After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, Man Chong immediately scolded and asked people to shut up.

Although those onlookers are easily misled, and then in the attitude of not blaming the public, they make a noise, but when they open their mouths, they naturally dare not listen.

Full of favor is Xu Chang's famous cool official, and the prisoner who fell into his hands, none of them survived.

This time, Han Gongzi is just because the things involved are a little special, so he can't use torture.

"I just said, Mr. Zhuge is such a great official, why, do you think you can block the mouths of the people?"

The prince from before immediately looked at Zhuge Qiu and snorted coldly.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the man, "It's you again, what, you are not convinced?"

"And when did I say that he must be a murderer, whether it is a murderer or not, without trial, how do you know?"

"What if I don't convince, why do you dare to beat me?" That Brother Gongzi said with a sneer.

Today, his father asked him to watch the trial, and behind that was the emperor's meaning.

"Sir, his name is Wei Ming, he is the son of Lord Wei Huang, and Wei Huang is now being used by His Majesty."

Man Pet glanced at the man, and then looked at Zhuge Qiu and introduced.

It turns out to be a bit of a background, but this brain is not normal.

Used by Liu Xie, there is no problem on the surface, in fact, it doesn't mean that he is from Liu Xie's faction.

"Okay, first detain this person who disturbed the court, and then deal with him when I hear this case." Zhuge Qiu raised his hand, the case was solved, the people's grievances were gone, and he was not just rectified.

"Your name is Han Gongzi, right, let me ask you, what were you doing the night Miss Li was killed?"

"The little one is drinking with my friend Qian Gongzi, to celebrate my wedding." Han Zhu returned immediately.

"So that's the case, it's really in the case file, by the way, what did you eat, when did you leave."

"This, eating roast chicken, and ordinary side dishes, only to leave." Han Zhu said with a thoughtful look.

"So that's the case, so did you leave alone?"

"Yes, my lord, I drank a little too much that day, and I went home alone."

"Why, Qian Gongzi didn't send you back?"

"No, he drank drunk more than me, and he drank too badly." Han Zhu shook his head and said with a smile.

"He was so drunk, it seems that you are very happy, and your relationship seems to be really good."

"By the way, does he know that you killed Miss Li's family?"

"No..." Han Zhu subconsciously spoke, and immediately shook his head, "No, my lord, the small ones really didn't kill anyone."

"Miss Li and I are affectionate, father-in-law and mother-in-law, and they are also very good to me, and they will never do this unconscionable thing."

"Really? It seems that I misunderstood. Zhuge Qiu looked understood.

"By the way, did you see the sky fire that night?"

"Do you say it's the sky fire, or the moon in the sky?"

"Small, I didn't see the sky fire, but the moon is really good."

"Bold Han Zhu, you still dare to lie to me, I just got up at night that day, I already asked, there was no moon at all that day."

"Yes, what the adult said is that the little one was drunk that day, and I can't remember clearly." Han Zhu quickly changed his words.

"Look at your humble look, and you still don't explain it honestly. What exactly were you doing that night?

Zhuge Qiu looked at Han Zhu and quickly asked.

"I... The little one said, he was drinking with Qian Gongzi that day.

"No, I'm asking you what you were doing the day before you killed someone, you have to prepare."

"The night before the killing, I was indeed preparing me..."

"Han Zhu, you finally recognized." Zhuge Qiu looked at Han Zhu's face.

"I..." Han Zhu's whole body also collapsed on the ground, as if he had been hollowed out.

He had never seen anyone tried such a case.

"You're killing for money, right?"

"No, I'm not for the money, I just want to continue to take care of my mother after I get into trouble, but they don't allow it..." After

listening to Han Zhu's words, Zhuge Qiu was also embarrassed.

"Okay, the case has been cleared, it's up to you?"

Zhuge Qiu then set his gaze on Wei Ming's body.

"You disturbed the court, what did you just say, don't you dare to hit you?"

Zhuge Qiu sneered, "Come, hit me hard." At

this time, the onlookers were still immersed in the previous case, where would they care about this Wei Ming.

They were still afraid that Zhuge Qiu would find them to settle accounts after the autumn.

Soon, Wei Ming's screams were heard in the public hall.

"Sir, your method of trying cases is really powerful."

"I thought you were making small talk at first."

After leaving the mansion, Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and sighed.

"Watch more TV in the future and you'll be." Zhuge Qiu said with a smile.


"Forget it, when I didn't say." Zhuge Qiu said perfunctorily with a smile.

"In fact, this case, full of favor can also be tried, the difficulty is difficult, let him recruit himself, the people will be convinced."

Zhao Yun naturally understood the difficulty of this, and it was really difficult to do anything.


"Metropolitan Governor, all the soldiers and horses are ready, and you can set off immediately."

"Dadu Governor, you said that Zhuge Qiu really won't come to make trouble this time?"

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu and asked with some worry.

"What are you afraid of, can't I go in person this time?"

Zhou Yu gave Lu Su a blank look, this was too insulting.

"He is still busy solving the case, what is there to be afraid of, he just can't be too fast to be late."

After Zhou Yu finished speaking, he did not forget to add a sentence, as if to make his words more credible.

"Now what we have to wait for is the news of Chen Lan and Mei Cheng, as long as they start their troops, we can cooperate inside and outside."

After a while, Zhou Yu looked at Lu Su and said very confidently.

"Mei Cheng?" Lu Su frowned after hearing this name, "Dadudu, will this name be, it's a little too unlucky." "

Zhou Yu: ......


"Yes." After Lu Su heard this, he quickly ran away obediently.

Three days later, news finally came from Lujiang County.

"Lord, Chen Lan and Mei Cheng are opposite, I will immediately lead the troops to support, and the Lord will lead the troops to Hefei."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and said excitedly.

"Lord, this 100,000-strong army Northern Expedition will definitely be able to become famous in one battle and be famous for eternity."

"Gong Jin, the more you say that, the more I feel a little vain."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and said with some apprehension.

But now except for going in person, no one seems to dare to believe Zhou Yu.

"Lord, I guarantee with my life, the Lord will become famous in this battle, if the Lord cannot become famous in one battle, my life will be taken by the Lord Lord."

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan and assured again.

World War I fame.

"Okay, I'll believe you once." Sun Quan thought that he could become famous in a battle, and immediately agreed.

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