Zhuge Qiu and Pang Tong hurriedly headed towards Cao Cao's mansion.

Zhou Yu took the initiative to avoid it and did not ask to go, after all, Pang Tong did not say to let him go.

It just so happened that Zhuge Qiu was not there, and he could take a good stroll around Xuchang City, so that he could also inquire about the news he wanted.

Maybe something will be discovered.

"Shouyi, you are here."

As soon as Zhuge Qiu and Pang Tong arrived, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu with a solemn look and greeted.

Zhuge Qiu also saw that in front of Cao Cao's current table, there was a boxy box.

"This was sent by the Huns."

Seeing that Zhuge Qiu also noticed the box, Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and then explained, explaining the origin of this box.

"This won't be Sima Yi's first rank, right?"

Zhuge Qiu saw that it was really the Xiongnu who reacted, and he also frowned.

Although he didn't mean to pit Sima Yi at the beginning, if Sima Yi really died in the hands of the Xiongnu like this, he really felt a little uncomfortable.


After Cao Cao heard Zhuge Qiu's words, he still replied with a solemn face.

"Almost?" Zhuge Qiu was also stunned for a moment, "That is to say, it is not Sima Yi's first level inside." "

The box was quickly opened, and inside lay a big poke.

"This is Sima Yi's hair."

Zhuge Qiu quickly understood.

In ancient times, the body was skinned, and the parents did not dare to destroy it.

So there is a talk of cutting hair for the head.

This point is still very familiar to Cao Cao.

"This is the Xiongnu's response to us, this time it's hair, and next time it's Sima Yi's first rank."

Pang Tong also spoke at this time, and subconsciously touched his head when he said this.

If you go yourself, then what you send over now is your own hair, or even the first level.

"What did the Huns say?"

Zhuge Qiu frowned and asked, he believed that since the Xiongnu did not directly kill Sima Yi.

That is, the Huns definitely have something to say, or rather, conditions.

"They want to see you."

After Cao Cao was silent for a while, he looked at Zhuge Qiu and said.

Apparently, they knew that they had written the letter themselves.

For this, Zhuge Qiu was not surprised.

"They want you to go to the Xiongnu tribe in person, if you don't go, Sima Yi will definitely die by then."

"How did the drawings you gave you before go?"

Zhuge Qiu did not answer directly, but looked at Cao Cao and asked.

"This thing requires a bit of a high demand, even if I gather the best craftsmen, there are still failed weapons, so the number is not much."

Cao Cao said that this was also worried, which was why his face was solemn.

"Then I will go to the Xiongnu as a tour."

Zhuge Qiu did not have any hesitation after listening to Cao Cao's words, and immediately spoke.

He also understood the difficulties that Cao Cao said, after all, the things he designed were from the Han dynasty, and naturally there would be certain technical limitations.

"But... Wouldn't it be dangerous for you to go like this, sir. Although

Pang Tong did not understand what dumb puzzle Cao Cao and Zhuge Qiu were playing, he knew very well that things were not good yet.

One of the purposes of Zhuge Qiu's visit to the Xiongnu was to delay time.

"Have you decided?" Cao Cao looked at Zhuge Qiu and confirmed again.

In his heart, he actually didn't want Zhuge Qiu to go, for fear of accidents.

But he understood what Zhuge Qiu meant, and he also believed that he would not do anything that he was not sure of.

"Hmm." Zhuge Qiu nodded, after all, he was also responsible for this matter.

And since it is necessary to fight the Huns, it is necessary to fight thoroughly and delay for some time, and when the time comes, the soldiers can die less in battle.


"Good." Cao Cao still believed Zhuge Qiu and nodded.

"Shiyuan, weren't you also worried about Shouyi just now, so go with Shouyi."

Then Cao Cao looked at Pang Tong again and said seriously.

Pang Tong knew that it was impossible to refuse.

Unexpectedly, I still can't do without this trip after all.

After leaving Cao Cao's mansion, Zhuge Qiu told Zhao Yun about the matter.

"Zilong is willing to accompany Mr. there."

Zhao Yun also didn't say a word, and looked at Zhuge Qiu without any hesitation.

"Hmm." Zhuge Qiu nodded, he was still not surprised by Zhao Yun's reaction.

"Get ready, and leave in two days."

The two days are fast, and it is still very simple for Zhuge Qiu to have a storage ring, and it is still very simple to bring things to eat and wear.

It's just that in order not to make people suspicious, I still took some of it out and packed it together and put it in the carriage.

Leaving Xu Chang, Zhuge Qiu and his party went directly north.

Although it is said that it is quite far to go to the Xiongnu tribe, the more far north you go, the worse the climate becomes.

However, these are not a problem for Zhuge Qiu.

"This... Sir, do you have such a burden?

While drinking wine to keep warm, Pang Tong couldn't bear it anymore, and after taking a sip, he quickly asked.

"Drink it quickly."

Zhuge Qiu snorted and did not directly answer Pang Tong.

Pang Tong saw that Zhuge Qiu was unwilling to say, so he didn't ask again.

Anyway, no matter what, I don't suffer a loss.

"Sir, you said that we will go like this, how will they deal with us."

Then Pang Tong turned his head again, looked at Zhuge Qiu and asked.

"Leave it alone." Zhuge Qiu still replied simply.

A month passed like this, and it was even colder outside the country at this time.

Zhuge Qiu and they are finally about to reach the Xiongnu tribe of the Southern Xiongnu.

"Who are you?" The patrolling Xiongnu pawns immediately asked after discovering Zhuge Qiu.

"Come at the appointment, go and tell Hu Chuquan, and say that the person who wrote to him has arrived."

Zhuge Qiu glanced at the Hun and said.

"You... You are the rude disrespectful of the Great Han Dynasty?

After listening to Zhuge Qiu's words, the man's face also changed.

"Go and tell Shan Yu."

Soon he looked at the soldier beside him and spoke.

Obviously, this time the matter has already spread among their Xiongnu.

So Zhuge Qiu could clearly feel their hostility towards themselves.

This is also normal, although the Southern Xiongnu often surrender and rebel, but for them there is no sense of identification with the Great Han.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be looking for things over and over again.

Soon Zhuge Qiu and they were taken away.

"You are Zhuge Qiu, but you have some guts, and you really dare to come and send you to death."

Soon they met the Xiongnu Shan Yu Huchuquan.

Beside him was also a young man, dressed slightly differently, wearing Han clothes.

"This is my son." Seeing Zhuge Qiu, they looked at the man and replied, "Say how do you want to die?"

"Your son?"

"Dare to ask, why is Ling Lang's pectoralis muscles so pompous?"

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