In September of the 14th year of Jian'an, Sun Quan obeyed Zhou Yu's strategy and took the city of Lujiang and Hefei.

Hefei is located between Jianghuai and Huai, and connects the water to the Huai River in the north.

Yu Cao Sun has a very important position for the family.

If Cao Cao wanted to cross the river, he had to send troops from the Jianghuai region to break through the Xuwu and control Chaohu Lake, while Sun Quan wanted to stabilize the Yangtze River defense line, so he had to control the Jianghuai area and take Hefei.

The relationship between Hefei and Huixu became the first focus of the Wei-Wu military conflict. Hefei also became an important place that Wei and Wu tried their best to take.

Therefore, Cao Wei controlled Hefei and could advance by land and water to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

If Sun Quan does not pull out the nail of Hefei, the Yangtze River will be unsafe for a day. He must capture Hefei, move the front north, and remove the danger of the Yangtze River as the first line of defense. After controlling the Jiang and Huai waters, he could send troops from Hefei and directly attack the hinterland of Cao Wei Yangzhou by water.

The 100,000-strong army marched together, with Sun Quan as the leader, Chen Wu, Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, Ling Tong and others as generals.

Looking at the mighty army, Sun Quan was also in good spirits.

"Now that the army will reach Anhui City, I don't know what your plan is for capturing Anhui City?"

When the army marched, Sun Quan was already watching everyone and began to ask questions.

"Lord, you can send a sergeant to build a mountain of earth to attack it." Dong Zheng was the first to speak.

After hearing this, Xu Sheng also spoke: "You can erect a cloud ladder, build a rainbow bridge, and attack it in the middle of the city." "

General Xu Sheng, you are also there, I thought you went with the Metropolitan Governor to pick up Chen Lan and Mei Cheng."

As soon as Xu Sheng finished speaking, Lu Xun on the side looked at Xu Sheng with an unexpected expression.

As soon as Xu Sheng heard this, he immediately twitched out of the corner of his eyes and went to fight with Zhou Yu, the safety factor was too low.

"Bo Yan, you better tell me your opinion."

Sun Quan also glanced at Lu Xun and said that Xu Sheng had specifically begged himself to go on a campaign with him.

It can be seen that Zhou Yu scared them all into something.

"Lord, now the morale of our army is strong, but it is just a small Anhui City, why bother so hard, then Zhu Guang is just an incompetent person, and he can take Anhui City directly."

Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and suggested, there was no need to bother like Dong Zhan and them said.

"Okay, just do what you say."

Sun Quan waved his big hand, and immediately decided that his 100,000-strong army could not take a small Anhui city?

However, what Sun Quan didn't know was that the moment his army set off, Zhang Liao's side had already received the news.

"Sir, it really was a clever calculation, everything turned out to be his expectation."

Zhang Liao is now in Hefei, and he is also full of emotion.

Chen Lan and Mei Cheng wanted to rebel in Lujiang County, and he took them down as soon as he arrived.

And now the news of the rebellion was already Zhang Liao deliberately let people act for Zhou Yu to see.

The purpose is to be able to invite the king into the urn.

"Wen Yuan, this Anhui City, let's really not save it?"

In the council hall, Le Jin glanced at Zhang Liao and asked with some displeasure.

"Anhui City, can't be saved, I'm afraid that before we arrive, Anhui City will be taken."

Zhang Liao shook his head and looked at Le Jin and said, this is when Zhuge Qiu told him that Anhui City could not be held.

"Can't be saved, then after you took Chen Lan and Mei Cheng, you deliberately lured Zhou Yu and Sun Quan's army to march separately?"

Le Jin looked at Zhang Liao with a little displeasure.

"Wen Yuan, although King Wei sent you this time, you insisted on going your own way, obeying that Zhuge Qiu's words, and obeying your words like this?"

"Don't be so angry, I also saw it when I was fighting Ma Chao, this person is indeed resourceful."

Cao Hong also said at this time, because he had failed to guard Chang'an before, he was sent here to assist Lejin.

"General Le, although some words will make you unhappy, but now that the King of Wei has an order, although your official position is higher than mine, you must also listen to my temperance today."

Zhang Liao frowned, looked at Le Jin and said.

Although he was valued by Cao Cao because of Zhuge Qiu's relationship, he had no battle merits and was still a swinging general.

That is, the title of a miscellaneous general.

Le Jin is now a general of Zhechong and has a higher official position than his general Dangkou.

But now he is sent by Cao Cao and has the power to fake festivals.

"Wen Yuan, I didn't see it, you have actually learned to overwhelm people, why, do you think Zhuge Qiu can really be your backer?"

"Well, I won't say much about the rest, a hundred thousand troops are coming, you will come without a soldier, and if you want me to obey you, it's very simple, as long as you can win."

Le Jin saw Zhang Liao's words come to this point, and he was also angry in his heart.

"Okay, in a word."

Zhang Liao glanced at Lejin, and his temper also came up, and now at this time, Sun Quan immediately pressed the realm.

Now there is still disagreement in Hefei City, which is very unfavorable.

"Well, then General Ben can take a good look at what skills you can have in your obedient strategy."

Le Jin snorted coldly and said, and even Cao Hong did not continue to say anything.

Seeing Le Jin snort coldly and leave, Cao Hong also smiled bitterly at this time.

"Wen Yuan, I only knew that you and Li Dian had some disagreements before, but I didn't expect that you and Lejin actually had a festival today."

"See you laughing." Zhang Liao said with a smile.

He knew very well in his heart that there was nothing excessive, but he had surrendered from Lü Bu in the first place, and he was naturally hostile.

Especially at this time, when they are reused, naturally some people will feel uncomfortable.

"Report, the city of Anhui has been lost, I am afraid that in two days, the thief army will come to the city."

In less than three days, the news had already reached Hefei.

"Wen Yuan, you said that you didn't have to rescue Anhui City, but now that Anhui City is lost, we will be next, what should you do?"

After Lejin heard the news, his face changed, but he still did not forget to look at Zhang Liao and mocked.

"Please rest assured that Mr. has already had a plan."

Zhang Liao glanced at Lejin, and then took out the things that Zhuge Qiu had handed over to him.

He also did not hide from Cao Hong and Lejin, and directly opened it.

"Leading eight hundred pawns to charge the formation?" After reading it, Zhang Liao was a little confused.

Sir, this is not a joke, right?

If the purpose of charging the formation was to thwart the sharpness of Sun Quan's army, he could understand it.

But why is this number so accurate?

"Well, tomorrow I will personally lead eight hundred soldiers to charge, and the rest will go according to the plan."

In the end, Sun Quan still chose to believe in Zhuge Qiu, if he can play majesty this time, then his future status will naturally rise.

Two days later, Sun Quan's army was already in the city at this time.

Looking at the important town of Hefei, thinking of the rapid attack on Anhui City, Sun Quan was also very proud.

"Bo Yan, look good, today is the time when I am waiting for fame."

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