"General, is Sir's strategy really feasible?"

"Zhou Yu is the governor of Jiangdong, even if he is anxious to support Hefei, I am afraid that he will be prepared."

"What are you afraid of, Sir's order is approved by King Wei, just do it."

Niu Jin glanced at his deputy and immediately spoke.

In the past, he was a deputy general by Cao Ren's side, but now that he has become the main general, he naturally wants to perform well and make meritorious achievements.

"Yes, General."

Seeing that Niu Jin said so, the adjutant general naturally didn't want to say anything more, so he could only follow the plan.

Niu Jin led five thousand men and horses, directly opened the city gate, and chased in the direction of the retreat of Zhou Yu's army.

Not long after the Niu Jin army chased out, when he saw that he was about to catch up, suddenly an order sounded, and the Jiangdong army was immediately killed from both sides.

"Good boy, Pontus has been waiting for you for a long time, and he has long known that you will pursue."

Zhou Yu lived on a high place, glanced at Niu Jin, and then looked at Lu Su on the side and said.

"Not good, hit the plan."

After Niu Jin heard this, he also looked very panicked, and immediately ordered the army to retreat.

"Don't let him run." Seeing this, Zhou Yu quickly ordered.

"Zijing, you don't know, I don't know why, I have long seen this old boy unpleasant."

Then Zhou Yu looked at Lu Su and explained, and said.

The two armies fought for a while, Zhou Yu had already prepared, naturally Niu Jin could not take advantage.

Moreover, Niu Jin retreated very crisply, which made Zhou Yu a little confused.

"Metropolitan Governor, this time you finally predicted correctly, repelled the enemy army, lest we retreat with heavy losses, why are you worried and unhappy?"

Until Niu Jin's men and horses completely retreated, Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu's puzzled look and asked in bewilderment.

"Dadudu, you won't really be reluctant to defeat the Cao army, right?"

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu and asked, it stands to reason that after so long, he finally predicted once, and Zhou Yu should be happy.

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Yu gave Lu Su a blank look.

"I'm thinking that if all this was planned by Zhuge Qiu, it stands to reason that he shouldn't be so impulsive."

"Maybe it was that Niu Jin who made his own claims." Lu Su also frowned when he heard Zhou Yu's words.

Indeed, with his previous understanding of Zhuge Qiu, he should not have thought that he would be guarded.

"For the time being, march slowly, I suspect that this is Zhuge Qiu's intention, and after I slacken, he will pursue again."

In the end, Zhou Yu felt that only this explanation was the most reliable.

"Metropolitan Governor, when we were cleaning the battlefield, we found a strange thing."

When Zhou Yu and Zhuge Qiu were talking, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin had already come to the two people.


After Zhou Yu heard this, he immediately perked up, but he was afraid of Zhuge Qiukeng.

Although it is not he who suffers every loss, his reputation is ruined, and his reputation is ruined.

"We found the corpses of some of Sergeant Cao's pawns, and they were actually wearing our Jiang's battle armor."

"Is there such a thing?" Lu Su was even more surprised, and before Zhou Yu spoke, he had already spoken again.

"Show me around."

Although Zhou Yu did not ask again, he was equally anxious.

Sure enough, Zhou Yu took a look, and the corpses identified turned out to be more than a hundred wearing their Jiangdong-style battle armor.

"This... What are they trying to do, is it because they want to infiltrate our soldiers through this method?

Lu Su looked at those corpses, and he was also a little confused.

"Metropolitan Governor, do we need to check our soldiers?"

Zhou Tai was also full of worry at this time, and Zhou Yu suggested.

If the army was really infiltrated by the Cao army, then this is no joke.

"No, if there is a strict investigation with great fanfare at this time, the army's heart will definitely be in chaos, and everyone will be at risk, I am afraid that this is what Cao Jun wants to see."

Zhou Yu's face was solemn, and he immediately vetoed Zhou Tai's proposal.

At least on the surface, it is absolutely not allowed, although he also knows the hidden dangers in this.

"The army marched slowly to prevent the Cao army from going and returning, and while our army was unprepared, we pursued the sneak attack and secretly visited suspicious people."

Zhou Yu immediately made a decision after thinking about it.

Lu Su and Zhou Tai also had no opinion, and also agreed with Zhou Yu's handling of it.

In the next few days, Zhou Yu's army walked slowly.

"General, everything is as expected, it seems that Zhou Yu is really suspicious."

"Can you not be suspicious, sir, this strategy, how damaging it is."

Niu Jin also answered, which everyone has to doubt.

"It's up to you next, if you mess up, I can't keep you."

Soon Niu Jin thought of something again, and immediately opened his mouth to instruct.

"Don't worry, General, I will complete the task even if I die."

Niu Jin watched the adjutant general leave, and then looked in the direction of Hefei.

"Metropolitan Governor, nothing unusual has been detected, and Cao Jun has no intention of pursuing."

Lu Su also told Zhou Yu all about the situation in the past few days.

"Well, keep checking, don't slack."

Zhou Yu was not happy about this, because there was no situation for the time being, maybe it was better for the other party to hide it.

After another two days, Lu Zhouyu's army was already halfway through.

"Dadu Governor, there is a discovery, our people, it seems that there is a Cao army supporting Hefei."

"How many people?" Zhou Yu immediately got up from his seat.

"It's not very clear, it should be a small force, but it is also possible that Cao Jun was reduced to zero, in order to avoid our sight."

Zhou Tai looked at Zhou Yu and said truthfully, and said his thoughts.

Zhou Yu quickly looked at the map again.

"It's not good, we may have been hit, the Cao Army's suspicious tactics, if they want to support Hefei and avoid our sight, they must detour."

"Now that we have a delay here, we have a lot of time, and we have to start as soon as possible."

Zhou Yu looked at the map and then opened his mouth to analyze.

"If that's the case, then are we still catching up?"

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu with some doubts, after all, he was delayed for half a month.


Zhou Yu said affirmatively.

"Because no matter where they go, they pass through a place."

"Little Master Bridge." Lu Su looked at the map and understood.

"Not bad, take people to the Xiaoshi Bridge overnight, hold here, if you can't hold it, destroy this bridge, and completely cut off the idea of Cao Jun's support."

"Gong Jin, wouldn't this be too crazy, destroying the Xiaoshi Bridge, we can't support it, and how will the lord's army retreat?"

Lu Su frowned and said.

"Retreat? Why should the 100,000-strong army retreat, besides, our navy is good at fighting. Zhou Yu was a little disdainful.

I already knew that Sun Quan should not have been allowed to go in person in the first place.

"And Zijing, haven't you heard of a battle in the backwater?"

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