Zhuge Qiu glanced at the man, and then walked over.

"Wen Ruo, what are you looking for me?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Xun Yu puzzled and asked, could it be that Xun Yu was still entangled in what he had just pulled him in?

It shouldn't be, although Xun Yu said that he was half-pushing and half-pushing, he could also see that he was already more optimistic about Cao Cao.

Before Liu Xie Ma Teng and Fu Wan's things were a little overdone.

"Thank you, Mr. for saving your life, the old immortal also thought clearly, maybe what you said is right, as long as it can be beneficial to the people of the world, no matter who does it, the old immortal should support it."

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with a sigh.

Zhuge Qiu saw that Xun Yu could understand, and he was also relieved to let go of the mustard in his heart.

Otherwise, if Lao Cao really killed Xun Yu in the end, then he really didn't know what to say.

"The prime minister is about to be crowned king, but I didn't expect that it was His Majesty himself who broke the rules."

"It's okay, it's okay, let's drink." Then Xun Yu still seemed to be a little sad and said.

Zhuge Qiu also pretended not to know, he was not a saint, how could he manage so much.

The next day, Liu Xie officially issued a divine decree to announce to the world, and Cao Cao was officially crowned king.

In July of the 14th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao was ordered to be the "King of Wei", and Mian Twelve Xu rode in a Jingen chariot, drove six horses, used the Son of Heaven chariot to serve Luan Yi, and sent the police to the palace of the Wei king in Ye County.

And this is a full seven years earlier than the time when Cao Cao was crowned king in history.

Zhuge Qiu was also full of emotion, his arrival has completely affected the course of this history.

At least there have been many changes in the span of time, and it has been more than five years since I crossed over.

"King Wei." After everything was over, Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and shouted with a smile.

"Okay, you kid don't pretend like that, you can either call me Lao Cao, or call me my father-in-law."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao immediately replied.

After getting along with Zhuge Qiu for so long, he knew it very well.

What status, identity, these he doesn't care about at all, this kid has no respect for the emperor, let alone the king.

He seems to have been born without the constraints of these rituals.

"You want to be my daddy so much?" As soon as Zhuge Qiu heard this, he was immediately speechless.

He felt that he had married his wife more, was it a loss, after all, there were so many more fathers-in-law.

Alas, having a wife is also a trouble.

"Ahem, you kid still can't make it, I'll tell you, no way."

Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu said so directly, and his old face turned red, but naturally he couldn't admit it.

"Besides, I'm also the King of Wei now, and if you are my son-in-law of the King of Wei, can I still wronged you?"

"Hurry up, and when the time comes, the marriage will be done."

After Cao Cao finished speaking, he laughed and left, leaving Zhuge Qiu alone in the hall.

Looking at the back of Cao Cao leaving with a smile, Zhuge Qiu was also speechless.

It seems that this marriage really can't be pushed off, but she saw this Cao Festival.

This Cao Ling, he has never even seen anyone.

In the end, Zhuge Qiu could only shake his head, and then went home by himself.

"Sir, now that Cao Cao has been crowned King of Wei, why don't you seem very happy."

"Is Sir the same as those who object?"

After going back, Zhao Yun saw that Zhuge Qiu seemed to have something on his mind and asked.

"I have nothing to object to." Zhuge Qiu replied.

"Now that Old Cao is crowned king, is the voice of opposition very high?"

Zhuge Qiu immediately thought of something again, and looked at Zhao Yun and asked.

"I don't know this, but in private, there are many people talking about it."

Zhao Yun shook his head, he didn't specifically inquire about this kind of thing.

Zhuge Qiu nodded, this was one of the purposes Liu Xie wanted.

Compared to the occasional discussion on the streets, Zhuge Qiu was more curious about Sun Quan's opinion.

This must be a big shock for them.


The news of Cao Cao's crowning king naturally also reached them.

From the time Liu Xie first intended to crown King Cao Cao, they had already received the news.

"I really didn't expect it, Cao Thief had already become the King of Wei."

After Sun Quan received the news, his mood was also a little complicated, and he said with emotion.

"Master, aren't you a little envious?"

Before Lu Su finished speaking, he was directly glared at by Sun Quan.

"Nope... Lord, in the following meaning, now that Cao Thief is crowned king, the world is shocked and talked about, which is not necessarily a bad thing for us.

Lu Su quickly changed his words and looked at Sun Quan and said.

"Why, he is crowned king, I still have to be happy for him?"

Sun Quan glanced at Lu Su and said with a look of displeasure.

"Lord, Zijing, doesn't mean that." Zhou Yu explained on the side.

"So what do you mean?" Sun Quan glanced at Zhou Yu.

"Lord Gong, I mean, in the past, Gaozu once said that those who are not the Liu clan but the king, the whole world will fight together, and now Cao Cao is crowned king, and the Lord can take this opportunity to woo thieves."

"Just as the so-called name is not right, the word is not smooth, and now the lord will fight Cao Cao, and he will be righteous and righteous, and he will respond to it."

Zhou Yu saw that Sun Quan seemed to be about to get angry, and quickly spoke.

"Are you sure?" Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu with a very disbelieving posture.

"Now that Cao Thief occupies half of the rivers and mountains, I thought that Liu Bei could make a little difference, but Yizhou was directly beaten by half."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and Lu Su, obviously he was worried.

"Lord, today is different, now that Cao Thief is crowned king, it will inevitably be dissatisfied, don't hide from the lord, in fact, I have been preparing for a long time."

Zhou Yu watched Sun Quan continue to persuade.

"Are you ready again?" Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu with a very incredible look.

"Gong Jin, don't beat me up." As soon as Lu Su heard this, he immediately spoke, and said with a guarded face.

Zhou Yu was also speechless when he saw that they were so wary of themselves

, "Lord, Chen Lan and Mei Cheng of Lujiang County, were forced to surrender to the ban due to the situation, but now the two of them have agreed and raised troops against Cao."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and said very confidently.


After Sun Quan heard this, he was also surprised, but he did not expect that one day, Zhou Yuce would have a time to succeed.

"Gong Jin, how dare you deceive the lord."

"Gong Jin, when you say this, do you touch your conscience?"

Sun Quan glanced at Zhou Yu and asked, obviously he didn't believe this.

"Lord, this statement is very true, if the Lord does not believe it, let them take the lead in raising troops and kill Cao Jun by surprise."

"Lujiang rebelled, I personally led the army to support Chen Lan, Mei Cheng."

"The lord can personally raise an army of 100,000 people, and take the city of Anhui and Hefei, and the Cao army will definitely shake."

Sun Quan glanced at Zhou Yu, "Are you sure this plan is feasible?" "

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