"This... That's not quite good, right? Brother-in-law, won't you be too anxious?

Cao Chang was also embarrassed after listening to Zhuge Qiu's whispered words in his ear.

"Didn't you just say that you would listen to me in everything?"

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Chang and replied to him.

"But this..." Cao Chang was still a little embarrassed.

"So what, or should I ask for another request?"

"Don't you listen to me in everything, then listen to me, and if you really fight, don't go."

"Pick one yourself."

When Cao Chang heard this, he was also stunned, and this kind of operation.

Obedient? Then don't go.

Disobedient? Wouldn't that just slap yourself in the face?

"Okay, brother-in-law, I'll do the first thing for you."

In the end, Cao Chang gritted his teeth and felt that the first thing was more reliable.

"Isn't that right?" Zhuge Qiu saw that Cao Zhang agreed, and only then nodded with satisfaction.

Cao Chong stood not far away, looking at the two people who were also confused.

However, the good thing is that now Cao Zhang's goal has been achieved.

"Then sir, let's go first."

After a while, Cao Chang looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

It was as if he had said it to Cao Chong.

"Then sir, let's go first." After Cao Chong heard Cao Zhang's words, he also reacted, and looked at Zhuge Qiu and opened his mouth to leave.

"Sir, what exactly did you say to Cao Zhang?"

When they walked to the door, Zhao Yun also looked at Zhuge Qiu curiously and asked.

"These two brats are really brothers-in-law if they have something to do, and Mr. if they have nothing to do."

"They are really Cao Cao's great filial sons."

Zhuge Qiu did not answer, but instead thought of something, looking at the back of the universe rushing the two brothers and sighing.

"Sir, your brother-in-law also did it very naturally."

"I wasn't unhappy before."

Zhao Yun looked at Zhuge Qiu and smiled on the side.

"Zilong, you said that your kung fu of demolishing the platform really didn't fall."

Zhuge Qiu gave Zhao Yun a blank look, this is the end of bringing Zhao Yun to ruin.

After returning to the mansion, Zhuge Qiu went directly into the study again.

He knew that after his letter was delivered to the Huns, this battle was certain, but there were some things that he needed to prepare in advance.

On the other side, Cao Chong and Cao Chang also walked back satisfied.

As soon as the two returned, they met Cao Pi coming out of the mansion.

Seeing that Cao Chong and Cao Chang had such a good relationship and were so close.

Cao Pi felt a little uncomfortable and a little worried.

He knew very well that Cao Cao meant to pass the seat to Cao Chong.

As for Cao Zhang, Cao Cao has always trained him as a general and sent him to the barracks for training.

If the two of them get together, it will be even more detrimental to themselves.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Chong, where have you two gone, what's so happy?"

Cao Pi hid the unhappiness in his heart, and looked at Cao Chong and Cao Zhang with a smile and asked.

"We just went to find Mr. Zhuge for a while, and there was nothing wrong."

Cao Chang saw Cao Pi asking, and immediately replied.

However, he did not say what he was going to ask Zhuge Qiu to do.

After all, his own news was also accidentally heard from his father.

Cao Chong also reminded him that he couldn't talk nonsense, although he had developed limbs and a simple mind, he didn't mean that he was a pure fool.

"That's how it is."

Cao Pi smiled and nodded, there was nothing on the surface, but it was more uncomfortable in his heart.

The two of them were so close to Zhuge Qiu together.

And now I have learned to hide.

Could it be that this was deliberately cultivated by his father, and he had already begun to let Cao Chang also begin to learn from Zhuge Qiu.

The purpose is to better assist Cao Chong in the future?

The more Cao Pi thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, and his gaze towards Cao Chong gradually changed.

But soon Cao Pi hid all this again.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Although Cao Pi hid it well, Cao Chong still noticed that something seemed to be wrong in Cao Pi's eyes.

So Cao Chong looked at Cao Pi and took the initiative to ask.

"I went to see Zhongda, and I heard that he took over his father's errand and will send an envoy to the Xiongnu tomorrow."

Cao Pi saw Cao Chong asking, but he didn't hide it, after all, he didn't feel that there was no need for this kind of thing.

"So that's the case, then we won't bother my brother."

Cao Chang thought about the task Zhuge Qiu gave him, answered with a smile, and then pulled Cao Chong directly into the mansion.

Cao Pi glanced at their backs, and then also got into the carriage.

Cao Pi rode in a carriage and soon arrived at Sima Yi's mansion.

Sima Yi was letting people pack up his things at this time.

After seeing Cao Pi coming, there were also some accidents.

"Gongzi, what's wrong, it seems that Gongzi has a lot of trouble."

Sima Yi saw that Cao Pi was full of thoughts, and immediately asked.

After all, his relationship with Cao Pi has always been very good.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Zhongda."

After listening to Sima Yi's words, Cao Pi smiled bitterly.

Then the two of them went directly to the study.

"Gongzi, there are no outsiders here, I don't know if Gongzi is willing to tell one or two."

After Sima Yi closed the door, he watched Cao Pi take the initiative to ask again.

"Zhongda, you said that on the issue of establishing a son, how much can Zhuge Qiu influence his father?"

After hesitating, Cao Pi still looked at Sima Yi and spoke.

"This... This is only difficult to say, Mr. Zhuge is now deeply trusted by the King of Wei.

"It's just that such a thing as Li Shizi, King Wei's mind is unpredictable, let alone a courtier who can participate at will, if he is not careful, I am afraid that he will put his life in it."

Sima Yi frowned, and after a long moment looked at Cao Pi and answered.

"You're right."

Cao Pi did not refute this, after all, no matter when, this kind of issue is very sensitive, and there are still many aspects involved.

"I heard that Zhongda is going to the Xiongnu, then I wish you a smooth journey and a safe return."

Cao Pi looked at Sima Yi and spoke for a while, and then said goodbye as if he had thought of something.

"Young Master Xie." Sima Yi smiled back.

After Cao Pi left, he immediately went towards Zhuge Qiu's mansion.

"What do you say, Cao Pi is here again?"

Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, how to drop, today he stabbed Lao Cao's son's nest.

"Let him in."

"Cao Pi has seen sir." Cao Pi soon came in and saluted.

"Cao Pi, what is the matter with you, you won't also have something to ask me for, right?"

Zhuge Qiu took a sip of tea and looked at Cao Pi and asked.

"Sir really has a clever plan, Cao Pi came this time, he really has something to ask for."

"But this matter is not for myself, but for my brother."

Cao Pi did not deny it, but immediately spoke.

Cao Chong?

Does this guy have this kindness?

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