yang Xiu for Xuan, oh no, just give this thing to him for Xuan."

After a while, Liu Xie looked at his confidant and whispered.

In any case, you can't sit still.

Anyway, you Cao Thief don't dare to kill Xu now.

At the same time, in Cao Cao's mansion.

"Lord, now that Shouyi has taken Hanchuan, it is a good time for Lord to enter Yizhou."

Xun Yu looked at Cao Cao and took the initiative to suggest.

Jia Xu and others also echoed.

Cao Cao glanced at them, but did not speak immediately.

"You guys said Shouyi, can he lead the army alone and take Yizhou with a bang?"

After a while, Cao Cao asked.

The others were also stunned, not understanding why Cao Cao asked this.

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