After Cao Jie listened to Zhuge Qiu's words, his face turned even redder.

I was still entangled in my heart for so long, and finally made up my mind.

It turned out to be Cao Zhang's nonsense, and he actually believed it.

Zhuge Qiu also knew that he was not suitable to stay here now.

After speaking, Zhuge Qiu left directly.

When he came out, he saw that he was waiting in the distance.

"Brother-in-law, so soon?"

After Zhuge Qiu came out of the backyard, Cao Chang saw Zhuge Qiu's black face, and immediately greeted him and asked cautiously.

"That, brother-in-law, actually, don't be discouraged."

"Shut up, you." Zhuge Qiu glanced at Cao Zhang.

"You said that I just have something to say to your sister, let you help me pass a word, you are talking nonsense."

"It's that simple?" After hearing Zhuge Qiu's words, Cao Chang was also stunned.

"I still racked my brains to come up with this idea."

"You brain, how dare I leave complicated matters to you."

Zhuge Qiu was speechless all of a sudden, when he shouldn't make up his brain, he lived a lot.

I already knew that this Cao Zhang was so able to make up, he might as well make an appointment himself.

After a while, Cao Cao returned.

However, I found that Zhuge Qiu and Cao Chang were a little strange.

Zhuge Qiu naturally wouldn't say this.

"Old Cao, you can come back, I have a few things here, you can take a look."

In order not to let Cao Cao ask, Zhuge Qiu immediately spoke first.

Cao Cao saw that Zhuge Qiu had spoken, and handed something over, and he subconsciously took it.

"You designed all this?"

Originally, he was still a little absent-minded, wondering what happened to these two people Cao Cao, and after taking a look, the whole person was shocked.

"Or else."

Zhuge Qiu admitted very cheekily, anyway, there is no evidence to prove that I copied it in the later life.

"These are all prepared to deal with the Huns?"

"Shouyi, you fucking genius."

Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and became even more excited, he really couldn't think of anything else that could stump Zhuge Qiu now.

No wonder Zhuge Qiu dared to send a letter of war to the Xiongnu, it turned out that he had been preparing for a long time.

"You send someone to build these things secretly, remember to keep them secret."

Zhuge Qiu ignored Cao Cao's praise and excitement, but solemnly proposed.

"This is natural."

Cao Cao also nodded quickly, even if Zhuge Qiu didn't say it, he would keep it secret.

"Daddy, sir, it's better to leave it to the child..."

"Stop, your brain will be settled."

Cao Cao did not wait for Zhuge Qiu to express his opinion, and Cao Cao directly glanced at Cao Chang and refused.

Cao Chang: ......

Left, Cao Cao's mansion, Zhuge Qiu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He was almost pitted by Cao Zhang, and if Cao Cao knew about this, it was estimated that he could say that it would have been half a month.

Sima Yi went to deliver a letter to the Xiongnu, but it had not yet arrived.

However, the holy decree sent by Cao Cao to Zhou Yu before was already sent to Jiangdong.

"Have a holy decree for Zhou Yu?"

After Sun Quan saw the comer, he was also confused.

He himself removed the position of Zhou Yu as the governor of the capital, how could the imperial court still have a holy will.

"Zijing, you go, call Gong Jin to me."

After thinking about it, Sun Quan looked at Lu Su and said.

After all, he was also a little curious and wanted to see what Cao Cao was doing.

The so-called holy decree is naturally what Cao Cao meant.

Zhou Yu was accompanying Xiao Qiao in the mansion when he was called over by Lu Su.

After listening to Lu Su's words, Zhou Yu was also stunned.

"I still have a holy will at this time? "

I don't know this." Lu Su spread his hands and said truthfully.

The person who delivered the decree said that Zhou Yu must be present before he could read it.

"I've seen the Lord."

After Zhou Yu came, he first looked at Sun Quan and said hello.

Although he said that he was removed from the post of governor of Dadu by Sun Quan, Sun Quan was still the lord of Jiangdong anyway.

He was also a subject of Koto.

"Well, take the holy decree."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and nodded.

After Zhou Yu came, soon the man began to read the holy decree.

The content is also very simple, that is, lamenting Zhou Yu's merits, and then the imperial court also loves talent, and summons Zhou Yu into the dynasty as an official.

"Lord Zhou, I'll wait for your reply tomorrow."

The person who delivered the decree was also very knowledgeable, and after speaking, he left directly.

"Gong Jin, I didn't expect it, you have a long-term vision."

After the messenger left, Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and snorted coldly and said.

"Master, this... This is Cao Cao's dissociation scheme, the lord must not believe it, the lord rest assured, I will reject him. As

soon as Zhou Yu heard Sun Quan's words, he quickly spoke.

He knew that this must be Zhuge Qiu's ghost.

If he really goes, then isn't it equivalent to confirming his identity as a fine worker.

"No, you can't refuse."

But at this time, Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and shook his head and said.

"Master, don't you really believe in Gong Jin?"

"Although he is indeed very much like an undercover agent, I believe that Dadu Governor is absolutely unintentional, but his skills are not as good as others."

Lu Su felt that at this time, he still had to say two words for Zhou Yu.

After Zhou Yu heard Lu Su's words, he was even more black.

If this is said, it is better not to say it.

"Gong Jin, in fact, this is your opportunity."

"Since you have such a talent, then you simply put the plan into account and go undercover for us to Cao Thief."

"As long as you can play normally, I believe that we will still have a comeback in Jiangdong."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu's serious opening and said, with a serious and solemn face.

"Master, no, I really don't know how to go undercover."

Zhou Yu felt that if he went to Xuchang, it would definitely be miserable.

Zhuge Qiu, this guy will definitely not make himself feel better.

"Didn't I just say, Gong Jin, you don't have to be afraid of anything, you just need to play normally." Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and comforted.

"And that's also the time to prove your innocence, isn't it?"

"If you are not worried, I will allow your lady to accompany you as well."

Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu and said, obviously, Sun Quan had eaten the scales and asked Zhou Yu to go.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu couldn't say anything more.

And if you go yourself, maybe you will really gain something.

"Yes, Master."

In the end, Zhou Yu agreed.

Lu Su also left the mansion with Zhou Yu.

"Gong Jin, you have to be careful when you go to Xuchang this time." Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu and said with concern.

"Thank you Zijing for your concern."

"No, I'm not saying you have to be careful, but Madame to be careful."

Lu Su quickly corrected and said.


"Could it be Gong Jin, you forgot Cao Thief's hobbies."

Zhou Yu: ......

He had to consider whether he should change his mind to Sun Quan.

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