"Sir, something happened."

As soon as Zhuge Qiu got up, eating the breakfast prepared by Guo Zhao, he saw Zhao Yun hurriedly come in.

"What's the matter, say it slowly, look at what makes you anxious, it can't be that the universe is washed away."

Zhuge Qiu signaled Zhao Yun to sit down and not be anxious, there was nothing to panic about.

After hearing this, Zhao Yun did not feel strange, after all, it was not the first time he had heard such strange words.

"Cao Chong was fine, but last night Xuchang caught fire, it was said to be a heavenly fire, burning several people's houses, and the most serious one is said to have burned people to death."

Zhao Yun sat down, and then said while eating.

"Skyfire?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, and asked a little vaguely.

"Well, to say so, it is said that a fireball fell from the sky and burned the house, and now the people of Xuchang are spreading it, and the more it spreads, the more evil it is."

"What are they preaching, it won't be spreading that these are heavenly punishments, it's because this is Old Cao who became the king of Wei, so there will be a warning from heaven."

Zhuge Qiu subconsciously guessed, after all, these are all routines that often appear on TV.

Of course, the main thing is that the people eat this set.

Don't make some visions, say a little mysterious, how to fool people.

"Sir, do you know all this?" After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Zhao Yun immediately admitted.

Because the fire happened in the west of the city, Zhuge Qiu didn't know at all last night, even what was rumored outside, he knew so quickly.

"However, Sir is not only passing on these, but also passing on it, because Sir, you helped to cause abuse, because you made Cao Cao so unscrupulous."

"So this is not just a warning to Cao Cao, it is also a warning to you, sir, and it will be you who will be punished next time."

Zhao Yun gathered the two most mainstream rumors and told Zhuge Qiu.

"Joke, what retribution did I suffer."

After hearing this, Zhuge Qiu also gave a blank look and immediately retorted.

"If we are retributed, it should be our house burned."

"Sir, it's you, not us." Zhao Yun nodded in approval, and then corrected.

"Hey, Zilong, you're floating."

The two were talking and laughing and eating, and Xun Yu was already here not long after.

"Xun Lingjun, how can you come to me today, you won't have to rub breakfast."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Xun Yu and joked with a smile.

"Shouyi, don't make fun of the old man, where do I still have time to eat now, presumably you also know about the fire in the west of the city, right?"

Xun Yu smiled and looked at Zhuge Qiu and quickly asked.

Zhuge Qiu nodded to indicate that he knew, and he also knew Xun Yu's intentions.

"Now that I am full of favors with this Xu Changling, I am in a hurry now, I think with my talent for righteousness, I may be able to find out one or two."

"King Wei has just been sealed, and now there is such a thing, if you don't find out as soon as possible, I'm afraid that there will be more and more rumors."

Xun Yu looked at Zhuge Qiu and quickly told Zhuge Qiu the importance of this matter.

"Then let's go."

Anyway, he also ate well, so the three of them went to the west of the city together.

Although the fire had been extinguished long ago, you could still see the black burning, leaving only a dilapidated house.

There were also three corpses that were already pitch black, as well as those who were watching.

Man Pet was continuing to search with everyone at this time.

"Lord Man, I have invited Shouyi."

"Xun Lingjun, sir." After hearing Xun Yu's shout, Man Chong looked over and immediately said with joy.

"I am so busy, and if a gentleman comes, he will definitely be able to relieve my worries."

Full of favor knows Zhuge Qiu's skills, this is a person valued by Cao Cao.

Moreover, he is Cao Cao's future son-in-law, and if he is willing to help, his pressure is much less.

"Lord Manchu has spoken heavily, I wonder how it is going now?"

Zhuge Qiu smiled, and directly ignored the words of full pet.

"It was the middle of the night when it happened, the deceased's family of three was just ordinary people, the Li couple sold vegetables for a living, and only one daughter had not yet left the cabinet."

"I didn't expect such a disaster." Full of favor sighed, he still found out the basic information.

"What else is there to investigate, this is the punishment of heaven, the iniquity of your making."

"You have aided in the abuse, and the following offenses have been forcibly declared king."

Without waiting for Zhuge Qiu to speak, at this time, many people who were blocked by the soldiers were already shouting.

If they dared to say this in normal times, it is estimated that they would have been arrested and imprisoned long ago.

But now it is different, full of favors do not dare to move them, and Cao Cao will not move them.

Or as a last resort, it won't move.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at them, and then looked at the man who had just spoken the most excitedly.

"If it is really a heavenly punishment, then why is the heavenly punishment not directly retributed on King Wei, or on me?"

"Isn't this kind of heavenly punishment more direct?"

"Their family is not related to King Wei and me, so why would it be him who will retribute?"

Zhuge Qiu asked three times, and immediately left the man speechless.

The others didn't speak, or thought about how to refute.

"You... You readers are sharp-tongued and clever, no matter what you say, now it is a heavenly punishment, and the facts are in front of you. For

a while, the man looked at Zhuge Qiuzheng with a red face.

"yes, then we'll see."

Zhuge Qiu smiled, he didn't say much about the hard bar, turned around and came to Man Pet's side, and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Understand, this is what Sir wants."

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Man Chu answered.

Then Zhuge Qiu left, but Xun Yu was confused.

"Shouyi, what did you just say to Lord Man?"

"Wen Ruo will know then." Zhuge Qiu smiled and sold a pass.

As the three walked, Zhuge Qiu went to Cao Cao's mansion.

At this time, Cao Cao had a black face, obviously he was also in an extremely unhappy mood, and Zhuge Qiu could also understand it.

"Shouyi is here, it seems that you also know about this, I don't know what to think?" Cao Cao quickly asked.

"There is no need to worry about this, but instead of worrying about this, I am worried about Lujiang County."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and said.

In fact, he also accidentally remembered it because of today's events.

It is recorded that in the fourteenth year of Jian'an, there was a rebellion of Chen Lan and Mei Cheng in Lujiang County.

"How could these two have been forbidden in the first place?"

"It is necessary to guard against it, once they rebel, Sun Quan will not sit idly by, and they will even want to take this opportunity to take Anhui City and Hefei."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and continued to speak, although he changed history, he also had to guard against it.

Now that it was eventful, Cao Cao immediately nodded and spoke after thinking about it.

"Then I'll let Wen Yuan go to Hefei to guard Hefei."

"Shouyi, you first solve Xu Chang's matter."

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