"Back to the water?"

Lu Su only felt that the corners of his eyes twitched, is this a human word?

"Of course, Zijing, I will also casually say, the Lord has an army of 100,000, why should it be like this, and besides, we will take it."

Zhou Yu saw Lu Su's expression and understood his worries, but he felt that there was no need to worry about all this at all.

How could an army of 100,000 be defeated so thoroughly.

Of course, in Zhou Yu's own heart, he did have the intention of hoping to force Sun Quan.

"Let's take the opportunity."

In the end, Zhou Yu still sighed, after all, the words could not be said too absolutely.

Lu Su and Zhou Tai did not speak in the end, after all, they basically agreed with Zhou Yu's words.

Although Zhou Yu's plan seemed crazy, now even if they all converged.

However, in their current barracks, it is not certain whether they have mixed into the Cao army.

Even if it is a suspicious strategy, who can guarantee that it is not mixed in?

If they take people with them, they may bring the fine work over, and the hidden danger that was originally 30,000 people will become a hidden danger for more than 100,000 people.


Inside Hefei City.

Since Zhang Liao won once last time, his morale has been greatly boosted, and everyone has worked together.

"Wen Yuan, it's been so long, Sun Quan's army, there is no movement yet, our previous plan, when to take the initiative to attack."

Le Jin is now also convinced of Zhang Liao, and he has doubts in his heart, but he still asks very politely.

"No hurry, Sir has already made arrangements, and when our reinforcements arrive, we can naturally break Sun Quan's army."

After Zhang Liao went through the previous one, he naturally trusted Zhuge Qiu more in his heart.

Zhuge Qiuyuan had already expected everything here in Xuchang, and he really survived when he broke into the Sun Quan Array.

This is something that I would never have dared to think about before.


Not only Lejin, but also Cao Hong was a little confused.

Today's Hefei has only 10,000 soldiers, except for some old and weak, it is estimated that it is more than 7,000.

After such a long time, there was no intention of Cao Cao sending reinforcements at all.

"At this time, where will there be reinforcements, and even if there are, it can't be so timely, right?"

"This gentleman didn't say, but the gentleman said that there will definitely be reinforcements, and they are from the Xiaoshi Bridge."

"At that time, we will send troops at this time."

Zhang Liao glanced at Lejin and Cao Hong and said, he believed what Zhuge Qiu said.

"Little Master Bridge?"

The two were even more puzzled, this is the way to Hefei, and now Sun Quan's army has already crossed the Xiaoshi Bridge to set up camp.

If reinforcements come from here, then they have to pass through Sun Quan's camp, which is not a simple matter.

But not everyone has Zhang Liao's ability last time, so Lejin and Cao Hong are still a little worried.

"Exactly, the two don't believe me, don't they still believe sir, and King Wei has not moved, how can he sit back and watch Hefei be taken?"

Zhang Liao said affirmatively again, looking at the two and persuading.

"Wen Yuan, it's serious, we obey our orders."

Le Jin and Cao Hong spoke.

Compared with Hefei's unity, today's Sun Quan's army is demoralized, which shows how miserable it was hit by Zhang Liao last time.

"Gong Jin, no news yet?" Sun Quan looked at everyone and couldn't help but question again.

"Not yet." Lu Xun shook his head.

"But the lord must not worry, although the morale of our army has been severely damaged, the army is still there, I think that even without the support of the governor of the capital, we can take Hefei."

Lu Xun quickly thought of something again, and looked at Sun Quan and added.

"Yes, then which of you will attack the city?"

"Which of you is going to fight that Zhang Liao?"

After Sun Quan heard this, he glanced at everyone and asked.

For a while, no one spoke, after all, Zhang Liao was too impressed by them that time.

"You saw it all, just like that, you dare to say that you can take Hefei."

Sun Quan sneered and said, he also understood in his heart.

This is the disadvantage of the private military system, from the moment Chen Wu died, many of them wanted to preserve their strength.

I was afraid that I would become the next Chen Wu and be buried in this Hefei land.

"Since no one spoke, then I will order the generals, and tomorrow the two generals Dong Zhan and Pan Zhang will lead the army to attack Hefei."

Sun Quan was also holding his breath at this time, he had already had enough of the shame of that day, and now no one dared to fight.


Pan Zhang and Dong Zheng both saw that Sun Quan had already spoken in person, and they naturally couldn't refuse.

Early the next morning, Pan Zhang and Dong Zhao led the army to attack, which surprised Zhang Liao and them.

However, it is not afraid, the victory last time gave everyone confidence, and Hefei, as an important town to resist Sun Quan, is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

After a bloody battle one day, the Jiangdong army, which was already inferior in morale, could only retreat helplessly.

It is not good to make Sun Quan angry again, and it is a scolding to them.

Even Lu Xun is not good to say anything at this time, after all, what calculations are in the hearts of some generals, Lu Xun as a Jiangdong family, he also knows.

Finally, another five days passed, and all the peace was finally broken.

"Here, sure enough, there is a large army coming from the direction of Xiaoshi Bridge to Hefei, but it seems that it seems to be Zhou Yu's men and horses."

A scout sent the news to Zhang Liao.

"That's right, Zhou Yu is here."

As soon as Zhang Liao heard this, he immediately stood up excitedly.

"This... This Zhou Yu is the Grand Governor of Jiangdong, he is here, Wen Yuan, what are you so happy to do? Le

Jin and Cao Hong were confused, and they couldn't understand why Zhang Liao heard Zhou Yu's news, which was also excited.

This is the enemy, not his own people.

"You don't understand this, everything is according to the plan, except for the guards of the city, all of them will go out of the city tomorrow to fight and take the initiative to attack."

Zhang Liao had heard what Zhuge Qiu had said, and he couldn't treat Zhou Yu as an enemy.

Sun Quan's side also got the news, Zhou Yu came, and his pro-army also arrived.

Now there is no need to worry about not being able to win Hefei.

The next day, before dawn, when Sun Quan was still sleeping, suddenly there was a burst of sounds outside the camp.

"Zhang Liao is here, and he will not surrender quickly."

"Kill Sun Quan Xiaoer."

"This, what's going on?" Sun Quan hurriedly went out, but he saw panic.

"Lord, it's not good, Zhang Liao launched a surprise attack on us, and our sergeant was already robbed of morale by him, and now he is unprepared for attack, and it is difficult to resist."

Lu Xun also hurriedly stepped forward at this time to explain.

"Lord, please retreat quickly, retreat to the south of the small division bridge, wait for the generals to gather the army, and the governor of the capital comes, and fight again."

Sun Quan originally wanted to say something, but seeing the chaotic camp, he could only retreat on horseback?

Ling Tong escorted Sun Quan to retreat first, and just after arriving at the Xiaoshi Bridge, he encountered an ambush led by Le Jin.

Ling Tong stepped forward to fight to the death to protect Sun Quan.

"Master, withdraw first."

Sun Quan did not dare to delay when he saw it, and walked towards the Xiaoshi Bridge.

As soon as I arrived at the Xiaoshi Bridge, what I saw was the Xiaoshi Bridge that had been broken.

There is also the big flag with black characters on a white background in the south of the bridge.


Sun Quan almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

What sins have he made?

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