After Sun Quan listened to the words of the soldier, he was also stunned for a moment, Zhang Liao's letter to himself?

"Zhang Wenyuan, it's too much to deceive people, does he still want to taunt me?"

Sun Quan's face turned red, and he immediately scolded angrily.

For a while, the soldier also lowered his head, not knowing whether to hand over this letter or not.

"Master, don't get angry, and look at what Zhang Liao's letter says."

"Victory or defeat is a common occurrence, and we should learn a lesson."

Zhou Yu hurriedly opened his mouth to persuade, at this time, he still had to brush his sense of existence to show his loyalty.

"Victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers, can we win?"

It's good that Zhou Yu didn't speak, as soon as he spoke, Sun Quan looked at him, and he almost had the word undercover on top of his head.

"Lord, Anhui City is a great victory."

Zhou Yu hurriedly said, after all, the battle of Anhui City was still won.

"Yes, Master, let's take a look." At this time, Lu Xun and they also opened their mouths to persuade.

Sun Quan glanced at them, and then took the letter in a huff, if he didn't read it again, then he would seem to be small.

"Gongjin Metropolitan Governor, Wen Yuan really appreciates your help..." But

as soon as he saw the beginning, Sun Quan's face directly turned black into the bottom of the pot.

Where is this letter to yourself?

This is a thank you letter to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu felt Sun Quan's sudden death gaze, and suddenly felt a gurgle in his heart.

"Lord... What's wrong with you, is it Zhang Liao Xiaoer, deceived people too much, I will take someone to clean him up.

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan looking like he was going to take revenge.

"You still pretend, this is a thank you letter from someone."

Sun Quan watched Zhou Yu smash the letter directly in his face.

Go and avenge me, I see that your kid wants to escape."

"Thank you letter?"

Zhou Yu was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the whole person, he was immediately shocked into a cold sweat.

"Lord, wronged, trickery, this is their dissociation scheme."

Zhou Yu quickly looked at Sun Quan and explained.

I still have to try to save it.

"Gong Jin, waste my trust in you." Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu but did not listen to his explanation.

"Come, from today onwards, deprive Zhou Yu of the post of Metropolitan Governor, as well as Lu Su, oh no, Lu Xun to serve."

After Sun Quan thought about it, he felt that Lu Su was not very reliable.

After hearing this, Zhou Yu didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

After all, it is not the first time that the Metropolitan Governor has been stripped of his post.

Such a punishment is indeed not heavy.

In the following days, the defeated army was collected, and after a few days of confrontation, Sun Quan officially ordered the withdrawal of the army.

"Hahaha, Wen Yuan, you really became famous in this battle."

After learning the news of the retreat of Sun Quan's army, Le Jin and the others also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhang Liao with a smile.

"Yes, Wen Yuan, this battle of Hefei, when the time comes, the King of Wei will definitely be rewarded to you."

Cao Hong was also smiling at this time, looking at Zhang Liao with envy.

Both of them knew very well that although they were involved in the battle of Hefei, only Zhang Liao was famous.

"This is all the result of the concerted efforts of all the soldiers, but I think that the biggest hero should be Sir."

"If it weren't for my husband's strategizing, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the confidence to do this."

Zhang Liao couldn't hide his joy at this time, thinking that at the beginning, if it weren't for his belief in Zhuge Qiu, he was afraid that he wouldn't dare to take eight hundred people and rush out.

"Send the good news to Xuchang immediately."


"Win, actually win."

When Cao Cao received Zhang Liao's letter, he also couldn't believe it.

If it weren't for Zhuge Qiu's repeated emphasis that there was no need to send troops over, he would have already sent the 50,000 soldiers and horses prepared for Xu Chu and Gan Ning to lead the troops over.

"Shouyi, this time I really obeyed you, but this time, this Zhou Yu Metropolitan Governor has made great contributions again."

Looking at the triumph in his hand, Cao Cao also looked at Zhuge Qiu with great emotion and sighed.

"Shouyi, tell me honestly if there is any special relationship between you and Dadudu."

"Why else would he help us so much."

"Poof, ahem." Hearing this, Zhuge Qiu almost choked on his tea.

"Old Cao, you can't say that, Metropolitan Governor, it's just a good person."

Zhuge Qiu quickly explained with a smile.

"Good man, he has now even been deprived of the position of the governor of the great capital by Sun Quan, I think our own person will be useless in the future."

Cao Cao naturally did not believe Zhuge Qiu's nonsense, and then spoke.

"The position of Metropolitan Governor is gone?"

Zhuge Qiu didn't read the letter, he naturally didn't know.

"Fortunately, this is a high-risk occupation."

"Old Cao, since Zhou Yu has been deprived of his position as the governor of the great capital, it is better for you to appoint him an official in the name of the imperial court."

After saying that, Zhuge Qiu seemed to think of something again, and looked at Cao Cao and suggested.

"I seal him?"

Cao Cao glanced at Zhuge Qiu, "Although there is no problem with this, you really treat Zhou Yu as your own, and people are not willing to come."

"Not necessarily."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and said with a mysterious expression.

"Lao Cao, since you don't believe it, it's better for the two of us to make a bet."

"Bet on it, I still don't believe it."

Cao Cao did not hesitate and immediately agreed.

Cao Cao also said that he would do it, and the next day he gave Zhou Yu an idle post in the name of the imperial court.

"Shouyi, I have already given Zhou Yu an official position as you said, and the holy decree has gone down."

"It's pretty fast." Zhuge Qiu also lamented Cao Cao's efficiency.

But also, the current imperial court, the next holy decree or something, Liu Xie can't refuse.

"Master, there is news."

"You're there, sir."

At this time, Xu Chu also walked in, and when he saw Zhuge Qiu, Xu Chu was still a little surprised.


After Cao Cao heard Xu Chu's words, he also immediately became interested and seemed very excited.

"Shouyi, do you still have something, it's okay, Xu Chu and I still have something to talk about."

But soon, Cao Cao seemed to have thought of something again, looking at Zhuge Qiu on the side.

After Zhuge Qiu heard this, he looked at Cao Cao with a puzzled expression.

"Old Cao, something is wrong with you, with our relationship, you still have something to hide from me."

"And the way I look at you, you won't be anyone's wife again, will you?"

After Lao Cao heard Zhuge Qiu's words, his face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

However, when Cao Cao was about to deny the explanation, Xu Chu had already spoken.

"Sir, I really can't hide anything from you, I can even guess this."

As soon as Xu Chu finished speaking, he already saw Cao Cao's murderous gaze.

"You tiger, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb."

"Since you all know, then I won't hide it from you."

Cao Cao glared at Xu Chu and then at Zhuge Qiu.

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