"Lord, is there the Governor Dadu's soldiers and horses on the south side of the bridge?"

General Gu Li looked ahead with a look of disbelief.

"It's not this kid, who else can it be." Sun Quanqi's teeth itched, and he couldn't wait to use his gaze to kill the gradually disappearing Zhou Ziqi.

"I didn't expect ah, I didn't expect him to even pit me."

"Lord, now is not the time to sigh, maybe most of the governors have unspeakable secrets."

"Now that the situation is unclear, the Lord may retreat his horse and let it go forward and cross this bridge."

After Sun Quan listened to Gu Li's words, he could only nod.

Even if you want to find Zhou Yu to settle the account, then you have to let yourself live first.

Sun Quan pulled the horse back about three zhang before stopping.

I looked at the crotch horse, and then at the broken bridge in front of me.

God, if the sky does not stop me, Zhou Yu's kid did not betray me, let me leap over.

Sun Quan couldn't help but silently say in his heart, until now, he didn't know if Zhou Yu could still believe it.

Then the whip was drawn fiercely, and with a long roar of the horse, the man led the horse to a charge, and then jumped up.

Jumping over the south of the bridge, Sun Quan also breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the direction of the broken bridge behind him.

He looked at the direction where the soldier in front of him disappeared, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

At the same time, Sun Quan also regretted a little in his heart, he should not have acquiesced to two prayers in his heart just now.

Now I don't know if it's Tianbu himself, or if Zhou Yu really didn't betray himself?


In the end, Sun Quan rode directly towards the direction where Zhou Yu set up camp.

At this time, in the camp, Zhou Yu, Zhou Tai, and Lu Su also had serious faces.

"Dadu Governor, now that the Little Master Bridge has been cut off by us, if the Lord really has any accidents, it will be difficult for us to handle."

Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu and said with some concern.

"What can be an accident, it can't be so coincidental, let's break the bridge overnight, the lord will use this bridge."

Zhou Yu gave Lu Su a blank look and said.

But I don't know what's going on, when Lu Su said this, he always felt a little unsteady in his heart.

"By the way, how is the camp checking now?"

Zhou Yu resisted the foreboding feeling in his heart, and then changed his words.

"Still haven't found it." Zhou Tai shook his head.

"I see."

Zhou Yu was not very surprised to hear this, in fact, what he did was just in case.

"Report... Big... Metropolitan, Lord... The Lord is coming. At

this moment, a hurried voice sounded outside.

Before Zhou Yu could ask anything, among the some noisy voices outside, Sun Quan's angry voice was already ringing.

"Quickly let Zhou Yu come out to see me."

"Zhou Gongjin, get out and see me."

Hearing Sun Quan's angry voice, not only Zhou Yu, but also Lu Su and Zhou Tai were stunned, and their hearts snorted.

The three looked at each other, it's not good, this is going to be an accident.

The three hurriedly left the big tent, and sure enough, they saw Sun Quan's somewhat embarrassed appearance.

"Master, lord, why are you here?" The foreboding feeling in Zhou Yu's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Lord, the Metropolitan Governor just ordered last night to break the Little Master Bridge, how did you come over?"

Zhou Tai looked at Sun Quan with a confused look at this time, looking a little incredulous.

It's good that Zhou Tai didn't say this, and when he said Sun Quan, his face turned even darker.

"I flew here, do you believe it?" Sun Quan glanced at the three and roared.

"Okay, okay, Gong Jin, now my army is in chaos, and as a result, as soon as you came, you cut off our back road."

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu's eyes, and he was almost on fire.

"This... This lord, this can't be completely blamed on the Metropolitan Governor, in fact, the Metropolitan Governor is afraid that there are detailed works in our barracks. Zhou

Tai was straight, and when he saw Zhou Yu's scolded head, he did not dare to lift it, and immediately explained.

"Hosaku, I see that he is the biggest Hosaku, I almost can't come back."

Sun Quan glanced at Zhou Tai, and then looked at Zhou Yu and scolded angrily.

This Nima, you still have a face to scratch.

"Lord, in fact, Dadudu, there is really no bad intention, he just wants to Lord and fight behind the water."

As soon as Zhou Yu heard this, he finally couldn't help it and looked at Zhou Tai.

It's good that we all have the surname Zhou, you need to die here.

"General Zhou, big brother, don't say it, I'll explain it myself."

Zhou Yu watched Sun Quan quickly tell Sun Quan what happened before.

"What are you still stunned for, don't you hurry up to save people?"

After Sun Quan listened to Zhou Yu's words, he immediately scolded.

"Master, you don't blame me?" As soon as Zhou Yu heard this, he immediately said with joy.

"Think beautifully, your account, will be calculated later." Sun Quan said with a cold snort.

After Zhou Yu heard this. It's not easy to say anything, I can only lead people to help first.

How can I do it myself, so back.

Zhou Yu felt that he also had bitterness in his heart and couldn't say it.

An army of 100,000 people is defeated if they say defeat, and it is useless to even fight a battle against the back.

Zhou Yu led the men and horses forward, just in time to meet Dong Zheng and others, and led the water army to begin to retreat.

"Dadu Governor, Dadu Governor, you came, this Zhang Liao is really cunning, it actually broke the bridge of the small division, our army was caught off guard by killing, and even the way of retreat was broken."

"Now all the generals are already in chaos, I don't know where the Lord is?"

"Ahem, that lord is fine, let's gather the army first, although Zhang Liao is brave, he is also a momentary prosper."

Of course, Zhou Yu would not tell Dong Zheng that he did it.

I said I was for your own good, and you didn't believe me.

Then Zhou Yu let people answer again, Pan Zhang, Ling Tong and others.

When he returned to the camp to count the men and horses, the 100,000-strong army was actually lost by more than half.

Not only were they killed by Cao Jun, but many soldiers were in a panic, trampled on each other, and fell into the water to die.

When Zhou Yu saw such a result, he was also completely stunned.

He never imagined such a result.

It's over, this lord is really famous.

In the camp, Sun Quan looked at the army that had gathered back, and all of them had no morale, like a dog who lost his family.

Suddenly, he didn't even have the mind to scold Zhou Yu.

"Lord, now our army has suffered a great defeat, the morale of the Cao army has been greatly defeated, and now our army is only afraid that it is powerless, and then take Hefei."

After a while, Lu Xun looked at Sun Quan and said.

The reason why this battle has Sun Quan is that the so-called Han Xin points out more troops, the better.

It can be seen that Sun Quan does not even have the ability to command an army of 100,000.

Of course, there is also the disadvantage of the private military system, fear of the head and tail, fear of death, once the Lord will have an accident, there will be a state of herding sheep.

However, these Lu Xun and Zhou Yu did not dare to say, especially Zhou Yu was even more faceless, after all, he was once again discredited.

"Newspaper, lord, Zhang Liao sent someone to send a letter."

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