"I think that with the ability to keep righteousness, he will definitely do it, as long as he is given enough soldiers and horses, let alone Yizhou, Jiangdong can do it."

For a while, no one spoke, but at this time, Xu Chu thought seriously and said.

"In the next thought, General Xu's words are reasonable, with the ability to abide by righteousness, as long as there are enough elite soldiers and strong generals, then everything is feasible."

Jia Xu also said at this time, as far as he was concerned, Zhuge Qiu was omnipotent in his heart.

"Not bad, righteous and brilliant, brilliant in resourcefulness." Xun Yu also spoke at this time.

Although they didn't know why Cao Cao asked this, since someone had already opened the topic, they naturally said their thoughts.

However, listening to their words, Cao Cao did not speak, nor did he have other expressions of displeasure.

After a while, seeing that no one had spoken at all, Cao Cao spoke.

"What you said is right, Shouyi is so young, there is indeed such a great talent, and with Shouyi, Yizhou will definitely be able to win it in one fell swoop."

"The Lord is wise, even so, I don't know who the Lord intends to send to lead troops to support Shouyi."

Xu Chu also patted the horse, looking eager to try.

Where would Cao Cao not see his thoughts, obviously Xu Chu, this guy, this is the meaning of wanting to go in person.

After thinking about it, Cao Cao instantly understood, only afraid that Xu Chu was holding back.

And Xu Chu and Zhuge Qiu have a good relationship, if compared to following several other advisers to the battle, I am afraid that he is most willing to follow Zhuge Qiu together.

"Let Xia Hou Yuan and Xia Hou Wei lead the army forward."

Although Cao Cao saw Xu Chu's thoughts, he did not plan to let Xu Chu go in person.

"Master, why are you, let that one-eyed go, I think it's okay."

Ahem, Xu Chu thought that Cao Cao didn't see it, and immediately muttered.

"Are you kid going to war, I think you just want to drink."

Cao Cao gave Xu Chu a blank look, and immediately reprimanded with a black face.

As soon as Xu Chu heard this, he knew that Cao Cao was not happy, but thinking that he really had this thought, it was difficult to open his mouth again.

When Cao Cao spoke, the others naturally wouldn't say more.

Moreover, Xia Houyuan and Xia Hou Wei have always been deeply trusted by Cao Cao.

"Go and call Chong'er."

After everyone left, Cao Cao sighed before instructing the soldiers outside.

Not long after, Cao Chong had already arrived in Cao Cao's study.

"Father, you are looking for a child." Cao Chong looked at Cao Cao and saluted.

"Do you know why the Father came to you?" Cao Cao glanced at Cao Chong, nodded, and asked rhetorically.

Cao Chong had always understood his mind best.

"Because of Master's affairs." Cao Chong did not hide it, after all, the news of Zhuge Qiu's great victory was known by many people in Xu Chang.

"Father, are you suspicious sir?" Cao Chong looked at his father and asked.

His father's suspicions, he was clear.

"No doubt."

Cao Cao glanced at Cao Chong and did not hide his thoughts.

"Shouyi has no intention of power, I know very well, but his ability is sometimes scary and fearful."

After Cao Chong heard Cao Cao's words, he did not refute it.

"Just with a thousand people, he took Ba County, recovered Yan Yan, and directly took Hanchuan all the way."

"But father, isn't my husband going to marry his sister soon?"

Cao Chong understood what Cao Cao meant, but still spoke.

"You think I'm going to kill him?" Cao Cao immediately laughed after hearing Cao Chong's words.

After hearing this, Cao Chong was a little confused.

"That father, what do you mean when you say these words with Chong Er today, Chong Er doesn't understand."

Cao Chong shook his head, indicating that he did not understand Cao Cao's sudden words today.

"Chong'er, among all the sons and heirs, the most optimistic for your father is you, you have been smart since childhood, and you are deeply loved by your master, if you can inherit my position, I will not worry about it in the future."

Cao Chong did not expect that Cao Cao would suddenly say this, but Cao Chong was already smart, and he quickly understood Cao Cao's thoughts.

Cao Cao did not doubt Zhuge Qiu, but he was worried about the future.

With Zhuge Qiu's ability, if he encounters an incompetent and unreasonable person, he will inevitably target Zhuge Qiu at that time.

With Zhuge Qiu's character, where will he suffer, once he turns his face, with Zhuge Qiu's intelligence, who can resist?

"What, did father really say that?"

"Can't be wrong, the person we arranged heard it with his own ears, and at that time, Cao Chong Gongzi also talked with Cheng for more than half an hour."

The man said affirmatively.

"Okay, you go down, you can't tell anyone about this."

After Cao Pi heard this, his face became a little gloomy.

"It seems that I am still soft-hearted, no wonder Chong brother has become cautious in eating and drinking for most of the past six months."

Cao Pi looked at the back of the man leaving and sighed, quite emotionally.

"Go find Sima Yi."

After a while, Cao Pi looked outside the door and shouted, and hurriedly left the mansion.

"Yang Xiu, what are you doing blocking my way, don't you want to live, don't forget, now you have been cut off from your official position."

Not long after leaving the mansion, before arriving at Sima Yi's mansion, Cao Pi was stopped by someone, and after seeing the man, Cao Pi immediately scolded.

"Yes, I have no official position, but I am an idle person, and Gongzi is in such a hurry, I want to go to Sima Zhongda."

Yang Xiu was not afraid, but instead looked at Cao Pi and said with a smile.

"What to do with you, Ben Gongzi's affairs, it is not your turn to manage."

Cao Pi glanced at Yang Xiu and immediately said coldly.

He also didn't expect that Yang Xiu could actually guess what he was going to do.

Yang Xiu naturally saw the surprise in Cao Pi's heart, but he was not surprised.

I can even guess your Lao Tzu's thoughts.

Naturally, you can guess your thoughts.

"Gongzi, I have no official position, but Gongzi, don't forget, what you are about to lose is much more important than me."

Yang Xiu looked at Cao Pi and continued to smile and speak.

"I don't know, now Cao Pigongzi, are you interested in having two drinks with me?"

Cao Pi glanced at Yang Xiu and snorted coldly, "Okay, I'd like to see what fart you can put on."

Just like that, Cao Pi left with Yang Xiu and entered a restaurant.

"Get rid of Zhuge Qiu, Yang Xiu, are you dreaming?"

"My father trusts him so much, how can he get rid of him, besides, getting rid of him can't solve the dilemma in my heart."

After Cao Pi heard Xiu's words, he immediately scolded angrily.

"No, Gongzi, there is one person who can achieve the purpose of the two of us at the same time, as long as you get rid of him, Zhuge Shouyi will not be able to keep it."

"Who?" Cao Pi frowned.

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