Don't hide from me, I don't know who Lao Cao is looking at.

I saw that Cao Cao's expression also changed somewhat, as if he was remembering and sighing.

"Shouyi, I wonder if you know Cai Yong?"

"Lord Cai Yong is famous all over the world, and Shouyi also knows a little about it."

Zhuge Qiu was also stunned, he did not expect that the person mentioned by Cao Cao would be Cai Yong.

Cai Yong was a famous writer and calligrapher at the time.

However, when Cao Cao mentioned Cai Yong at this time, doesn't it mean that the person that Old Cao fancy is Cai Wenji?

"Old Cao, the person you are talking about will not be the daughter of Lord Cai Yong, Cai Yan, who is known as a talented woman."

"Yes, it is Lord Cai's daughter, Cai Wenji."

Cao Cao really did not hide it this time, but said with a very sigh.

"I and Cai Yong are also teachers and friends, I was just a small official, powerless, quite under the guidance of Lord Cai, Cai girl's talent is also amazing."

Although Cao Cao said very emotionally, he looked very nostalgic.

But I don't know why, Zhuge Qiu only felt that it was still a sentence to describe.

Inferior, you are a gluttonous body.

"With Lord Cai's reputation at that time, I am not worthy of Miss Cai, after all, I am often ridiculed as a eunuch."

Zhuge Qiu listened and did not interject, after all, Lao Cao even said this, it seems that Cai Wenji is indeed a little different, and it is also a trust in himself.

"Miss Cai was also lonely, and after marrying Nawei Jiawei Zhongdao, she was soon widowed, and later she was captured by the Xiongnu Zuoxian King, and has not returned."

"Now that the north has been decided, I want to welcome Miss Cai back, and at the same time, I also want to warn those Xiongnu barbarians."

"Shouyi, what do you think?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

Zhuge Qiu naturally knew what Cao Cao meant by asking this, I am afraid that he was not just going to redeem Cai Wenji, but also to send troops to the Xiongnu.

"Since you and Lord Cai are also teachers and friends, you have this heart, I naturally will not stop it."

Zhuge Qiu looked at Cao Cao and said lightly.

When the north was unified, there were no losses in Jingzhou, and there were not much losses in the Battle of Chibi, and Ma Chao's feud was resolved.

Cao Cao's original battle that should have been greatly damaged was all changed by himself, and if he wanted to fight the Xiongnu at this time, he naturally had this strength.

If it is not my race, its heart will be different!

The Yongjia Rebellion of the later Jin Dynasty, Wuhu Chaohua is the best example.

"Haha, with the words of Shouyi, I am relieved."

"I then began to send people to negotiate with the Huns and redeem Miss Cai."

With Zhuge Qiu's recognition and support, Cao Cao was also very happy.

"There is no need to talk about conditions, just tell them to send people back, and if they don't comply, then hit them until they serve."

Zhuge Qiu raised his hand and looked at Cao Cao and said very coldly.

"This... Wouldn't it be too tough? After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Cao said with some hesitation.

After all, the combat effectiveness of the Xiongnu cavalry is indeed not bad, after all, they are nomads on horseback.

"Is it tough?" Zhuge Qiu was unimpressed, "As long as your fists are hard enough, no matter how tough they are, they can only listen."

"Strength determines attitude, you can rest assured, if you want to fight, I will personally lead the troops."

Cao Cao was also shocked by Zhuge Qiu's attitude, and he was surprised.

When he usually fought Liu Bei and Sun Quan, Zhuge Qiu almost always retired from the army between conversation and laughter.

And in the face of the Xiongnu, he seemed very cold and tough.

"Well, everything is as you say." In the end, Cao Cao also nodded.

Zhuge Qiu and all the advisers have this boldness, and now that he is the king of Wei, why don't he dare.

"Not bad, it seems that you are also working hard for your first love Lao Cao."

Zhuge Qiu quipped with a smile.

"I'm here to solve external problems."

Cao Cao's face turned red, this guy, just finished being serious, is not serious.

"You write this letter to the Huns, and when I appoint the messenger, you will write to me."

Cao Cao gave Zhuge Qiu white and decided to find something for Zhuge Qiu to do.

"Okay, no problem."

Zhuge Qiu would not refuse this, replied, got up and left.

When he walked to the door, Zhuge Qiu suddenly thought of something, and looked back at Cao Cao.

"Lao Cao, your first love is really Cai Wenji, I always thought it was Yunchang."

"No, I think your crush is at best."

Cao Cao: ...

Seeing Cao Cao's face as black as the bottom of the pot, ready to erupt at any time, Zhuge Qiu left as if fleeing.

"Sir, why are you running so fast, didn't you offend Cao Cao again?"

Zhao Yun saw Zhuge Qiu running so fast, obviously guessed something.

"Whatever, I just found something amazing."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Zhao Yun, Lao Cao and Cai Wenji's affairs, he didn't plan to gossip.

When I first listened, I couldn't believe it, but if I think about it, it's not impossible.

After all, Cai Wenji is beautiful and talented, and Lao Cao himself is also a poet, that is, Cai Wenji has a double attraction to Lao Cao.

Not to mention that when the world is not completely chaotic, Cai Wenji's family lineage is also first-class, and Cao Cao even began to approach Cai Yong, just to turn over by marrying Cai Wenji, it is possible.

"Sir, what are you doing with pen and paper all of a sudden?"

After Guo Zhao saw Zhuge Qiu return, he asked for paper and pen, and subconsciously asked.

"Of course it's a letter, otherwise what would I want this thing to do."

Zhuge Qiu smiled, also amused by Guo Zhao's reaction.

Even if you use paper to untie your hands, there is no need to take a pen.

"Oh, I'll do it right away." Guo Zhao also knew that he had asked a stupid question, and quickly blushed and went to prepare.

Soon Guo Zhao prepared everything and brought it to Zhuge Qiu.

The next day, Zhuge Qiu waited for Cao Cao to go to him and brought the letter with him.

"Old Pang, I haven't seen you for a long time, where have you been hiding during this time, and you have no face to see people?"

Zhuge Qiu saw Pang Tong there, said hello kindly, and then was ignored by Pang Tong.

"Shi Yuan, it is the messenger I sent to the Xiongnu this time, quickly bring your letter."

Cao Cao replied for Pang Tong, and then asked Zhuge Qiu to take out the letter.

"Old Pang, are you going to send it? Are you sure you can? Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised.

"Pang Tong is not talented, send the Xiongnu, but it will not be lost, the great Han temperament."

Pang Tong replied immediately.

The next moment, Cao Cao opened the book and became convicted, he had never seen such a vernacular letter.

"Xiongnu Xiao'er listen, hurry up and return all the captured people of your subordinates, the people of the great Han, if you dare not agree, you will be captured, and you Xiongnu tribe will be leveled, don't say anything unpredictably."

Then Cao Cao looked at Pang Tong, and then asked.

"Shi Yuan, look at this errand, do you dare to go?"

Pang Tong: ...

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