Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Xie, he didn't know what to say.

It is true that the identity of the emperor still has a role, but now he is just a puppet, where can he breathe so much.

"Self-mistake?" Zhuge Qiu laughed, "Your Majesty, I really misunderstood me, I have always been not afraid of threats.


What's wrong with me, Your Majesty, are you worried that this matter is related to you, or are you worried that after I find out about this matter, Your Majesty's expectations will be disappointed?"

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Xie and continued to speak playfully.

He believes that the murder must have nothing to do with Liu Xie, but he is also the emperor, and even if he wants to play this set, it is estimated that he will use it on himself or Cao Cao.

It's just that when such a thing happens, he can better guide public opinion and arouse the complaints of the people.

"Good, eat soft and don't eat hard, you know, you help that Cao thief, that is against the sky, big disobedience."

Liu Xie smiled angrily, and he wondered why so many people were willing to follow Cao Cao.

However, he abandoned himself, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and when Cao Cao brought himself to Xu Chang, he only occupied a state.

It can be said that he also watched Cao Cao unify the north, and now has the tendency to annex the world.

"Don't say anything big, these are useless to me, if you call me here today just so that I can listen to you whine, then I won't accompany you."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Liu Xie, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Today's performance of Liu Xie already speaks volumes.


As soon as Zhuge Qiu turned around, Liu Xie had already stopped him.

Zhuge Qiu turned to look at Liu Xie, and saw that he had already gone to take a golden scabbard hanging on the wall, as well as a dragon-patterned sword.

"Do you know what this is? This is the Sword of the Son of Heaven. Liu

Xie took out the sword, which looked very sharp.

"If you want to kill me with this sword, then I am afraid that I will disappoint you."

Zhuge Qiu said without care, Liu Xie dared to make a move, he dared to fight back.

"Kill you?" Liu Xie laughed, "Don't worry, Xu won't do this."

After speaking, Liu Xie raised his sword.

Zhuge Qiu quickly understood that this Liu Xie was going to self-harm and blame himself.

Zhuge Qiu immediately took out a silver coin from his arms, and like a dart, it hit Liu Xie's arm with a sword directly.

Although I haven't practiced, I still have this accurate head at this distance.

Liu Xie immediately suffered a pain, and the sword suddenly fell to the ground.

"You... There is such force. Liu Xie was also a little confused.

"Okay, you can pick up the sword and continue to self-harm, I won't stop you."

Zhuge Qiu ignored Liu Xie and said lightly.

"So what did you just do?"

"I just want to tell you that in front of me, you can't do it if you want to die, let alone self-harm, this kind of subterfuge, I don't disdain at all."

Zhuge Qiu knew what Liu Xie meant, so he interrupted him and spoke.

I have to say that this is not very harmful and extremely insulting.

As an emperor, he couldn't even die in front of a strategist.

"If Your Majesty doesn't want to perform, then I'll leave."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Liu Xie, who was stunned there, already faceless to pick up the sword, and continued to implement the plan.

Liu Xie ignored Zhuge Qiu and looked at his back as he left.

Then he picked up the sword on the ground, tried it a few times, and finally dropped the sword on the ground.

"Haha, Xu is really useless, even if you don't stop Xuan, Xu doesn't dare to die."

"Oh, Your Majesty, Your Majesty must not say that, Your Majesty must take care of the dragon body, and Your Majesty must also see the fate of Cao Thief with your own eyes."

At this time, the people who were guarding outside, after seeing Zhuge Qiu leaving, hurriedly stepped forward and whispered persuasion.


Liu Xie laughed self-deprecatingly, "Maybe there is only one reason left."

"Sir is back, is His Majesty looking for Mr. today to win over Sir?"

Zhao Yun saw Zhuge Qiu leave the palace and immediately stepped forward to ask.

"I was asked to go to the play, but he didn't finish it."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun and replied, and then told Zhao Yun about the things in the palace.

"Your Majesty, there really is such an act." Zhao Yun also felt incredible after listening to it.


Zhuge Qiu did not feel strange, the only thing Liu Xie could use now was the false name of the Son of Heaven.

Time passed quickly, and in Xuchang City, there was already a rumor, all talking about Zhuge Qiu's trial tomorrow.

"Shouyi, can you really do it?"

The next day, when Zhuge Qiu was going to the mansion, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and said with some worry.

"You said this, how can a man say no."

Zhuge Qiu gave Cao Cao a blank look, and then left directly.

This matter has already been investigated, of course he is not worried.

"Master, don't you say that Mr. can't do it, he has been married for a while, and he hasn't seen Miss Sun move."

Xu Chu looked at Zhuge Qiu's back as he walked away, and said as if he was slowing down for half a beat.

"Zhongkang, don't say it, you really have a bit of a point in saying that."

"What is this called, in the words of Shouyi, you have found a blind spot."

Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu and couldn't help but smile and said.

"Ah Qiu."

Zhuge Qiu rubbed his nose, "Who is muttering about me behind my back."

"Sir, don't think about it too much, there are quite a few people in the world who scold you now."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and reminded behind.

"Zilong, do you often scold me?" Zhuge Qiu looked at Zhao Yun suspiciously.

At the gate of the mansion, Zhuge Qiu had not yet entered, and at this time it was already full of people.

"Let it all go, Mr. Zhuge is here." There were pawns, and they quickly opened the way for Zhuge Qiu.

"Hmph, this case has not yet been solved, there is no official and no position, and the official authority is not small."

In the crowd, someone looked at Zhuge Qiu and immediately snorted coldly.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the man, it turned out that your kid was scolding me behind my back.

I'll see how I clean you up later.

Zhuge Qiu went up to the hall and sat in the first place, and Man Chu sat in the lower seat next to him.

"Come, bring the prisoner up."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at everyone and immediately spoke.

Soon people were brought directly over.

"Adult, wronged, the villain is really wronged, the villain did not kill anyone."

"That's heavenly fire, it really has nothing to do with me."

After the man saw Zhuge Qiu, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

The people in the hall also began to talk.

"This Han Gongzi is notoriously honest and filial, how could he do such a thing."

"I see that it is clearly the punishment of heaven, and you just want to find someone to apologize."

"Sure enough, they are all Cao Thief's lackeys."

...... For a while, there was a lot of scolding in the hall.

"Full of favor, let them shut up."

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