"If there is anything, just say it."

Although I don't know if Cao Pi has this kindness, he is also Cao Cao's son, and he has a marriage contract with Lao Cao's daughter.

"Sir, now my father is already the king of Wei, and the royal palace has also been built in Yecheng, but this world has not yet been established."

When he said this, Cao Pi deliberately paused, obviously this was to see Zhuge Qiu's attitude.

"You want to be a son?"

Zhuge Qiu also did not expect Cao Pi to be so direct, and actually came to ask about this, so he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Think." Cao Pi replied very decisively.

"However, I know very well that my father's favorite person is Brother Chong, who has been known as a prodigy since he was a child, and he has to be taught by his husband, and Cao Pi is not enough."

"Therefore, I came here today in the hope that my husband could speak well in front of my father and persuade my father to establish his brother as a son of the world as soon as possible."

"In this way, the people's hearts will be determined, and the people above and below will not have to speculate more."

Cao Pi looked at Zhuge Qiu and said his opinion.

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Pi, although there was nothing wrong with Cao Pi's words.

The early establishment of the position of the son of the world is indeed conducive to unity.

Others did not have to stand in line with Cao Cao's sons.

But Zhuge Qiu knew very well that Cao Pi was definitely not so kind when he said this.

Only a fool would take sides on the issue of Cao Cao's establishment of the world.

For example, Yang Jirib in history, only now he has no chance to stand in line.

"That's right, but I believe Lao Cao has his own arrangements for this."

"Instead, I'm curious about the speculators you mentioned, and who are the people they speculate about."

Zhuge Qiu directly rejected Cao Pi's words and asked with a playful look.

"This..." Cao Pi was also speechless for a while, if he said it, it would not be equivalent to betraying, those who were optimistic about themselves.

"Well, you don't have to say it, it doesn't matter to me which of you inherits Lao Cao's position in the future, as long as you don't mess with me, I will be dashing for a lifetime."

When Zhuge Qiu saw Cao Pi's appearance, he was too lazy to ask more.

This is their family affair, he will not bother and does not want to bother.

"Yes, sir."

Cao Pi saw that his plan was bankrupt, and he could only retreat in disappointment.

But he also understood a more truth, sure enough, smart people are not involved in this matter, at least not on the surface.

Didn't you win over a bunch of fools?

It seems that it is impossible to make Dad jealous of Zhuge Qiu from this matter and reject Cao Chong at the same time.

Until Cao Pi left, Zhuge Qiu was also emotional.

I don't know what Lao Cao will feel in his heart when he knows that his sons have already begun to fight openly and secretly.

In the next few days, Zhuge Qiu did not have anything to do, but continued to do his own things in the study.

Instead, Xu Chu came to Zhuge Qiu several times, obviously wanting to cheat the drink.

"Zilong, Shouyi is in the study again?"

Today, Xu Chu left from Cao Cao and came again.

"Well, Mr. is in the study these days." Zhao Yun nodded.

"You said that there are women in his study, he is a big man, hiding in the study every day."

After Xu Chu listened to Zhao Yun's words, he immediately spoke.

"I don't know about this, but Zhongkang, you can try it?"

Zhao Yun shook his head and looked at Xu Chu with a mysterious look and said.

"Then forget it, let's come back another day."

Xu Chu waved his hand and left directly.

Not long after Xu Chu left, Zhuge Qiu came out of the study.

"I just seemed to hear it, then Tiger's voice, why didn't the people have it?"

After Zhuge Qiu came out, he glanced at Zhao Yun and asked with some doubt.

It stands to reason that I shouldn't have misheard.

Since practicing Lü Bu's halberd technique, he felt that his hearing had become sharper.

"He left, and he said that the gentleman hid the woman in the study." Zhao Yun did not hesitate and directly betrayed Xu Chu.

"What is this, are there any women in our house?"

"That... Sir, I am a woman. Guo Zhao just walked in at this time and said weakly.

"Lazy to accompany you to drive."

Zhuge Qiu shook the drawing in his hand, and then left directly.

These things are just drawings that have not yet worked, and they must be built so as not to live up to the results they have buried in the study these days.

Zhuge Qiu went directly to Cao Cao's mansion, but Cao Cao was not there.

"First... Here comes sir, and I'm going to find you." When

Zhuge Qiu was about to leave, he happened to see Cao Chang running out looking like he had done something wrong.

"Looking for me?" Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, this guy became smarter, and he actually knew that he was coming today.

"Sir explain my affairs, I have already done it, my sister is waiting for you in the backyard."

Cao Zhang nodded quickly, and then led Zhuge Qiu to go.

Although it stands to reason to go to the backyard like this, it doesn't seem good to go to Cao Jie.

But thinking that since it was Cao Chang and Cao Jie who said okay and went by themselves, it should be nothing.

"This courtyard, the second room on the left-hand side." Cao Zhang, did not go in, but stopped and looked at Zhuge Qiu and spoke.

"What are you weak in, and I won't do anything to your sister."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Zhang, something is wrong with this kid.

"No, no." Cao Chang quickly shook his head, "Brother-in-law, let's go quickly."

Although Zhuge Qiu felt strange, he thought of Cao Zhang's brain, and he should not be able to do anything brain-bothering.

Zhuge Qiu followed what Cao Chang said and came to the outside of the room.

"Girl Cao, come at the request in Xiazhuge Qiu."

Zhuge Qiu said outside the door.

But for a while, there was no response, and I said it again, but there was still no movement.

"So I came in?"

Zhuge Qiu was a little puzzled, could it be that Cao Chang was playing himself?

"Come in."

Zhuge Qiu was about to leave, and at this time, a voice came from inside.

After Zhuge Qiu listened, he pushed the door and entered.

But in my heart, I wondered, people, since they only opened their mouths now.

After entering, Zhuge Qiu saw Cao Jie sitting there alone.

And it seems that he does not dare to look at himself, with a red face, and a very shy look.

"Did you really think about it?" Seeing Zhuge Qiu looking at him, Cao Jie asked in a low voice.

"Think about it."

Zhuge Qiu was a little surprised, could it be that Cao Jie saw his mind and knew that he couldn't say something to her?

Zhuge Qiu was thinking, and before he could speak, he saw that Cao Jie had already begun to untie his clothes.

This can frighten Zhuge Qiu, there is something to say.

"That Cao girl, I'll just say a few words and leave after speaking." Zhuge Qiu hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

After hearing this, Cao Jie was stunned.

"You're not poisoned, you need... Need that..." Although

Cao Jie didn't say it, Zhuge Qiu understood.

Lying groove, this Cao Zhang does not do personnel ah, this reason can be thought of.

And one dares to say, the other dares to believe.

This production team's stuffing is not so outrageous.

"No, nothing, I just said a few words, there are some things I want to make clear with you." Zhuge Qiu quickly denied it.

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